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Gaijin von Snikbah

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Everything posted by Gaijin von Snikbah

  1. When it is this easy to buy games I think there is a bigger chance you are gonna shell out money for a game you would otherwise stay clear of.
  2. So you just plug the SD card into your computer and the program does the rest?
  3. I have my doubts about playing Brawl online.
  4. Ehrm... I hope it has a good sense of speed? I kid!
  5. Localization could also mean having enough game units for launch?
  6. Invisible car!
  7. I dont believe it. It makes no sense.
  8. My username is snikbah. Ive setup a room called neurope if anyone wants to join.
  9. I can connect just fine. Anyone up for a game tonight? Around 2100 CET (2000 GMT)?
  10. http://kotaku.com/359754/nintendo-announces-wii-pay--play
  11. It looks a bit dirty. I wouldnt mind if they made the characters look a little better and the courses a little simpler. Characters > Courses
  12. Of course they dont have to last forever to be fun. I dont think the Wii is unpopular, just not as popular as other machines. Just trying to make an interesting discussion... Games with alot of depth. That give you alot of possibilities.
  13. And so the core gamers interest is rising.
  14. Long lasting games. The type you can continue playing after the last boss is dead. The type that gives you a reason to spend days/weeks/months grinding/building/fighting. 1. The Wii has no such games. B. The Wii isnt the most popular with hardcore gamers. See my point? Do you agree?
  15. We should draw our houses in the village using ms paint. Then someone can put them all together and form a village.
  16. I zink you could cram all the online baords into one and there wouldnt be too much traffic.
  17. Its like Condemned® only with insects. It looks good.
  18. Do anyone else think that the boxart screams "grandma come play smash bros" ?
  19. She is kinda kewt. Who is it? 88/100
  20. Dont lay in the bed if you cant sleep. Do something instead like taking a walk. Else you wil have more trouble sleeping.
  21. Oh yes. Give it to me.
  22. Gradius 3 Better sidescrolling shooter on the Wii you will not find.
  23. Clinton is more like a well known cozy soft pillow. Obama is more like the scary medical theraputical pillow.
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