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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Better music than New Island? (not exactly hard tbf) Nice hub world?
  2. Those coasters are amazing, I don't care if I have to find them on eBay, MUST HAVE. Oh and also must have the Captain Toad lamp, goodbye coin and most likely the card matching game.
  3. Dammit, missed them! And I wanted all three
  4. Ahh thanks will look to transform them. I was just expecting me to recruit stronger allies along the way. I'm also saving my coin coffers for the stronger leaders/allies. Are coins only used in the Lottery section or should I save them for something else? I've sort of accepted the fact that I can't go into an airship level with at least 10 lives. It took me about 6 to beat Wendy and world 4 airship! Loving the 3 orb levels, you can chain some incredible combos there. My max so far has been 16 I think.
  5. A precursor to SNES Remix coming at E3? Fingers crossed
  6. Seems to be plenty of content, it's essentially two separate games, albeit with nearly identical gameplay. Made it to the fifth world now, really enjoying it and I can definitely see the improvement in my play, I'm now using skills a lot more and looking far more combos than before where I would be happy to just get one or two. Difficulty wise the regular levels are easy enough to blast through but the castle and airship ones in particular seem 10x harder. It also seems like I'm halfway through the game and most of my allies have a level cap of 25 which is annoying, almost feels like a waste to put much effort into leveling them up.
  7. Maybe it isn't ready to be released now?
  8. I wasn't suggesting the above isn't true and that Nintendo need more western developers. I just took issue that Nintendo need to cater to "our wants" and demands. I corrected him in the same way Redshell did, HIS wants, not necessarily others.
  9. I still to this day don't understand why people are so down about 2013. I remember being thrilled at the end of the Direct, thinking what a great showing of games. They revealed Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, Donkey Kong, Smash Bros WiiU/3DS, Wind Waker HD, Xenoblade and gave better looks at A Link Between Worlds, Pokemon X/Y and Bayonetta 2 and Yoshi's New Island. That's an impressive list of titles. Unlikely we'll ever have 4 big hitters like 3D Mario, Kart, DK and Smash all unveiled at the same time again. I actually think it was better than the 2014 reveals (though admittedly the Digital Event was a much better "show". I guess the backlash was because people were expecting Galaxy 3 (3D World turned out to be amazing instead) and the DK instead of Metroid disappointment.
  10. Thanks all, I think I'll pick it up but maybe wait until after Wooly World to play it. Or maybe play it before, not sure... Triple Deluxe is actually the only Kirby game I've ever played, but I really loved it.
  11. I never played Kirby's Epic Yarn, would people recommend it?
  12. I'm tempted by that one. Is there any music playing? The reason I don't have the custom themes is because I can't stand the audio it forces on the home screen.
  13. The amount of content in this is pretty staggering, at least compared to the E3 reveal. They seem to have added tons to it. It'll be interesting to see if you can use power-ups across all the game styles, like the feather in the original SMB. The 10 uploads per person sounds like something Nintendo would do, limit the number to keep the quality up rather than people just spamming with loads of rubbish. Looking forward to the Mario World end goal, hope they kept the music intact, so much better than a flag pole
  14. Just to defend myself then I'll shut up... Rich coming from you, someone who posts similar pics all the time for the purpose of antagonising. Also, enough with calling people liars please.
  15. Captain Toad, Splatoon, Kirby, Yoshi, Mario Maker, Xenoblade, Starfox, Mario Party 10, MK8 DLC and 2 or 3 more E3 reveals. A pretty decent year. You're right Mario Kart didn't push systems though, probably because it doesn't have a great gimmick like the Wii did, nor is it casually marketed.
  16. That review gave it an 8 because it "wasn't Galaxy 3", rather than judging it on its own merits, which 95% other reviews out there did when they gave it 9+. You don't get it, it was your suggestion that an 8/10 was such horrible result and Nintendo should be ashamed of themselves.
  17. But it's an 8/10 game and has barebones amiibo functionality!!!!
  18. FFS now he's back to complaining about 5-7 hours of single player content, paywalled optional amiibo costumes and saying he's planning on taking a stand against the voice chat nonsense. Give me strength. An 8/10 game, oh the humanity!!!! It's N-Europe, Wii, and the PS4 fans, you're really surprised this thread has plunged into negativity? Head over the Splatoon thread on gaf, overflowing with hype in there.
  19. The thing is it's the Mario universe that's the only real draw for this game, that may sound shallow but whilst I'm sure P&DZ is a great game, I'm really just in this for the Mario fan service. Anyway managed to get a couple of extra lives and finally beat world 3. Onto world 4 now and getting some big 15+ combos, the 3 orb levels are great for those. Seems like the airship levels are much harder than the rest.
  20. I would except I only have two 1 Ups left and they're not enough for this level. Especially Morton who takes an age to beat.
  21. Stuck on the airship level of the desert world. I must have tried about 30 times and died every single one. I just don't get what I'm supposed to be doing to make it through. Tempted to give the game up in frustration, if I can't do world 3, not sure how I'll manage the rest.
  22. http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2015-05/15/nintendo-nx-not-wii-u-3ds-replacement
  23. Jeeze, now Nintendo are "liars" if they show off 2016 games. Facepalm.
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