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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. You hardly use your Wii U @Fierce_LiNk? You should say so more often
  2. "highlighting games launching in 2015" =/= 2015 games only
  3. Um, Smash and MK8 have been critically acclaimed success stories. What's your point here? No they haven't. The endless DLC and long list of releases this year (as well as many unannounced games) put that lie to rest. You have no idea what it is nor when it is coming out. For all you know it could be a new handheld for the 4 year old 3DS. No they didn't.
  4. LOL @ Square Enix moving their conference. Should have never have taken that time in the first place. Last year Splatoon, Yoshi, Kirby, Starfox, Mario Maker, Captain Toad, Devil's Third and Zelda were announced. The year before we had Smash, 3D World, DK, Mario Kart, X and prob more revealed for the first time. There are going to be new games ffs, open your mind and stop dismissing everything. "They're going through the motions, I don't want samey sequels" except for a game you've actually played and liked, then it's ok? Personally i'd love to see SNES Remix, Captain Toad 2, Mario 3D World 2 and Nintendo Land 2. Different strokes....
  5. I meant games that are out a bit sooner than December 2016. I'm sure there's plenty more games in the pipeline before Zelda hits in a year and a half.
  6. In the above Youtube pic which is the new version? I hope it's the one on the left.
  7. I don't understand this "it'll shift to NX" thing. We have no idea what NX is, Iwata himself has said it's a brand new concept that shouldn't be seen as a replacement for either the 3DS or the Wii U. They've delayed Zelda because funnily enough making a big polished openworld game takes time. No to a trailer at E3, a few details might slip out during interviews but nothing more, can't see them wanting to take the focus away from their upcoming games.
  8. I also only voted for one game because I didn't realise it was multiple choice. Tbf that's completely unrealistic to expect 12 major titles in 12 months, it would blown through its entire catalogue of franchises with little room for anything else after that. No console has a good library in its first year, and certainly not one filled with big hitters like the above.
  9. It's worth three times that price
  10. I'm expecting a bit of a soul-less experience to be honest, especially coming from Nintendo games. But at that price may as well give it a go
  11. Iwata Asks aren't in video form during Nintendo's main E3 presentation
  12. Surprised to hear you say that, I really like the way they mixed in a few developer diaries in there. If it was just trailer after trailer with no chat in between the whole presentation would be 15 minutes long! I prefer 5 minutes per game, than non-stop trailers where you can't take anything in. I agree with you re: the PS and Xbox presentations though, way too much waffle, but last year Nintendo did it right IMO.
  13. Ok so would people have preferred the developers talked about their game in a sterile, white room? I just don't understand the hate for the wool shop, it was obviously a big inspiration for the game, and it was a location that was a little bit different to the norm. I quite enjoyed those 5 minutes. In a Sony or Microsoft presentation, it would have taken that long for a developer to make their way to the stage, a few awkwardly delivered quotes, sale figures and applause and for a trailer to finally be shown.
  14. I don't get the hate for the wool shop. It lasted all of 60 seconds, and was during a developer diary showing their inspiration for the game.
  15. Not my kind of game and the art style looks too rough. If the 3DS hardware were a bit more powerful it'd probably look better, but as is.... Plus I'm having too much fun with Puzzle and Dragons Z: Super *breathe* Mario Bros Edition
  16. I wouldn't get your hopes up on that lol
  17. I really really doubt he's talking about voice chat! Probably third party relations, technical specs, account system structure etc....
  18. Lol thanks for the tip. This really isn't a genre I'm into, but I'm curious about the whole openworld aspect.
  19. Just ordered it, not played the game and it's a great price.
  20. I suspect in 10 years time we're going to look back at the Wii U in the same way we look back at the Gamecube. A console that didn't sell but with amazing games. 3D World, Pikmin, Smash, MK8, Wonderful 101, ZombiU, Donkey Kong, Mario Maker, Splatoon, Starfox, Zelda, Captain Toad, Xenoblade, Bayonetta and loads more unannounced. Daily reminders of their mistakes? If you sat back, relaxed and just enjoyed their games for what they are you'd be far happier. I personally love my Wii U, this is a great time to be a Nintendo fan IMO, they've been on fire software wise for the past few years.
  21. How do you know, most of those aren't out yet. Splatoon is getting rave reviews by the gaming press, MK8 is very well loved and filled with top quality content, likewise Smash, Mario 3D World is at 93 on metecritic, Yoshi isn't out yet but looks great, likewise Mario Maker.
  22. She was generally quite annoying for most of E3, I don't remember her being quite so loud at IGN.
  23. If Audrey does her whole exaaactly thing this year I'm switching off
  24. He complains about EVERYTHING. Something gets announced and he finds something to complain about, even if he has to scrape the bottom of the barrel to do so. Now he's whinging about Nintendo's reasons for doing an online presentation, actual reasons they haven't even divulged because they're confidential. No time, you're too busy in the amiibo thread every day bashing it instead.
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