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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Is this true? Sony's muddled the messaging on PS5 backwards compatibility so much I have no idea anymore. Xbox destroyed them yesterday with their stance on it.
  2. 60 Guerilla staff are credited in Death Stranding's credits, out of a total of 250 staff at last count (2018), and even then those 60 won't have been required for the whole 3-4 years since Horizon came out. It was to help out with their Decima engine. You can be sure the bulk of Guerilla work will be on Horizon 2 since 2017. That hasn't stopped Sony revealing a game years in advance in the past. Why should it now. I'd like to think with the foundation laid the sequel could hit 2021/2022, though Covid probably means the former is unlikely now tbf. They could have easily been commissioned to start the sequel before their acquisition, especially as the wheels might have been in motion on that for a long while before the announcement. Also Spider-Man as fun as it was wasn't exactly the most genre-pushing game ever, out of these three games it's the one that should take the least time to develop. I'm not saying all three games will come out within the first 6 months, but Horizon should at the very least and the others a year or two behind.
  3. Horizon 2, God of War 2, Spiderman 2, Halo...? Backwards compatibility is another great "For the players" move by Xbox, but I don't think it makes a dent to either system in the long run tbh, apart from the goodwill it gives Xbox. Obviously it's a great thing to have so well done Xbox for including it but it's probably the reason Sony don't care about offering their legacy content, they don't have to.
  4. People would be saying that it was a "dumb design decision". lol. You can make millions in this game easily enough if you want to. You can also breed hundreds of flowers or flood your island with water. It's open ended. Do what you want. Contrary to what you said, money isn't meaningless in this game to a lot of people.
  5. Fantastic that Xbox have done a great job with backwards compatibility, it's baffling to me that Sony can't figure it out, or don't care to. Xbox's first party showcase will be make or break for a lot of people. Or they could drop a megaton and stop charging for online play, that would be huge if the consoles are priced similarly. The casual gamers will gladly jump ship, and they probably make up half of both Playstation and Xbox install-bases. For me, - Nintendo offer a wide variety of genres, top notch quality, nostalgia and all that good stuff. - Playstation is the big first party output, which is pretty much limited to third person adventure games, give or take, but that suits me because I love that genre. - Xbox, well I only bought an X because of the power. Once that's reset to zero I'm not sure I have much need of them next gen, regardless of the fantastic moves they've been making outside of software output
  6. I've bought/sold turnips on four occasions in the past two months, buying about 20 bundles each time, at most. I didn't want to do anymore than that because racking up millions in such a short space of time would ruin the longevity and economics of what's supposed to be a long term game. So I disagree with "money has no relevance in this game anymore", because it absolutely does, for me at least.
  7. It does to me, it does if you don't go crazy in turnips and torpedo the longevity of the game. I still haven't paid my house off and even collecting 900k from @Helmsly just now isn't enough to do that. And that's ok by me.
  8. That'd be great if you don't mind! Whenever you're around today though
  9. If you take away the need to craft tools then it impacts other systems. Wood, stone, iron and gold suddenly become half as useful. It's annoying but the gold tools last so long that spending 60 seconds crafting a new one isn't a big deal to me.
  10. I think they owe their fans a huge show to be honest, after the near radio silence this past year or two, not to mention cancelling their PSX fan events for the last couple years. Throw in no big first party reveals since 2017 (I still find that pretty crazy) and I'd say showing something of Horizon 2, God of War 2, Spider Man 2 and possibly something like a new Uncharted is an absolute must at this point.
  11. Please please please let the fake silhouetted crowd be back
  12. That's ok, but if you have a stone table 2x2, I'm looking for one of those! Will open in a bit
  13. Can someone pass by later to buy this kitchen unit please? I'd do it myself but I don't have enough Bells It's 160K or so. Then I can catalogue and order one at some point when I get some money.
  14. So out of the 7 spots open for rocks to respawn into this morning, it chose.... the one I'd annoyingly missed when laying out mannequins , not the actual 6 I wanted it to go. Ah don't worry about it, we'll call it even for the lighthouse! Will be around later on.
  15. 95% chance of a large spike set for tomorrow morning if anyone's around
  16. Half way through Control, taking my time, still reading every collectable. The game is just glorious, so much fun, such a great mood to it. I don't normally play spooky games, ever basically, but this one has made me jump out of my skin a few times now. For those who've played it, I never want to set foot in the Archive in Containment again, nor any of the Mold areas. Terrifying. Maybe I shouldn't play at midnight with the lights off
  17. Butter churn being crafted here by Tasha but only around for 5-10 mins at most lol
  18. Not sure actually. It might have been from a balloon? Or maybe visiting another island
  19. Ah right, no I just have winter and summer. No rush though, whenever, thanks!
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