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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Any guesses when the Yarn Yoshi amiibo's will be up on the NUK store? That'll be a bloodbath!
  2. It's a fantastic single player game as well. I can't imagine relinquishing the controls to someone else. Surprised there isn't more chat about this gem of a game. Done about 30 levels now. So good.
  3. Yes but it's easy to disregard said stupid picks. There's valuable data in there once you focus on the real votes.
  4. I don't think it's a PR stunt at all, it's great market research for them if not for this DLC then for future Smash games.
  5. I think Ryu fits Smash far more than Snake does(n't). Seems a decent fit to me given Little Mac and how huge Street Fighter was on the SNES.
  6. Yeah that's a fair point I hadn't considered that. Maybe just do a few more single lap tracks then, say the final race in each cup maybe, with a big epic finish line like in Mount Wario.
  7. I hope Mario Kart 9 has lots of 1 lap tracks, they're far more enjoyable IMO (though obviously 3 times more work needed to create). Still, giving tracks unique start and finish lines could make for some really creative locations, see the epic Mount Wario as one example.
  8. Not watching any vids, rather wait and see how the track plays myself
  9. I can't decide if another F-Zero track is hinting at an F-Zero game (similar to how all the Majora's Mask hints led to a 3D remake) or if they're just trying to pacify the F-Zero fans with a couple of tracks.
  10. I don't like any of this waves amiibos so I won't be ordering any. Having said that the Palutena one looks great.
  11. Ribbon Road and Baby Park look absolutely spectacular. Wow Imagine how much work they would put into all this if they didn't think the Wii U was dead[/sarcasm] Fantastic update.
  12. Yes a whopping 1 million less units sold than Xbox One. If you think the Wii U is worth £130 then you're tighter than Wii.
  13. Great insight there then. Why not just suggest they sell Wii U's for a fiver, that'll have them fly off the shelves as well, doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.
  14. You keep saying Nintendo are letting the Wii U die. Yoshi, Splatoon, Kirby, Mario Maker, X, Zelda, Starfox, Smash DLC, Mario Kart DLC, amiibo integration and whatever new games they announce at E3 prove you very very wrong.
  15. Good to see them announcing exactly when pre-orders will go on sale.
  16. What absolute rubbish. Make a big loss with every console, plunge their financials back into the red (prompting more "Nintendo in decline" articles), but it's ok because they'd "be recognised as a console seller" again. Gotcha. Write a letter to Nintendo suggesting they start selling the Wii U at £130, you obviously know more about how to run a business than they do.
  17. Have them lose money with every console, great idea! It's a great console, with a great and ever growing library of first party games. £199 is about right.
  18. Wait a second, Wii doesn't like amiibo? He should have said!
  19. Thanks as usual for the heads up @Serebii, ordered all three from there.
  20. ShopTo have regular amiibo for £14.85 instead of the RRP of £11 so it's no surprise. Having said that I assume the Yoshi ones will be a few quid more on the Nintendo store anyway.
  21. "The Ugly: When your co-op partner won’t stop honking the horn. The lease only has my name on it, Chris. Remember that." Yeah, top notch reporting there. What makes this review any better than all the others? Is it because you don't agree with this game and so picked one of the worst reviews? How do you know it's honest, you haven't played it! It's averaging 83 on Metacritic, and 9.3 user rating, for all intents and purposes an excellent game. The single player is a great atmospheric exploration puzzler, it seems multiplayer is just as good but a very different experience.
  22. Played 15 levels of this last night, really enjoying it. Some nice puzzles, the atmosphere is great and the visuals are lovely. Makes perfect use of the Gamepad too. I really hope it sells well.
  23. This guy is a genius. This game looks incredible, so much content!!
  24. I can't imagine downloading a level will take that much time. The parameters/code for each level wouldn't be that meaty a download. I can see Nintendo running special competitions and giving us a few of their own levels in there as well. I liked seeing the Mario World end goal in that clip, give me that over the flag pole of SMB/NSMBU or the exit stage right of SMB3 any day.
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