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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I helped my mum clean her car - which i'll be buying off her soon ^__^; Although the driver window has decided to not work - probably gonna cost £200 for a replacement part alone. Gah. >_< It is 7 years old and this is the first non-accident repair. So I suppose its all good!
  2. je voudrais un café au lait! ou est le stade? tournez au droit!! we used to sit repeating the same old shit over and over and it meant nothing to us in school..
  3. Shame on your roady, I was waiting for you to own this thread =P your monitor setup was too awesome for words!
  4. Don't worry cbears, I think most people are like that. Even when you are fluent in a language and don't use it you still get rusty!
  5. Gotta say pretty much the same for me, except I didn't fail any language courses cause I didn't take them at all Lucky I can converse in this language! My English teacher (MBAMs mum! ) wasn't best fond of my failure!
  6. Obviously its not all clicking in your head, and you seem to be talking yourself out of it. Maybe you know what you want more than you think
  7. well its plural - worst drunks - as in collectively. I would agree. Not many young girls in my area that DON'T drink. Shocking. I like a nice wee drink, but more for the fact I like some alcohol (some ciders, malibu, fizzy wine :3) and I probably have never been properly drunk, at the ripe age of 23
  8. Oh yeah I've seen both one and two, it just seems the animators are confused themselves.. the filler is always going to be a waste of time, but at least it has some nice action thrown in, and hollow ichigo, cant go wrong
  9. Any friend of sheeiker gets the thumbs up from me! Welcome! =)
  10. buy a decent mouse and stop eating food at your computer! =P
  11. This is fair - and my point is that they are looking after both the employee and the companies best interest, making sure no-one gets hurt. But the point is you could say that about anyone without knowing their personal circumstance. Many have done it about me. For me its getting to the point where I'm gonna have to consider something drastic. I've been a serial dieter for years... I get a bit bipolar at times. On a high I'm an extremely good dieter, and on a low the amount I consume is scary. Its the only part of the "illness" that I have no control over.
  12. The only thing that's evil is us! Its like a worker blaming their tools. Everything can be used for good, as well as bad. /thread
  13. referencing the bold bit; its never gonna be fun to lose weight, its hard. Something smaller people will never understand. Well done on doing so well Goafer. ^^; Exercise is incredibly difficult for me. I can't do a lot of things that people take for granted.. My meds have a few side effects in relation to this, like low blood sugars. Which means I have to eat something sweet or I get ill. (i'm not a diabetic and have had no problems previous to this) My doctor said it would be a struggle for me to lose weight. And people have the fucking cheek to tell me I'm a lardy arse/fat/lazy/greedy, without knowing that? They should think before they throw stones. None of my medical problems are caused by my weight. its a bit of a rant and a bit off-tangent, but I needed a rant EDIT; I agree with shino - every single woman in my mums side of my family has had weight problems. I've been overweight since I was born. My sister (bitch) seems to have gotten the genetics from my fathers side =P
  14. I've not been far off 20 stone. For the ones saying oh its easy blah blah blah - shut up. Its twice as hard working a long day when you are fat. You are carrying twice the weight of some normal people, so NO its not easy to go to the gym. Yes its certainly a matter of eating less... But how can you comment on a fat person life when you don't know what issues they have to deal with? Losing a stone and losing 6+ stone is certainly NOT comparable, whatsoever. I mean the NHS helps alcoholics, druggies, SMOKERS, so why not fat people. Its an addiction as much as any of those are. I'm probably one of those people who drain the hell out of the NHS. Its not fucking easy to lose weight in my situation. Some days it is a struggle to even drag myself out of bed. I have been incredibly depressed in the past and food was my only comfort. I'm paying a huge price now. Its not just as easy as "stop eating" and saying something like that is incredibly patronising.
  15. O___o You aren't anywhere near 20 stone to know?
  16. It sure as hell is h&s, big companies HAVE to be very active in health and safety. Especially these days with the "sue culture" we have so nicely developed.. I would take "allegedly" with a pinch of salt to be honest.
  17. Ah god. chillblains are so bad I get them a lot in the cold, that's so so so much worse than any itching. eczema AND psoriasis?? And here's me complaining. Mega fails on the whole losing the hearing aid thing. Must be a nusiance! Suppose hearing is something most of us take for granted! =( *mega hugsies* Hope things pick up for you dude!
  18. I think maybe its more of a health and safety issue. If they aren't reminded about the weight thing, someone will eventually break a seat and injure themselves/crash the bus. That's just a lawsuit waiting to happen. I do sympathise with them, I'm sure its not easy finding the motivation.. But its for the good of their health as well as the good of their employment and safety.
  19. my skin itches so much I can't actually feel the "pain" of it bleeding. I've seen blood drops on the floor and only then noticed blood pouring down my arm/leg many times in the past. I used to have to bandage my arms to stop me from tearing my skin apart... Thought I was over this crap. Seriously annoyed.
  20. I dunno whether they would give me it if I was ill (because of my medical history) and even then I don't think it will give you guaranteed immunity.. Especially if the virus mutates. I'm just going for it because i'm high risk and all that shiz. Get it and hope for the best kinda thing. I might as well seen as i'll be one of the first in the queue. --- Grumble grumble grumble - I have a really itchy arm, and without realising i've scratched it and I'm bleeding. Nice. And its still fucking itchy RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWRR. :sad: i thought i escaped this now that my skin is in remission - looks like its coming back with a vengeance. And when I go to the skin doctor she's gonna put me back on chemo meds again like she said she would when it reappears. ;___;
  21. My dumb sister has a bad cold, and now she's gonna give it to me. Boo. I've gotta get a swine flu jab. Don't wanna be illll for it. Dammit.
  22. mememememmmmeeee! please!
  23. Don't make me shout at you mister. Get to the doctor!!!
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