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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. And Lazyboy, however much I want the US version of the game. Sudas original vision is the version we ARE getting. It's ubisoft that's making it bloodier for the US release.
  2. Cheers guys, back working again now - phew. Nervous for a while
  3. COME ON YOU SPURS!!!!!! What a result, we had an average midfielder in the centre of defese with the calamity Kaboul and we kept a deserved clean sheet. We could have scored a few more too, very comfortable and classy performance - finally!!! It's Ramos first time he's had a full week training since he came!! Hope it's the start of our surge up the table!! The dirty gooners next
  4. Okay I LOVE this game, it's exactly what I thought it would be like and loving it. One question though, planning on a 4player sesh tonight and I want to use the handicap system, but I'm not sure how it works. Do you up the handicap on the good players or the bad ones? The instructions don't say.
  5. I've hardly played this game, and already my guitar is broke I look after it really well, but for some reason my wah wah bar has stopped working!?! What the fuck is that all about? Anybody had similar problems or can help in any way?
  6. Its back in the top 10 this week at number 8 so thats good. Remember there's Galaxy shortages, I think it will do awesomely in the long run. Also Mario and Sonic is number one now So it started low, rose last week and is now number one - great performance from the game!
  7. Am I the only one who actually really likes the zapper?! Is it needed? Obviously not, but it makes it more emmersive, like you are actually holding a gun!! Oh well. I think it's a bargain for £20. But I love highscore type games!
  8. Zelda and RE 4 - top games. Now all you need is Mario galaxy and Metroid and you have 4 of the best games of all time!!!!!
  9. Serebii, I know you can't say, but are there any more 3rd party characters in the game that you know of? Also, is one of them called Simon? And could one of them be described as pretty mega?
  10. Can I just point out that however disappointing this is, they was outside one shop, on a work day, for 20 minutes!!! That is all. It may not be that bleak, and the did sell ONE copy, in 20 minutes.....thats not bad. If every shop in japan sold one copy every 20 minutes that would be some good sales Kidding of course, though I'm sure it isn't quite as bleak as it is looking. It will sell poor to average but do very well in US and average over here! It's worrying for the future, but I genuinely believe that hardcore games will havce legs on the Wii - when Wiis are plenty in stock and people can actuallu buy the thing, more gamers will pick the machine up and along with it they will have a nice selction of quality titles to play - No More `Heroes being one of them. Also, games like Mario Kart, Smash Bros. Monster Hunter, Megaman ( ) etc will get gamers to buy the machine and thus pick up games like No More Heroes. Save this thread for ever - my prediction is that by the end of the Wii No More Heroes will prove to be a decent seller in Japan!
  11. Theres no reason not to have Street Fighter 4 on the Wii - this is frustrating if true! Megaman and Z&W 2 is good news though. Saying that, I havent played a megaman since the NES!!!! Loved them though
  12. dazzybee

