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Everything posted by daftada

  1. Bought this on Monday, wish I'd waited a day!
  2. EA may hate Nintendo, but Criterion have always been supportive of them. They worked on a gamecube Burnout 2 demo In their spare time to convince Acclaim to bring it out on the cube and it ended up being the best selling version in the US iirc. I'll pick this up along with Lego City and Monster Hunter - gonna be a busy March!
  3. I've found it pretty fun - a nice mix of Zelda, God of War and Uncharted. I picked it up for 25 quid and have got my moneys worth. I wish Nintendo had picked up Vigil and got them helping on Zelda, they had a lot of potential.
  4. Thanks for the advice! I'm a big fan of all you can eat buffets By the way, does Japan use US-style mains plugs?
  5. Ok, so after years of procrastination a friend and I are finally getting our backsides into gear and arranging a pilgrimage to Tokyo in September, taking in the sights and particularly TGS. Neither of us have been to Tokyo before so we have no idea what to expect, or where the best gaming/anime hot spots can be found (outside akihabara). So if anyone has any advice on where to go, where to eat and any dos or don'ts I'd really appreciate it! Also, if anyone is going to be in Tokyo around that time and want to meet for 3ds or general gaming malarkey it'd be cool to hear from you. Cheers!
  6. Purchased from amazon! Should hopefully arrive tommorow along with my Ni No Kuni Wizard edition. Huzzah!
  7. The speed thing in MK64 wasn't a glitch - there was a 1 in 64 chance of a faster race speed and a 1 in 128 chance of super speedy racing!
  8. I'm playing through darksiders 2 before I pick this up. Really enjoyed what I played of AC2 so looking forward to seeing how good AC3 is!
  9. They sent my wii u a day before release!
  10. Another fun little secret!
  11. The join or die edition is £50 in the GAME online sale.
  12. As expected, Nintendoland went down a treat at my sister's this xmas. Mario Chase and AC Sweet Day were the most popular. My mum and sisters both appreciated the classic AC Gcn title music making a comeback! One gripe I have (maybe i'm missing something here) is it's a massive pain to use new Miis in-game - I have to go into the mii maker thingy and make them a favourite before they appear in the game. Any way around this?
  13. Squeenix Europe used the recordings from one of the big DQ symphony shows in Tokyo! DQ VIII must be one of the best localisation jobs Europe has ever seen.
  14. Retailers can set the price. They'll probably set download codes a little higher than a boxed copy - they make way more money on second hand copies, they'd be mad to push customers towards a downloadable version.
  15. You're quite right about coins becoming meaningless, although NSMB2's cumulative total almost made them feel worth coolecting. I liked the way Yoshi's Island's score system made it worth hunting coins, maybe Nintendo could do something similar in the future. I've only just got to the end of world 1 but it already feels like a step up from previous 'new' marios in terms of level variety, design and difficulty. Definitely looking forward to giving this some serious playtime.
  16. Thanks for posting that, very impressive! Certainly more impressive than my shitty triforce logo. Or the thousands of cocks and vaginas everyone seems to have on the 360.
  17. Nothing wrong with enjoying Yoshi's Story! You just need to take it on it's own merits and try to ignore the fact it's predecessor was pretty much as perfect a 2D platformer as you can get. It had a nice twist to completing levels, fun score attack modes and the soundtrack was incredible! 15 years on I still play this regularly with my 7-year old niece when she comes round (Yoshi is her favourite VG character). I really hope Good Feel are involved in any Yoshi project, if it is indeed in the pipeline.
  18. Zavvi are delivering mine tomorrow!
  19. You, sir, are super awesome.
  20. Will hopefully pick up the console early Friday morning, got the day off especially for it! Once I get back I'll probably spend a fair while looking through all the options, getting the a/v stuff optimised for my tv and surround system. Then I'll check out miiverse and have a little play on that. Then I'll check on here for some Nintendo IDs and see what you all think of your launch games! I'll be giving each game an hour playtime before I resurface for food. Got a friend's birthday Fri eve and GF's house party on Sat so I won't get a lot of playtime this weekend. Got a gaming weekend planned with mates next weekend so I'll be able to catch up then!
  21. My copy is on its way from Amazon (with a £2.50 refund for some reason!), should I wait till I pick up the first game or can I just jump straight into this one?
  22. Maybe Nintendo didn't want parents outraged when their little Timmy gets a streetpassed t-shirt with a massive cock on it.
  23. Definitely getting: Nintendoland NSMB U (got a £40 eshop voucher so will prob d/l this) ZombiU FIFA 13 I got £120 burning on a GAME card so will probably get Assassin's Creed 3 Darksiders 2 Black Ops 2 or Epic Mickey Tempted by Tank!Tank!Tank! for its multiplayer too
  24. Added a few updates!
  25. Do we have a feature list yet? 1080p? 60 fps? DLC???
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