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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. DK HAS to be a secret character, has to be! In a way I wish it was Mario at the Olympic games, featuring Sonic! Or Nintendo Vs Sega so we could have had Segas other game and better characters! Besides Zelda PH, Metroid and Mario - this is the game I'm most looking forward to - I love olympics games and love the universe of mario, And Miis!!! Perfect. I hope it sells well!!
  2. dazzybee


    Oh, I thought there was an official confirmation. Great news though, one game I never got to play but really wanted to, and the fact that it sounds perfect for Wii! Hope they add a ton of content too! An ultimate edition!
  3. Firstly, it sounds awesome, especially if they make it all a bit Virtua tennis. Secondly - why the fuck does only the HD consoles get online? Thirdly, it better have AWESOME motion controls!! As for 2, i really believe its to give them consoles 'something' , a reason to get that version instead of the inevitably better Wii version. I fucking hate publishers sometimes!!! Oh, and how come we havent heard anything about Samba de amigo? It WAS confrimed for Wii wasn't it?
  4. dazzybee


    Confirmed where and by whom?
  5. Am I the only one who thought the trailer was a bit crap? Nice style but didn't like the character design and I cringed so much my face turned inside out when Ken did the finger 'come over here' thing. If it's in 2d like others say and really goes to down on the style and tweak the cheese then it could obviously be amazing and would love to see it on Wii, but this is so obviously HD!
  6. I'm tempted, bought the 360 version, didnt play it much sold it as soon as this was announced but I just dont know - they say the control is better on the Wii which is good; but it doesnt have online, which I'm not THAT bothered about - would rather control. But I dont know, theres so many games coming out, I may wait a littl elonger for this.....
  7. £20 for the zapper and Link is a bargain! My mates getting it as well, and if Ghost Squad and Res Evil come bundled with Zappers, that means we'll have 4!!
  8. Its not a major problem, but I simply dont understand why they cant make it so we can addan external harddrive if we want - surely choice is a good thing, the machine is small, sleek and beautiful, but for the more serious gamer we can have more storgae to buy shit loads of VC games!
  9. I'm sorry but Mii integration is genius - this game is looking better and better!!! And yeah, I think you assign your Mii on top of an existing character (take their stats and name). The name thing is a little annoying, but at least we can use the miss.
  10. That depends on whether you want to be the coach or the player Surely if you want to be the coach then play Football Manager, maybe this can do both!
  11. This game looks great but theres a few things im concerned about - I hate the fact it determines whether it does a low or high pass depending on distance, this is shit, what if a player is close but there s aplayer in the way and you want a tiny chip over the oppositions legs (somethin g fifa 08 does very well)? What if you wanted to zip a ball along the floor to a player far away? Also, with the pointing passing, isnt it limited about who you can see on screen? What if I wanted to do a 50 yard wonder pass the likes of Tom Huddlestone does? There are a few thinsg which seem a little computer controlled and surely it should be giving us more control? This is very interesting, some AMAZING ideas, but I just can't see it working yet. Very excited by it though! Fifas great and if Pro Evo can nail it first time too then weve got some awesome games here! I just wished football game fans saw the genius of it all rather than sticking with the Sony and Xbox brands!
  12. Theres another writeup n IGN and its more inderstandable, you still control the characters with the anaolugue stick (phew) but you CAN make them follow the cursor if you want as an option. Pointin where to pass actually sounds like a decent idea and you can make players go on runs by clicking on a player (while independently running with the anologue stick) and moving him in a direction and he goes on a run - you can do this with as many players as you like - this is a LOT of control and will be very hard to get used to but the potential for the most comprehensive control over the match is pretty staggering when you think about it!
  13. If I'm honest I just can't get my head around how this actually works! I dont like the sound of it wither Hope it turns out cracking, but I love Fifa that much that I wanted pro Evo to take it and make it even better, but this is COMEPLETELY different
  14. LAN Waaaay better than online!! Would be even better if it did a DS style downlaod play too! We have 3 wiis!
  15. That one looks good, but the other one is nearly half the price. If anyone has got the other I wouold like to see what its like. Definitely going to get one though.
  16. Sorry, here it is http://www.play.com/Games/Wii/4-/3385903/Wii-Remote-Charging-Stand/Product.html
  17. Anyone got one of these? 9.99 on play.com and it looks okay, its a wii stand whhich is a battery charger too - charges your wiimotes while you play? Wondered how it worked, any good etc etc.
  18. This is awesome, what I love the most is all the stupid shorsighted on these boards (and others) complaining about the Wii and no big games, all casual blah blah and there was a a minority of us saying just have a tiny bit of patience and the games will come, we warned you of being way too shortsighted and how people couldnt see the Wii would be brilliantly supported. Now do you see what will happen over the next year and the future?
  19. How can anyone complain. This looks amazing! The karts look awesome. Also, has it been confirmed there are bikes or is it someone jumping to conclusions from the video as it could just be peach who rides a bike!
  20. I think theres some confusion, it allows you to play it where you want - you can in pro evo (use the 2nd anologue). Its not a new feature!
  21. I cant wait for this game! I want to know the full list of events (trampoline is a new one isnt it?) an cant wait for some reviews - one of my most anticpated games this!
  22. Seen the online review on ign? Very promising, sounds awesome and cant wait to get cracking. Ive already set up a tour group if anyone wants to join it!
  23. Do you have to play the goof to unloc the other tables I guess? Also FAMILY play is AWFUL! Played it with my girlfriend thinking we culd finally get some footy action together, but no, EA make is shit, the computer does EVERYTHING for you - passing, tackling everything, except shoot. So my gfriend just watched and then swung when she got close to the goals!! How stupid! She can pass pressing A bu the computer does it too, and much quicker than you do or want to. Its just plain shit. Why oh why it does all your passing for you I have no idea!!! Great idea badly implemented!
  24. I've just one on ebay in one of my madder moments. Just wondered if anyone had one. What are the best games? Are they region free? I have every single Nintendo machine now - inc. every gameboy original, colour, micro, gba, etc etc. Add it to my shelf!!!
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