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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Fkin rotten My skin hurts and runs extremely hot when its active and inflammed. Broken skin and a broken immune system - the two things that need to WORK to make your body regulate its temperature. I had a cold shower at 5pm, and i was hot again within 10 minutes. Ireland NEVER should be 30c ffs lol
  2. For fucks sake, i honestly couldnt believe it when i heard. I wish they wouldnt have said anything about masks potentially being done away with because there are going to be idiots now that think its ok for them to do it. It's not even completely about masks, its more about the general attitude. Once people stop wearing masks theyre also gonna drop every other precaution they've been doing. I have a really severe breathing condition, and its a royal pain in the ass for me to wear masks. But to be honest i don't see ANY future where i won't wear a mask in a very confined, crowded space. Especially since said condition was triggered by a virus
  3. I am fairly sure that they are operating the same over the entire uk (i'm NI) but any of the bigger clinical NHS settings will have been financed for the superfreezers for the pfizer vaccine. GP and pharmacy will hold the others. Take your card with you because theyll ask for it but 99% sure you'll be fine.
  4. I love thunderstorms! They do happen in Ireland, just not very often, usually after a big bout of heat. And the relief from the air pressure is so nice too. I will often sit out and experience them if i can find a sheltered spot somewhere. Just puts me in the best mood
  5. I completely agree with you @Dog-amoto and, truly, honestly, i don't know that Labour would have done *that* much better either. I have to give them props for the vaccine rollout tho. Even the useless Northern Ireland government didnt screw up!
  6. EeeeEEEeeeekkk am crossing my fingers for you, by gawd you need some positive shit thrown your way x
  7. Northern ireland also delaying any further openings for a while too. Think its wise, if it has to be longer NOW to prevent further lockdown later that is sensible.
  8. that is a lot. My heart goes out to you, and i understand. I am just the same. It is very very frustrating when the goalposts are moved. And while covid is not the NHS' fault, it certainly has made what was already fairly lacking communication even worse. The fact that you had been led to believe xyz was happening then they backtrack you to abc is unbelievable honestly. I got fucked about recently with ENT private v nhs as well. been in the system most of my life with so many things they have ignored. This current issue is nearly 3 years in the making, and I'm pretty sure i may have even been misdiagnosed from as early as my early teens (now almost 35). I am also in a position where im in a significant amount of pain, but i actually can't take painkillers because everything tries to end my respiratory function... which is kinda vital? lol and you know its like, eating paracetamol like they're smarties for what ? next to no relief and probably liver failure in your 60s? cheers lads. Advocate for yourself love, for real. be a big mf bitch if you need to. 1000% behind you on that. Sometimes you have to put them under pressure. Tell them you wont leave until you at least are given a pain management plan. Tell them how much its affecting every single waking moment of your life. Because it QUITE CLEARLY is. P.S,
  9. Someone is lookin out for me somewhere. Not sure if it was the breakdown i had on the phone with GP, or my nurse specialist being an absolute fucking champ (likely the latter) but my neuro consult has been red flagged somehow, and i have an appt for next month. I can't rationalise it other than that because neuro is as bad as rhem and im still waiting in a 3.5 year list for them (but only routine). I had a rude colleague tell me, last week, that ill be "waiting forever since ive been on that list for years", i'm just dying to go in and slap her round the face with my appointment letter. Her self importance can GTF (for context this is also the person who mocked my illness/reduced duties so, no sympathy deserved for her)
  10. stalkin yer profile :laughing:

    1. darksnowman


      Vote raining_again

    2. Raining_again


      I'm town, i swear!! it's a conspiracy!

