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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Ask 99% of people who buy amiibos and they'll tell you they bought them to have a neat little figurine for their desk or to collect or whatever. No one buys them for in-game skins. The fact that they unlock minor stuff in game is there to reward collectors. I know all this will once again go over your head, but maybe a small part will finally sink in. And in terms of value, they really are excellent. One figure can unlock so much in multiple games, it's a great business model by the big N.
  2. I wouldn't be very pleased if the already slow release of new waves was prolonged even more just to help some people fill in the occasional gap in their collection a little faster. They will restock older ones but they're prioritising new content, and rightly so IMO.
  3. I love how they play up to Nintendo fans love of those sort of moments by giving us more and more gif worthy gold-dust!
  4. He seems to refuse to understand this. As you say, no one buys amiibos first and foremost for the in-game perks, we buy them because they're nice little figurines. The small bonus content in lots of titles is just that, a bonus.
  5. Thank you. Thought I was going crazy, at least someone sees it too.
  6. With a business mind like that you should be in charge of Nintendo, you'd have solved the amiibo problem from day 1! Produce more! It's so simple. Alternatively, maybe the manufacture of 50+ different figurines with nfc chips inside them isn't that easy, and they're getting them out as fast as they can.
  7. I have a feeling this game is going to be special, fingers crossed
  8. Over 40 amiibo compatible apparently!
  9. Love it. Another perfectly bitesize perk of having amiibo.
  10. It's a really immature viewpoint to have IMO, that a game needs to be a certain number of hours to be considered great.
  11. It was the opposite in in the Puzzle and Dragons: Super Mario Bros Edition portion of Puzzle and Dragons Z + Puzzle and Dragons: Super Mario Bros Edition (lol), the end boss seemed a lot easier than some of the other battles up to that point.
  12. Given the fact that you once said that you refused to consider buying indie games, you're not allowed to say you have great taste in games. (and yes I'm aware you've now seen the error of that original judgment)
  13. I'm hoping but I don't think it was. Who needs logic, common sense and general knowledge when there's complaining about Nintendo that needs doing!
  14. You're extremely close minded about games. That doesn't equate to "great taste", and it's up to others to judge your taste, not yourself. What does it matter about big budgets and large scale games? Captain Toad was some of the most fun I've had this generation and it was a smaller scale release. You have to get over this immature obsession with filesize and how many hours are packed into a game. It's about quality not quantity. Listen to yourself man. What does it matter if they're large scale? They're great games, that's the only point that matters. I honestly think your gaming tastes are more suited to PS4/Xbox where it's all about big budget, cinematic experience games.
  15. I was close to packing it in half way through until I started using Boo Mario as leader and Boo Luigi as helper. From then on the fun came from trying to do at least three combos at any one time. I also had a mix of every type in the level, didn't bother only taking ones that the enemies were weak to. But I agree the difficulty is way too severe for what should be a casual title. They could have easily ramped it up in the post-game worlds (which they still did )
  16. I will chuckle if the NX turns out to be a new handheld to replace the 4-5 year old 3DS.
  17. I found the missable collectibles in Yoshi's New Island infuriating. It actually ruined the game for me, especially having to finish a level with a full life bar or not being able to revisit an area to get something you missed. I really hope the collectibles are better thought out this time.
  18. I think visuals are far more focused on with the competition. Everyone goes on about how incredible the big PS4 games (all five of them) (/joke) look, rather than how they play. With Nintendo the jump to HD probably has something to do with it, not to mention the fact that artistically recent games have been beautiful to look at. The actual gameplay is the same as it's always been in most cases, excellent.
  19. Roy's weird, you'll do barely any damage for 7 or 8 turns, then all of a sudden you'll string 5 or 6 nice combos together and his entire health will drop in one go. I think his defence stats are very high. I may have used a King Bill special to knock his defence out for 1 turn, but I don't think you need that to beat him.
  20. Yeah using Boo Mario and Boo Luigi basically made me want to finish the game, would have been too hard otherwise. Speaking of which, just beat the final boss! Loads of post-game content though, which I won't be touching! Enjoyed the game a lot but I'm done now. I can't understand how people don't think strategy is involved in this. Anyway, great little title.
  21. Oh will the LIIIIES never end!! For the record the 3DS one wasn't too bad.
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