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Gaijin von Snikbah

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Everything posted by Gaijin von Snikbah

  1. I wasnt thinking of humor, but the fun that is puzzles, exploration, and challenging enemies. Maybe what they did to Metroid Prime Hunters is whats gonna happen to the Revolution version.
  2. If the white looks good, Ill go for it. If not then silver or black.
  3. Seems very likely to me. This is the chance for Nintendo to show they can make a good FPS game, with an epic story and funny gameplay. And with the Revolution controller, they have the best way to play an FPS on a console. Looking around, aiming and shooting, is so much easier with the Revolution controller. You will feel more in control! Also the demo from TGS would suggest this, along with Iwata saying: "Whe have big plans for Metroid!". Calling it a FPS might be wrong. First Person Adventure sounds more like it. But with the FPS tag, more people may become interested in it.
  4. volts isnt the same as watts. volts is the strength of the electricity, while watts is the amount. did you check for overheating?
  5. I hear the winds of change...
  6. It is kinda worrying that big sites dont give Nintendo coverage, it could hamper sales!
  7. If I were you I would get a CRT screen. Prices on those are dropping fast due to people purchasing flat screens. And also because todays CRT screens are very good screens. So you can buya cheap CRT now, and then when *thundering voice* "HD ERA ARRIVES!", you can buy a pwetty plasma and hang it on your wall. Then you will be cool like me.
  8. Yeah? But your GPX2 cant walk! Noob! :p
  9. Funny! Those fireballs were cool.
  10. Lasting value, reviews, originality, Mario Kart, Zelda, Warcraft.
  11. Meet Nuvo, your very own personal robot. It listens, reacts, walks and talks. It can take pictures, play music, and be controlled via a web browser from anywhere in the world. Its a BIT expensive, but most likely they will be much cheaper in the future. Here is where you can buy one: dynamism.com Please someone buy it for me?
  12. I want information to be presented in the most simple way, so that I can approach it the way I feel like. Then I think the male host could dress up like girls, and otherwise have some variety without missing the big games.
  13. I had this music idea first! And I disagree with people getting tired of creativety. They are getting tired because they cant create anything good. Take Sims for example, its a simple way to be creative.
  14. World of Warcraft. Hey look! We got Wi-Fi Friend Code! Yay!
  15. Right now im not in bed because I had to kill Tar Creepers for Super Sticky Tar. My group of 3, has spent the last hour killing these monsters.
  16. Its good, but really hard to see.
  17. How about the Xbox 360 having nothing new to offer? Just the same old games over again.
  18. Lol, Im gonna make a Smash-My-Revolution site and have people donate. And then not smash it! Hahaha!
  19. Terax , Super Filofax , Mean Green Death Machine , Ztakib , Boingboing , Fluffluff , GoPlay , Bunfun , (insert silly name) , Nintendo Arcade , Goldmist , Ingame. Lalalalala...
  20. Compared to World of Warcraft its bad.
  21. But if there is a good game, people will eventuall buy it too...
  22. Maybe it would be cool to see the latest 5 post, displyed on the news site.
  23. Amazingly funny. Show this to your parents.
  24. You guys are poorly informed. This game is being made by the people who started Blizzard, and created Warcraft, Diablo, and StarCraft. This is practically Diablo 3D, in a futuristic enviroment. You can play in 1st person, and 3rd person. You can use ranged and melee weapons, as well as magic powers. The levels are randomly created by the computer itself. And the RPG elements will probably resemble Diablo and Warcraft. Its one of my most wanted games.
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