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Gaijin von Snikbah

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Everything posted by Gaijin von Snikbah

  1. Im starting to wonder if your character should be shielded for 5 seconds after getting hit by something. Because getting hit 5 times in a row is not funny.
  2. So far the Wario bike seems to be the most fun vehicle. The handling and sliding makes it brilliant.
  3. Mario Kart Wii like money The Wii Wheel works great. I wasnt sure it would.
  4. Eurogamer review
  5. Oh noes. Not the fuc♪ing embargo crap.
  6. Thats my first nick. I had some others after that. All Im asking is to have "Gaijin von" removed and just keep "Snikbah".
  7. I dont remeber actually. But it was a VERY long time ago. Another thing... My sig isnt showing. Ive done evrything I usually do, but it doesnt show.
  8. Can I have my name changed? I promise it will be the last time.
  9. So is name changing out of the question?
  10. I think you can compare it to both Pikmin and Harvest Moon. The developer calls it a "single player life simulator". You lead your people kinda like in Pikmin, making them fight, build, discover, and more... And it comes on a disc!
  11. Das neue screens: http://www.famitsu.com/game/coming/1214487_1407.html http://media.wii.ign.com/media/892/892457/imgs_1.html
  12. Because nobody else would ever make a game like Super Mario Galaxy.
  13. Yes, this fits nicely.
  14. I just want to see some pie charts. Its probably just alot of WiiWare talk.
  15. I hope they are wrong about AC. Not that I want 50 people to chop down trees, but 4 would be nice. 4 people = MMO right?
  16. I have an egg the size of a football filled with chocolate. Mmm, chocolate.
  17. Id like to see some more controller options. Like locking the aim in the center and not having the camera scroll when pointing to the side. Only turning when moving the aim. Then the C button on the nunchuk could be used for turning scrolling on.
  18. Why does he get a car when hes only 16 years old?
  19. Nintendo knows they can just write Mario Kart on the box and it will sell millions.
  20. Good preview. Pat yourself on the beck.
  21. I dont think there is a need for a Smash Bros sequel on Wii 2, but of course you need the usual dose of Mario and Zelda. But... the making of sequels does hinder innovation.
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