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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. So it has a big metal heatsink on it? I wouldn't have thought 75 degrees to be THAT hot (maybe a bit worrying, but then it IS under strain and fanless) Be a good idea to either - change the heatsink on the card to a fan or change the cooling solution. If its sitting in a stalemate area, where not a lot of movement is happening airwise, it may be worth getting a fan in there. 75 is certainly an improvement from 100 anyway!
  2. 3360 x 1050 - dual screen computer 1440 x 900 - Inspiron 1720 800 x 600 - nc10
  3. That's a pretty substantial meal mister! Maybe you'll get a bit of weight on you yet! =P
  4. aw thanks ine! =) flinkeh better be giving you some tlc instead!! =P
  5. Spamming the thanks, but you guys all deserve it for making me laugh/not feeling so bad. I had a really bad day yesterday, went to bed early (get plenty of sleep - good ne?) but I ended up mulling it over in my head, and getting upset. Would have been better staying up and distracting myself I think. I don't understand this; the instructor takes you for test, you park up (last practice on the reversing! eep!) then they make you drive out and turn into position. That NEVER happens in real life. You drive straight then reverse!! Why on earth would I want to park then drive out and park again. Retarded. I'd rather he tested that last, as I park to finish the test.... makes more sense?
  6. Exactly, they are letting these useless twats on the tv, and they think, hey maybe I am actually awesome. Then everyone laughs. Quite sad really because some of them think they have genuine talent.
  7. I shoulda have confirmed it but it was like ARGHNOTIMEZ! >__> Irony is I couldn't have had a better pretest lesson. I think I'm never going to reverse into a space ever again (when I pass) just on principal. I'm so silly. I got sooo fucking upset, I think I cried for hours, haha. Think I needed to get it out and i've been horrendously stressed for a while. So I feel loads better. Hopefully I'll be okay on my next one. Gotta get some diazipam in me for then.... EDIT: and my lovely mum took me out for a fry to cheer me up :3
  8. Black glass and clear glass will be equally disgusting if they aren't cleaned. Where black shows fingerprints, clear shows everything except fingerprints *suggests tablecloth* The black would probably be less annoying I reckon..
  9. I wish I had read this before I did my test haha. 4 serious faults =( I cried my eyes out as he explained why I'd failed. And for about an hour after that. What a wuss. Basically.. When I had been doing reversing into a space I had been driving straight into starting point. Not have much experience in driving out of the space then reversing back in (which I had to do in the test) so I drove out completely fucked up, and ended up trying to straighten myself (which is the first serious) got the parking okay. then everything went downhill. Did an emergency stop and skidded >_< apparently that wasn't a problem but i took my hands off the wheel before i stopped (+1 serious again) then later on he wanted me to turn right (and in my opinion he told me too early) i saw the right markings on the road nearly pass me by and thought "ah shit!!" and braked hard. but it was the next fucking right he wanted me to go >_________________< so that was my third. Then I clipped the kerb when i eventually got into that right turn. +1 Fail fail fail fail. literally. But he did say I was a good driver apart from those silly mistakes and panicing. And I answered the bloody questions word perfectly too. BAH!!!
  10. i actually find bulging muscles a BIG turn off. They don't look very muscley in those photos. You definitely could have picked worse photos of those girls (like out on the court)
  11. Piercing retainers!!! -- Oh man i've got my freaking driving test tomorrow, aaaaaahhhhh!!! I feel mega stressed.. having an argument with someone has really not helped... I can feel my blood pressure is sky high again (dizzyness!) i'm just waiting for the migraine to appear.. urgghhh so gonna fail. =(
  12. uhhh breasts are made of fat... champion runners don't generally have a lot of fat... Plus that pic of the venus girls is hawt - you could find pics that are a whole lot less flattering. (but they are still gorgeous)
  13. Do you have to wear a retainer...? Well that's a bit shit. I don't think anyone has noticed my lip piercing (despite the stud is black) because i came into work with a lip ring in and they asked me if I had just got it done. Doh.
  14. With 3x the amount of testosterone in her body than a normal woman? Hell, she'll be lightning fast... Wonder if she'll be disqualified on the basis of that - may just be a condition/genetic deformity that she has..
  15. *cough* (10char)
  16. ooooooh you got it in the end!! What's the verdict?
  17. I'm the blue and white flying 'mon, and i didnt target ine..
  19. So apparently she's got 3x the level of testosterone in a normal female body.. Controversial...
  20. who needs beaches when you have cadbury world! =P
  21. Winner - a chemist doesn't normally have drunken twats as customers, just hungover ones! Less troublesome haha
  22. seriously you only have 3 hours until AFTER christmas... God that is serious fail dude... Thats not even a half day =P I sympathise with the whole contract thing, they completely bitch us about that in our trust too... not just with leave, with any fucking oppurtunity!! *hug* I'd give you a couple of days if i could - haha :P
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