    Wii Fit

    Yes Blender it is and this feature HAS to be included in future games as an option, surely it wouldn't be that hard to implement!
  13. I'm sorry but this is a fucking joke. Nintendo, I love you, I'm glad things are going well but you are doings things which are completely pointless and are pissing off a lot of you fans off 1. No headset for online games 2. NO FUCKING HARDDIVE SUPPORT!!!!!!! WANKERS!!!!! 3. Capping the amount of points wer can have! Our accounts are synched to our Wiis! There should be an unlimited amount of points, if we have the stars, give us our goddamn points you stupid c*nts!!!
  14. Erm not a chance, the PS2 pad is th ebiggest monstrosity in gaming!!! And I completely disagree about Wiimote not being acurate - what? Its incredibly accurate! I genuinely belive this is the last generation we will see DA as the primary device for consoles, Microsoft and Sony WILL copy the wiimote next gen, I'd put my left testicle on it! I think the wiimote is an amazing way to control first person shooters, in fact I think it is easily the best and will only get better. Is mouse a little quicker - yeah, but games for me is about emmersion! And the Wii makes me feel a little more emersed! And also, am I the only one who doesnt get achy hands from holding the wiimote!? I get an achy hand playing metroid because it is intense and my arms ache flailing on mario and Sonic but playing Zelda for hours, or metroid or whatever nothing in the arm department!
  15. I fucking KNEW need for speed wouldnt do it this year!!! Gonna be interesting to see what does though - any money on Links Crossbow Training? And what the f*ck is up wih the brain training games!!?!?!
  16. OOoh, is mario party 8 worth it? I thought it was shit!?!?!
  17. penny drops....... Aaaah, I thought you were saying that the wii controls AREN'T emmersive! I agree the output from 3rd parties has to be better, but I have no worries that they will whatsoever, now Wii's succesful more developers are on board, and of course people have time to get used to the machine. Thing is, I don't look and think the games COULD be better, I'm just happy with what we've got and excited about the future. I honestly enjoy Wii games more than 360 games - they are simply more fun to play. I admire 360 games and sometimes the features and content the games have I wish the Wii could match (which is maybe what you are syaing) but ultimately, given the choice, I prefet playing on the Wii.
  18. Yes, why did you start again!?!? Please explain to me why 'waving a bit of plastic in the air' is less emmersive than pressing a bit of plastic down!? To fire a gun - on the wii your hand becomes like your characters hand you point and shoot. On the 360/PS£ you press a button To play tennis - on the wii you swing the wiimote, on the 360/PS3 you press a button To play golf/baseball etc - on the wii you actually stand and hold the wiimote in the position you would and swing, on the 360/PS3 you press a button See a pattern!?
  19. dazzybee

    Wii Fit

    Wii Fit will sell insane amounts of copies, but thats a great thing. If half of the people who buy Wii fit decide to take a punt on Galaxy (I'm not incuding typical gamers) then that's great!!
  20. Exactly, the Wii makes games even better! That's what I've been trying to say. It makes average games, fun, good games great and great games incedible. In my opinion of course.......
  21. If the games are so great, wy improve them? Are you being serious? And whys it bad that a game say, like Scarface which was average on other consoles is now a great little game. What is wrong with that!? The control's 'usually' MAKE a game! Gears of War wouldnt be so good if the controls werent so tight! Same with GodlenEye, Mario 64 etc. Wii make games EVEN better - Scarface, Mario Galaxy, Res Evil, Metroi etc. How is this a bad thing? I don't understand!!? How, on a basic level, is swinging the wiimote to slash not easily better than pressing a button to smash? Also, when the developers really get the hang of the Wii then there will be no contest. I admit theres a lot of rubbish on the Wii (but there is on EVERY console) but theres a lot of quality!
  22. But saying take away the wiimote and the quality of the games is poor - that is singlehandedly the most ridiculous comment I've ever heard on these boards!!! THATS THE WHOLE POINT OF THE WII!!!!! Obviously take the wiimote away and the games arent very good, thats what they were designed for!!!!! "The only plus is a new way of controlling games!"!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! You make out like that is a bad thing!!!! Games are their to be PLAYED, we play them by CONTROLLING them, changing the way we control them is new, exciting, innovative, challenging convention etc etc. It's the same way films are there to be VIEWED, so the industry (the innovative leaders anyway) are changing the way we VIEW them - sound, colour, digital, HD, 3d etc etc.
  23. I can't wait for this game, I love Res Evil and I love light gun games - when those two forces combine.......they create.....Captain Planet!!! Wait...... Anyways, I've been buying A LOT of games recently (seriously spent upwards of a grand on games in the past 6 weeks - gulp) so I thought I'd put some games on the list for my mum and dad to get me for xmas - starwars, this, ghost squad and Medal of honour. Well Ghost Squad and Medal of Honour have been delayed so I now know I will definitely get Starwars and This. But I want to play it now!!!!! Damn!! So if I'm expecting a shallow lightgun game that is harder, slower and longer than most other lightgun games, but has a great story. Will I LOVE this game!?
  24. SHIT!!! How the eff did I miss that!!? I love excite truck (I'm going off memory!!)
  25. dazzybee

    Wii Fit

    Wii sales have already gone back to number one, but Wiis are plenty in stock in Japan (I'm here now). I'm in osaka currently, heading back to Tokyo tomorrow night, I'm going to Akihabara Tuesday so I'll take photo's of any activity Wii Fit style there!
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