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Everything posted by fanman

  1. Except now it's a crappy 3rd person adventure where you're on a mission to kill a pig who can talk with a stupid, annoying little freak starring about 3 minutes in it.
  2. I did the same with naruto (except I only read up to where the anime got to).
  3. New games available through the shop channel are definatley coming in the future. I think that was reconfirmed quite recently.
  4. Another generation like the gamecube would have put them in serious trouble.
  5. Woah... they are slow... but they do a good job. Because you already know the story... but I like to watch them in motion, with sound and in colour etc.
  6. I've seen this before. There are waaaaaaaaaaaay more than that.
  7. If you tell someone about the site and they come here, you have refered them to here. When you register, you put down the person who refered you to here if you were refered, and they get a referal point type thing.
  8. Move the sensor forward to the front of the tv, or if your tv is high up, put the sensor bar at the bottom. Mine functions properly.
  9. The pointer function works very well, you just haven't positioned it right.
  10. Some people prefer watching the anime, and like the element of surprise at certain plot twists.
  11. You need to see some more of his posts. They are literally, "wii sucks and everybody hates it" without any form of evidence or reason.
  12. I'm the same... The only games I complete are the ones that everybody completes. I did complete all story missions in gta III without cheats though. That's one that I don't hear too often.
  13. Yeah, but an official nintendo one that fits in the usb drive at the back. Something similar to the hd dvd drive on the 360 (not 100% sure how that works, but you get the point). They could make an update on the wii, so it would only recognise a wii console instead of pcs to solve the security issue. It would obviously just be an expansion to the internal memory, instead of having lots of sd cards. Just a though.
  14. Maybe they'll have the option for an external usb one in the future...
  15. How are you supposed to expand the market then? They're a business. Money is their priority. If they keep things the same, the market will probably stagnate and die.
  16. They did make an effort, but it sucked. The reason they stuck with that design is because it is well recognised by the casual gamer, not because it's good.
  17. And you can do that with the wii mote/nun chuck. Everybody's happy.
  18. That, or Coma.
  19. Having competitors makes them try harder to innovate and improve.
  20. Most of Little Britain isn't even funny. I think family guy is a contender, but for british comedy... only fools and horses?
  21. You have a rather strange sense of humour.
  22. ZeldaFreak doesn't like nintendo, so nobody else on earth can. I think nintendo are gonna have to close down.
  23. All the characters in starfox suck, so that's acceptable, but Zelda was supposed to have standards.
  24. Ill I always get ill in the holidays
  25. I personally think the ps3 looks quite good. Although it may not have an awful lot of games to suit my tastes, it still does look pretty fun. The only thing is that I can't see it supporting everybodies needs. The wii will sell the most out of this generation.
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