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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. well that's ballymena left with supermarkets to buy music & games from....
  2. Split my knuckle with my IRON GRIP.
  3. I also bought n00 shoes, a pair of black converse allstars for my weight training
  4. ARGH!!!!! WouldDateYouIfYouWereSkinny has joined my gym!!! He better NOT come near me or he'll end up with a HEAVY weight dropped on him. After ignoring me / not bothering to make even friendly contact in months, he has the downright cheek to be all smiles and waves in MY TERRITORY. >_< I think my PT was a bit like ??? as I was all full of smiles and waves, then I imagine my face turned to thunder when he left! Oh well gave me the motivation to have an ass kicking workout!
  5. I officially have biceps. All of my blood sweat and tears (quite literally) is paying off. I'm stronger than MOST of the men in my gym.
  6. I deadlifted 70kg today, easily. (x3 reps) I are woman, hear me roar ;D My pt also admired my amazing speed not only getting the bar up, but between reps. Then I showed him my guns
  7. I do a lot of log/vipr cleans (vertical grip rather than the horizontal of a barbell) and I've recently started close grip reverse pull downs (bicep pull downs) on the lat machine Got to a point where I wasn't really able to get any higher in weight with the logs (already got to the 20kg vipr log WITH a 10kg in it) so I started on the pulldown machine. I detest bicep curls with a passion, they just feel so bluudy booooring.
  8. I have a TIIIIIINNNNY bicep. Happy!
  9. I are kicking ass and taking names todays routine: Essential stretching to warm up kb swing - 16kg 10 reps x 2 Clean and press - 20kg x 10 / 25 x 8 / 30 x 5 / 35 x 4 / 40 x 5 OHP - 20kg x 5 / 25 x 4 / 30 x 2 (did these at the end of each c&p set, a bit of extra work on my press as its my weak bit) DEADLEEEEEFT - 50kg x 10 / 55kg x 8 / 60kg x 5 wouldve tried 70kg BUT I actually only have 60kg worth of weights at home, lol
  10. I found at the beginning it could last even as long as 3-4 days. They will kill for a while but if you keep at it (and get a good protein source post workout) it will get loads better. But you'll always have an element of DOMS after a workout or you aren't doing it right!
  11. Damn right, get out there and TAKE LIFE BY THE BALLS. (i sound way cooler than you old man ) Also: migraine pls go away
  12. mmmm roids. I've got a ballsed up knee injury that i'm having to spend lots of time rehabbing. Gots me some Patellar Tendonitis. Went to t'physio last night and she stuck a load of needles in my legs, and ultrasounded my quad muscle (which was oddly pleasant) and ive been given shitloads of exercises to do and certain things to avoid (like heavy weighted skwats boohoo) She said its not evolved into any kind of meniscus damage yet, so should be rehabbable (lol) I'm so relieved. I want to be able to skwat! I've been taking exercise REALLY easy for the past few days, so hopefully i'll be able to get into it again a bit harder sooon. Lifted a 4kg kettlebell (as a reference I usually train with 24kg/20kg) and i nearly threw it into the ceiling... harhar icanhaspowerrr
  13. ON 100% whey is quality stuff. Don't buy cheap and buy safe flavours, like chocolate or strawberry I bought some cheap cookies and cream stuff thinking WOWWWW cookies and cream, and it tastes like MUD.
  14. overhead squats are hell. p.s dirty dirty bulk ftw. DEM SUGAR GAINNNNNZ.
  15. a..pie? 1010
  16. I'm sorry to have to say this but you KNOW that usa won't work out. I mean things may not work with this other girl but I do think you need to be honest with usa and tell her you're not being exclusive. I also think you should go for local girl, why not!
  17. No PR's today, but a lot of learning. I'm really getting to know the proper form on squats, taking it easy and just doing as many as I can without it hurting. Also have a stepper under me to get full ROM without having the worry of falling over and injuring myself. Also improving my clean and press technique. Takes a lorra lorra /cillablack lower body attack, more than you'd think. Especially when using a oly bar. it rotates so it kinda negates the twisting momentum of the hands. I feel like although I have not upped numbers, reps or weights, I feel more confident in my form, and more comfortable with the weights I am using. Next week he's hopefully getting me to up my snatch to 20kg whilst using the olympic bar. Scary scary biscuits. The weight I was using was a shorter fixed size barbell, I could really do myself and some unsuspecting dumbass that comes too close some real damage...
  18. Sounds like a damn good idea to me
  19. Anyone got a left knee going spare? Looks like I'm gonna need surgery... bumcakes
  20. Would be an idea to buy something like a kettlebell maybe, as its got SO many uses. And relatively affordable. bodyweight will only get so far, oh and weights won't bulk you out, just saying. I've been lifting as HEAVY as possible, going as hard as I can for 4 months and I still haven't got that much definition.
  21. Creepy foreign guy asked me if i was ok in the gym last night... Yeah I'm kinda in the middle of swinging a 20kg kettlebell in your face so kindly moooove =)
  22. I can't do static squats at all, got a meniscus tear. Can get into the squat position but it feels like I'm ripping my knee and all its tendons off my leg when I try to get up. Yet I can do the squat part of the snatch with no problems at all! Going to a physio on monday to see if there's anything that can be done to fix it, although I'm thinking its likely to be a relatively permanent thing In other news, I'm kicking ass and taking names in everything asides squats... lol I'm doing a lot of triceps work at the moment as it seems to be my current weakness. In the barbell clean and press I'm getting to the point of the press where my triceps need to activate, and I'm struggling with the 35kg/40kg. So I've been doing lots of tricep xtns and dips (ew worst exercise ever) to improve it. I've also been working on my glutes to help fire it up in both the C&p and the snatch i've been working on. Yoga class last night was good. I seem to be great on flexibility but weak in strength.. I can do the stretchy things with ease, but if I have to hold my body in an awkward shape or position I find it really difficult. I can get my elbows to the floor in a wide leg forward bend, but I can't hold a downward facing dog for more than a minute... lol
  23. Yes you do @martinist
  24. OK yes you got it out of her and maybe she understands that instead of being huffy it may be better to actually communicate.. We're all human and we should be allowed a mistake, just as you were "allowed" your mistakes (not that I get them but ok, different point of view etc) Hopefully its just a case of nerves clashing with confusion and everything will work out
  25. it was coming up with no results for my blue hair also i don't really think I look like any of these wimmen
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