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Everything posted by fanman

  1. Do you think, for example, a 22 year old woman would rather play wii sports, or yet another game on ps3 where you run around blasting people in super high quality? Most of the "mass market" you talk about don't even know what blu ray is, let alone have reason to buy one. By the time blu ray is actually worth it, there will be blu ray player cheaper than the ps3.
  2. That's why the wii has already captured a ridiculous amount of non gamers, and will continue to do so throughout it's lifespan. My grandparents have already played each other on the wii and enjoyed it very much, and I highly doubt that they would ever play each other on a playstation 3.
  3. Played through the first two worlds. I dunno why they decided to change so much, but it's still pretty fun.
  4. Very cool, though I think I'll stick with my guitar.
  5. Bored. iewgoieqwfefwefewfew
  6. I highly doubt that. While the ps3 may be better value for money overall, it isn't as attractive to the mass market in terms of hardware or software as the wii. The price will remain much higher than the wii's, which although it maybe good value, not everybody wants all the stuff the ps3 can do, and nobody wants to be set back that much money.
  7. I'm sure they would've done it this time, only they've made a huge issue of why they haven't.
  8. Fuck, those are amazing. Are you allowed to post that?
  9. You have a really mature sound. How long have you been togethor? My bands link is in my sig. We recorded our first demo a couple of weeks ago and it's sounding really good.
  10. Hooray! Finally found the time to complete this game. Ending was awesome, though I still prefer the windwakers. The last boss was absolutely stunning.
  11. Wario Ware Smooth Moves Wario W... in fact, and wario ware game.
  12. Mario Tennis on n64 was an awesome game though. Mario Party is the true villain.
  13. I think there's a demo of loco roco on the sony website you can download for free. That's worth trying before you spend however much on it.
  14. Happy birthday!
  15. When I first played it, it took me a while to understand that you have to knock the oponent out of the arena rather than take away all his hp.
  16. I preordered excitetruck over a month ago for less than £30.
  17. That hardly affects the game at all.
  18. The old one was the one with just a wii controller zoomed in really close.
  19. They didn't change the sounds.
  20. I think it's pretty cool. Why doesn't it get changed on the forum to?
  21. True, although I'm sure things will improve.
  22. The last filler was actually quite good, and the preview for shippuden has made me really excited. I haven't read ahead in the manga at all, except for the kakashi gaiden which I read quite recently.
  23. http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=12472 Too late.
  24. There's excitetruck and kororinpa out this month too. The wii obviously hasn't reached it's full potential in terms of software yet, but it is certainly as good as the ps3's.
  25. He has a point. A lot of people would just buy one, whereas they'd get both if they were released apart. That's why thet release them slowly in the first place.
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