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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. The Sony/MS conferences were so long, bloated and drawn out last year I was nodding off after an hour. It also didn't help that every single game looked the same as the one before. You're surprised?
  2. Hopefully Nintendo will just move theirs by an hour, but a part of me wants them to keep it at the same time and screw Square Enix. Can't wait, so hyped. Retro and Next Level Games reveals would be very welcome.
  3. Surely that's the same for on-stage presentations as well?
  4. Looks like you're in the minority
  5. Grow up Wii, fast. Another discussion ruined because of your immature need to pointlessly complain about EVERYTHING and ANYTHING Nintendo do. This makes no sense. Apart from the fact that they showed off loads of games, what exactly are you suggesting gets padded out? A broadcast that never existed in previous years?
  6. Nintendo should be announcing their E3 plans any day now. They did so at the end of April last year, though E3 is a week or two later this time around, hence a slight delay. I think it's a given they'll go for another Digital Event presentation, which personally is fine by me. I think they may move back on stage for a hardware reveal though but that won't be for another year or two. I thought last year's presentation was great fun and I really appreciated the mix of content between goofy sketches, trailers and dev diaries. Plus it was compact and content-packed, unlike like Sony and Microsoft's where every game looked the same with endless padding, awkward jokes and timing issues. The big thing for me though would be a return of the all-day Treehouse streams, they were excellent and a great idea to prolong the magic of E3. Maybe they could do a Splatoon tournament this time around? Would you all be happy with another Digital Event?
  7. I had a DS, I didn't pick up Yoshi's Island DS, so I will now get it on Virtual Console
  8. 0.5 mil on Wii U to 0.54 on PS4, sounds like it's only just overtaken in pure numbers but install-base wise Rayman clearly appeals more to the Wii consumer. Personally I'm not that keen on orchestral music in video games, unless it's done superbly like in Mario Galaxy.
  9. I suspect this will sell best on Wii U, in the same way that Rayman Legends did. It's too colourful and kiddy for all the kids playing COD.
  10. Absolutely. It's also a reason why they put the Wii U before PS4 and Xbox in their press releases and Kickstarter, which usually never happens. Similar story with Shovel Knight "feeling" like an NES game and how it was a Nintendo exclusive (ish) for a long while.
  11. Voice chat. So hot right now, voice chat.
  12. Then you should get Splatoon, on a console which isn't saturated by shooters, which should go a way of lessening your annoyance at the abundance of them.
  13. I never played Banjo Kazooie but this looks fun. Plus gaming needs more (any) 3D platformers.
  14. A whole five quid! :shakehead:shakehead
  15. Who are those two characters ??
  16. Careful, you'll get a warning for joking about that and stirring the pot.
  17. Sheikah said Nintendo release identical sequels all the time. I suggested the big AAA games are far worse offenders. That's all I was saying.
  18. People care about the story in Assassin's Creed? That's news to me. I thought the running joke was that they just care about the gameplay. Why would Nintendo put more focus into story in their games? What games of theirs need more story-telling? Ok, we're just going in circles now. So basically, Nintendo = shit (obv) for always releasing the same game over and over, once every six years. GTA, COD, AC, MGS, Fifa etc, all good. Brilliant in fact. Broken annualised sequels are to be celebrated and I'm sure AC Unity, Fifa 14, COD Modern Warfare will be remembered as utter classics in the next ten years. Original, quality masterpieces with story-telling that will stand the test of time.
  19. Ok, GTA, Battlefield, Creed, Fifa, Mortal Kombat, Uncharted, Halo, Metal Gear, Forza, Batman. I accused them of being repetitive when @Sheikah claimed Nintendo does it and that it is bad. Criticising Nintendo is obviously relished and encouraged on here, but the second you criticise the competition people jump down your throat. How many times can you go around killing people in Assassin's Creed or fighting the same characters in Mortal Kombat. Gaming IS iterative these days. Give me Nintendo's approach of releasing a similar Smash or Kart every 6 years than annualised Creeds or CODs.
  20. Because you don't have to have played COD to see that every COD game is identical with minor changes. Didn't ignore your post, I completely agree with it, but storyline isn't necessary in Mario Kart and Smash, the two more often quoted examples of samey Nintendo games. Zelda alternates between a Groundhog day cycle of the moon falling, to a cel-chaded adventure in a sailboat to a game where you transform into a wolf. And Mario is all about gameplay, and they do something with each installment in that regard all the time (apart from the New series I suppose).
  21. Wonder if they'll release a demo after the Direct, would make sense.
  22. If Sheikah is going to argue that Sunshine is similar to Galaxy and Double Dash is similar to MK8, then I can say that GTA V is similar to GTA 4 or COD 9 is similar to COD 7, and Assasin's Creed Unity is similar to... etc etc
  23. I meant diversity within the series themselves. How the games all play the same way, look the same way etc. Later mention of diversity I assumed was referring to a diverse library of genres.
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