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Gaijin von Snikbah

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Everything posted by Gaijin von Snikbah

  1. My Wiitailer says february the 7th. IGN says february the 8th.
  2. This must be the slowest downloading (1080) I have ever seen. Mario ran by 3 times without a single coin appearing. This thread would get more visitors if it was in the Wii forum.
  3. They could port over the first PC version and it would still be fun.
  4. Thats good news. Did they say anything about internet lag?
  5. Star Wars Kid Goes To College: http://www.break.com/index/star-wars-kid-goes-to-college.html
  6. Eat at least every 3 hours, drink a bucket of water each day, and replace some of your food with raw vegetables and fruit.
  7. If you dont trust the girl to take her medicine, shouldnt you be wearing a condom? Surely it has more flavor than a wrapped candybar. You cant leave the responsibilty to others when it comes to important things like this.
  8. The controls for balancing Mario on the ball are pretty good. It makes Super Monkey Balls look like a arse in comparison. If Super Monkey Balls had those controls it could be fantastic.
  9. I will eat my hat if PS3 ever catches up with the Wii.
  10. If the pope didnt say that wouldnt he be banned from being pope?
  12. Thats distinctively crap. You should sue their ass.
  13. Its your day today. Your day today. Its your day today.
  14. Its christmassy wich is nice. 9/10
  15. Make a new DVD playing Wii that replaces the old system at no additional cost. Or make it do alot of fancy tricks. Why leave it at exercise machine? It could become a personal nagging device!
  16. I always liked the idea of playing Diablo (or something like it) by just using one hand.
  17. Would a Funny Pictures Thread be out of line? I think it could hold its own against the Funny Videos and Links thread.
  18. You are only as good as your last accomplishment right? People forget all about the good things when things are looking bad, and vice versa. But I do believe Nintendo has struck a cord. Cazualising the games can also make them more fun for hardcore to play. I think they understand this very well.
  19. I apologize for not showing love more often.
  20. Jebus krist. Protecting the demolition squad on hypermode is kick to the you know what. Im no sissy but this is just boring. This is so typical for Prime games. They feature both good and not very good at all.
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