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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. I never said they weren't diverse. The discussion revolved around iterative sequels, and how Nintendo releasing new games in a franchise like Kart or Smash is somehow responsible for franchise fatigue, when developers on Sony and Xbox do it every year, or multiple times a year.
  2. It's a cool idea tbf. Another nice little perk to having amiibo. I've only played about half of those games so looking forward to trying some others.
  3. GTA 5, Halo 5, Metal Gear Solid 5, Witcher 3, Forza 6, Batman Arkham 4, Tomb Raider Whatever… Such diversity, such originality. But yes, a new Mario Kart or Smash every 6 years is the truly heinous crime, such franchise fatigue!!
  4. Why not just admit you were wrong to bring up Nintendo supposedly releasing the same games over and over every six years and that doing so has harmed them. You'll feel better, I promise.
  5. No one said that, in fact I suggested the opposite was true. The day Nintendo becomes about shooters and openworld action games just to cater to modern gaming tastes is the day I stop being a Nintendo fan. @Sheikah was arguing that Nintendo iterates and releases the same games all the time, and that this holds them and sales back. I suggested this certainly wasn't the case and even if it were, the competition release the same sequels far more often, and in far worse ways, and it doesn't stop them selling like crazy. With the advent of stunning 1080p graphics, people just want different things and sadly for Nintendo, gaming has moved on from their type of gameplay-first titles. As for diversity, in the next six months the Wii U will have a 2D platformer, strategy adventure, openworld adventure, survival horror, action strategy, action adventure, 3D platformer, kart racer, hack and slash, 3D puzzler, brawler, third person shooter, RPG, level creator and space shooter in their first party offerings. It's tough to get more diverse than that.
  6. I never suggested people bought PS4s because they're stupid. I said they bought them because it catered to what gaming has become all about. Grinding for loot and shooting/killing people. Whereas Nintendo focus on gameplay in a variety of genres. Depends what you're into. Just don't suggest that iterative Nintendo sequels every six years is a negative when other developers do the exact same thing, far worse, and far more often. You can argue a lot of negative things anout Nintendo but the quality of their first party work isn't one of them. Games like Mario Galaxy, Wind Waker, Pikmin and Kart 8 will be remembered long after everyone's forgotten about the latest COD, FIFA and AC in a year's time.
  7. The biggest games, COD, AC and FIFA are iterative sequels that are milked every year. Assassins Creed is milked even more often. These games play exactly the same way, shaft their players with DLC and yet people still love them. The kids can't get enough COD. It's a system seller. Playstation or Xbox would KILL to have Nintendo's catalogue of IP to milk multiple times a year. There may be the occasional new game in amongst the worst offenders but most big games these days are sequels. They have to be, Devs, MS and Sony pump so much money into games they need a safe bet to make some money back. Halo 4 and Uncharted 4 coming soon, hooray. Mortal Kombat TEN. That's what AAA gaming has become, a never ending stream of sequels. Nintendo on the other hand (with their world famous IP) release in general one instalment of a game per console. Occasionally you'll get exceptions like Mario Galaxy or OOT/MM but on the whole they keep their fans wanting more and don't shaft them on a yearly basis to spend more and more money on the same thing. People talk a lot of shit about Nintendo but the notion that their first party titles (which review outstandingly well) are at fault for their current struggles is laughable. Gaming has changed, people just want mature shooters and ubiquitous hack and slash action games. Neither of those are associated with a Nintendo console.
  8. If only they could be like such innovative, fresh and not-at-all-indentical titles like COD 7, AC 8, FIFA whatever, Battlefield zzzzzz etc. Some once per generation (1 instalment in 6 years) Nintendo titles play similarly, yes. I'm fine with that. Smash U and MK8 have been received extremely well. YOU have little enthusiasm for Nintendo's first party output, that much is obvious but don't speak for the industry. Their first party titles, almost without fail, receive critical acclaim. Their output is exceptional, quality wise. And unlike other console, aren't released broken and/or buggy. Streaming games? I can't imagine anything worse.
  9. Do twitch broadcasts get archived anywhere for watching later? I can't watch live so would be good to see it after the event.
  10. That's over a week away!!! They expect us to wait that long! Don't think Nintendo have ever done a Direct on twitch before.
  11. Hardly any points left, I'll have to pick up that light on eBay at extortionate prices
  12. The complete version of the game is out now!
  13. *insert Star Trek facepalm pic here* http://www.amazon.co.uk/Legend-Zelda-Wind-Waker-Nintendo/dp/B00B8QDNNG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1430305674&sr=8-1
  14. If you want to see a perfect example of why Nintendo are the kings of of level design and be utterly blown away by their attention to detail, watch these two analysis clips form Gamexplain:
  15. You call my argument weak then substitute manufacturing more physical products in order to make more money with 'better online features'. Nintendo realise the demand. They want to make as much money as possible. If they were able to resupply amiibo every week, and sell ten times more, they would. Obviously manufacturing these things in 40+ different variations is proving a challenge.
  16. Point and Click adventure game from the maker of Monkey Island and Maniac Mansion. A huge Kickstarter success, one of the first BIG video game kickstarters. It got a lot of attention because whilst they originally asked for $600k, they ended up receiving 3.3 million just because of: Double Fine, Tim Chafer and Adventure game. It's a fantastic title and worth every penny. Well, the first half is, but it seems the second half is a good conclusion. IGN gave part 1 a 9.5, part 2 a 9 and the complete game a 9.2. It'll be on their GOTY list in eight months time.
  17. No 3DS date and DLC months before the game is released. Sigh.
  18. Act 2 out tomorrow seems it's a very good idea for people to replay Act 1 and refresh your memory.
  19. Nice to see a hub world type thing, I was worried it was going to be a traditional style level select screen. I love the idea of the wonder wool changing Yoshi's appearance, finally a decent reason to collect things. I actually found 100%-ing in New Island really really annoying, with all the missables. Hopefully that's not the case here.
  20. That preview has gotten me very excited. Nintendo have been on fire the last few years, releasing top quality title after top quality title, but the exception was Yoshi's New Island, IMO. Sounds like this is a return to form.
  21. I'm sure if they were able to get enough made, faster, they would. They obviously can't, at the moment anyway.
  22. A lot of things are up to the buyer, that doesn't make it right.
  23. Good idea, then they'd actually be worth the money. Charging people for press two buttons instead of six, what a joke.
  24. Pac Man is great! If I can find a second one it'll be the third amiibo I unbox next to Toad and Toon Link :-)
  25. The anti-grav bumping into each other helps with Baby Park, also the surplus of item blocks. I wonder if they're grouped in blocks of two because of double item boxes in Double Dash. Another small detail? Love how the music ramps up with each lap too. Little things that no one would have noticed had they not been there, but added together... :love:
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