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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Only one I have is the starry-sands flooring, which needs a sandy beach flooring item anyway. But if you prefer the former I can make it for you
  2. This one please. Said no one ever. Also, every time I think I've seen all the items this game has to offer, I spot a hundred new things I've never seen before! Fixed that for you
  3. Nice of you to offer but that's ok, another time! I sort of gave up trying to get the blue roses tbh lol - will try again properly at some point though, thanks to @Tales handy guides he put up
  4. Really sorry about that!! I'll mail a surfboard now. Billy's not DIY-ing anymore. Marina doing a log chair now
  5. Very sorry @RedShell and whoever was on the way, internet went down from the rain Hope you didn't lose anything?
  6. I am SHOCKED. @Aneres11 already got the bed I'm afraid. But gate's open if you want the rest
  7. Great white Get! (I’m sure you all have it already but still) If anyone wants anything from my shop let me know
  8. Wow well done. I think I got seriously close with my PM'd guess, I was just searching for the quiet floor on the grass, I forgot about the beach!!
  9. Hmmm I'll come by and give the competition another go, but won't be able to chat too much (you'll breathe a sigh of relief). And I might stand still for long periods of time!
  10. Those creeped me the fuck out. HATED them haha. I found a secret area in Research I believe, picked up the collectibles then wave after wave of them spawned in, died screaming like a little girl shortly after.
  11. Man it feels like there's a sale on every month on the eShop, another great one, tons to pick up. It's so easy just going through your wishlist and seeing the discounted games one by one (Also, there's now a filter for searching games with a discount added)
  12. Finished Control last night. I wasn't planning on it to be honest but the end kind of creeps up on you a bit out of the blue. Maybe I'm used to clearly signposted end missions. Overall I absolutely loved it. I do think the game makes a much stronger impression at the beginning than at the end though. The first few hours are pretty mind-blowing and ridiculously cool, but after that it all gets a bit predictable and repetitive. BUT the gameplay is massively fun so even when the bulk of encounters are the same thing, just fight a room full of baddies, the combat is so enjoyable that I didn't mind at all. The world-building is top notch, I've never felt compelled to read every bit of collectible lore but I did here. Some of the boss fights were excellent, the Anchor in particular. In fact a lot of the side missions were more fun and weird than the main ones. I felt the ending was a little anticlimactic. I was probably expecting more answers than they gave but it wasn't too bad overall. Anyway I can see why it won a lot of GOTYs last year (a relatively weak year for games), I just wish they took it up a notch in the latter half. I'll still happily get the 1000/1000 in the next couple of days, I'm nearly there anyway.
  13. I have two and I'm not using them, they're different colours though but one is white.
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