      Vote: darksnowman

  11. i got it on a post it note on my monitor LOL (i joke its just an easy one i can remember and never change)
  12. I can't even imagine what you and all of his loved ones are going through, so terribly sad. Puts a lot of things into perspective. Hopefully we are out of the worst of this, any spikes of covid we do get *should* be minimised thanks to the work of so many of the NHS and people that have stayed at home, but we've got a bloody long road of recovery ahead. I really hope the government see sense and put money where its needed to help the recovery efforts. A lot of non covid related chronically ill people need help right now.
  13. I can tell you if you've gone to a large vaccine centre (i know ours are being hosted in leisure centres/big arenas) you're more than likely going to get pfizer because the bigger places have the superfreezers. Places like your GPs surgery and pharmacies will have the others due to them only being required to be in a fridge.
  14. we arent computers, we just aren't built to remember dozens of unique fuckin passwords that have to change on a fairly regular basis especially if you work in a place where you have multiple types of servers, databases etc to log on to, all of which have different requirements and change on different frequencies. I have a password protected excel spreadsheet where I hold all my passwords, it is the safest middle ground i could come to. Passwords give me an absolute headache lol
  15. ooohhh yikes.... i can cope with almost anything medical but i hate eye things. Eye ulcers are awful, i hope you feel better soon
  16. I knew you would completely understand and thats just fuckin sad like, what other choice do we have lol. You deal with it or you throw yourself off a bridge, thats about the only fuckin options you got. Kickin off a stink gets you known as a hypochondriac and dismissed even more, especially when you're under the age of 40. The next person that says "you're too young" might get my "young" fist in their mouth lol. The fact you have a supportive and understanding partner is wonderful though
  17. are you sure you didnt go to the hairdresser by mistake -- I went to what i assumed was a routine appt with nurse specialist today. she is *not* happy. she noted considerable decline in speech and mobility. my medications are being withdrawn until i see a neurology consultant. So not only do i have considerable muscle fatigue (which i personally dont think will resolve withdrawing meds) but the remission of my psoriasis and arthritis is now pretty much over. I've sat all day with a knot of anxiety in my chest, and its not like me to be a really anxious person. oh yeah and not forgetting the fact i can go into a spontaneous respiratory crisis at any moment. Its a fun time. I got told off for not complaining "you're the kind of patient we worry about the most because you just dont complain at all" Prob a few of you peeps here will understand me (@nightwolf special shoutout lol) that when you're chronically ill you just get so damn used to living with whatever it is. The normies, especially medical people, expect you to be miserable 24/7 but the fact is yes i have shit days, but a lot of the time i just want to enjoy my day despite everything going on.
  18. happs w the slam down of some common sense daaaim boiii Sorry i do agree, it doesnt seem to be complex at all. Consider yourself lucky that you are able to go out and meet people at all, not all of us have that privilege
  19. this this this this if i had found weightlifting as a teen i would have been a fuckin powerhouse. everything we did relied on depth perception which i dont have lol. The only class I failed year after year. F - tries hard lol
  20. you people need to post more i need people to live vicariously through! i miss weight training SO BAD and its looking more and more likely that ill never be able to train, at least not in a competitive manner anymore. What a farce.
  21. i woke up this morning with a frozen shoulder, have barely got the strength to hold the weight of my arm up. rang gp and basically had a complete and utter meltdown on the phone at him finally had that moment where i needed to bring up my concerns regarding my symptoms and that i would like myasthenia gravis considered and at least ruled out (it has very specific symptoms all of which i have). I was already referred to neuro anyway, doctor listened and didnt dismiss me but it isnt something they can test and has to be done by neuro. hes going to see if the referral can be seen more urgently. I'm also considering going privately as well but ill have to see if i can shuffle some money around maybe. I've really been having a run of bad days, my shoulder has been getting progressively worse, my breathing and voice are shot and i just feel miserable and fucking unable to do anything at the moment and it sucks big time I'm also very aware of how i nearly fuckin ended up in icu with a breathing crisis, and i dont particularly want that to happen again, especially while services are so strained in icu.
  22. QFT. I think as well. realistically, you're never gonna fulfill every single "category" in life. Its not physically possible unless you are EXTREMELY lucky. Not enough hours in the day to spin that many plates lol Maybe your job is mediocre (or not what you saw yourself doing) but it affords you time and a stress free time to be a parent. Maybe you spent your time building your career and have yet to meet The One or have a family... Every good thing in your life isnt erased by the fact there is one thing you arent 100% happy with.
  23. Once the honeymoon of "I HAVE A HOUSE ITS ALL MINE" thing fades this is definitely so so true. My house hasnt even been that stressful in terms of it needing repairs either. You realise that yes you can do whatever you desire to the house, but it all costs money LOL. No landlord to annoy if your toilet floods or the electrics have failed XD All the money you save in the difference between a mortgage and rent now becomes your "if something goes wrong in the house" fund.
  24. Aww @Ashley thats very kind of you to say In a weird sense I feel like sometimes its a blessing to have had to deal with "problems" at a young age. For all the bad things its certainly given me a lot of wisdom & confidence to deal with problems now and in the future. I know people that don't go to the doctor EVER, have seen patients in work that havent even been registered with GPs suddenly ending up with a stroke or serious medical issue in their 40s/50s/60s very suddenly and the idea of that terrifies me more than the way my life is
  25. personal experience - you never truly feel like you are at the right milestones or have "done enough", you really have to deconstruct why those expectations are in your head, are they there because you truly want them or society/other people have placed this impression that you must. Then you have to focus on what you can realistically do from now and going forward. Sometimes therapy/mindfulness can be a worthwhile avenue to look into. My life is definitely held in suspension right now. My health is terrible. My job situation is messy. My love life is no better (in reality most men do not want to take on someone with disabilities especially when they can't have kids) I will never life a normal life and i've had to accept that. Even most recently i was nerding out on keyboard shopping and got frustrated because mechanical keyboards are very in fashion right now and i want one, but my hands and wrists are too damaged to deal with a clicky keyboard... very much a dumb "why me" moment but we are all human and its ok to be frustrated when you get handed an unfair deal in life.
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