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Everything posted by fanman

  1. That's true actually. I enjoyed a need for speed game for the first time ever on wii. The game itself still sucks but the control is so very, very awesome.
  2. I can't see why it would be left out. I might get an sd card for it, it seems like a cool feature.
  3. Is the volume on the youtube player turned up? (Sorry if that sounds obvious )
  4. That may be value for money, but I don't want all that stuff. I want a PS3 for MGS4, and that's basically it. I really wouldn't use a blu ray player or 60gb of memory. The 360 lets you pick and choose, so is easier and more attractive to a wider market
  5. I prefer mario. It's far easier to play and the gameplay is perfect on basically every game. Although I'd prefer to do zelda.
  6. He needs them anyway.
  7. It's "TBA 2007" at the moment, so it probably will.
  8. There really isn't that many "triple A" titles though. I can only think of GTA LCS and VCS, then portable ops when it comes out.
  9. Really? I never got anywhere in it anyway, far too hard for me.
  10. That just sounds stupid to me... maybe they just clone him again or something... I can't see them having a zombie.
  11. He died in the first metal gear.
  12. The ds has tonnes of awesome games: certainly more than the psp. I have 7 psp games, all but 2 of which were impulse buys, whereas I have about 20 on ds that I've completed or played to death.
  13. And the latest arc for a reintroduction into the series, although it still sucks.
  14. I like tennis the best, although I don't play wii sports much anymore.
  15. That's so cool, but what a useless talent...
  16. I don't doubt that. I can't wait untill it comes out over here.
  17. Family guy is far funnier than the simpsons. I don't know what has happened to the simpsons though, it used to be awesome, but the new episodes suck so bad. I find myself launghing so hard at family guy, whereas in the simpsons it would be a "heh" every now and then.
  18. Have you played the it? I completed it and it's not great. It's totally different to the proper MGS. I was talking about ac!d anyway.
  19. Oh yeah, and that's gonna work. The ps3 too expensive as it is, let alone with a PSP on top. I doubt they're gonna sell out all, what, 300,000 consoles on launch anyway.
  20. You won't get anything for anything.
  21. Super Metroid and Super Mario Kart. Awesome games.
  22. 1) Metal Gear Solid 4 (although I probably won't get the chance to play it in 2007) 2) Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops 3) Super Mario Galaxy 4) Pokémon Diamond/Pearl 5) Metroid Prime 3 6) Zelda: Phantom Hourglass 7) GTA 4 Can't think of many besides that, but I'll definatley get all of those (when I can).
  23. Bah... I don't really remember it that well anyway.
  24. Not to mention that they suck ass.
  25. It's in japanese, which means it most probably won't be released over here, at least not for a long while. I can PM you a link to download it if you want.
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