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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Another Wii U exclusive from Platinum? As long as it's better than Devil's Third, their exclusive with the devs last year seemed to go on for hours. Hmm, more like 6 hours later. Makes it pretty unlikely it's a Nintendo game.
  2. Splat zones is INTENSE. Love it. What I don't love is how they match me (level 10) with level 20 players. Then they put two level 20's and a 16 on one team, and then a 10, 8, and 5 on the other. How is that fair? Same with Splat Zones. Two C+'s on one team, two C-'s on the other.
  3. Villager is Balloon Fighter? Mind. Blown.
  4. Apologies, complain was the wrong word to use.
  5. Over 40 hours! You really can't complain the game got boring after that long with it, surely. That's a huge amount of gameplay for such a barebones release.
  6. Awesome, the original six (+ 9 and 10) are waaaaaay better than everything from X onwards. There I said it.
  7. I hope they keep adding to this game for the next couple of years and use the multiplayer as a platform to build on. Then release Splatoon 2 that's mostly just about a big single player campaign. If the IP takes off they'll need named characters and that'd be a good time to introduce them.
  8. As great as that sounds, people will still complain
  9. Yeah we've seen enough Smash focus in Directs over the last couple years to last a lifetime.
  10. Good, get Smash stuff out of the way before E3.
  11. Cheaper card amiibos would solve a lot of problems. Nintendo have said they're working on that, probably see a release by the end of the year to coincide with the Animal Crossing ones. Releasing them too early wold devalue the figurine amiibos so I'm not surprised they're waiting a little while.
  12. It has to be said that £30 (or whatever you paid) for 40+ hours is pretty incredible value for money, and that's without all the addional modes and maps coming. As a side note, it really amazes me that we're ok (ish) to pay 15 quid to watch a 2 hour film at the cinema, but games have been 40 or so quid for 40 hours of interactive entertainment, and still people think they should be cheaper. And don't get me started on iOS prices.
  13. The angry video game nerd swearing every ten seconds thing on YouTube is pretty pathetic IMO, I can't see what's so appealing about those kind of videos.
  14. Might make sense not to breeze through the single player in one sitting. It adds a nice bit of variety in between the online battles. I do one or at most two levels a session and it's keeping things freeeeeeessh.
  15. Saying f-ing every ten seconds and clips of amiibo shagging each other. Yeah I'll give that creative genius a miss.
  16. I wish the shield was a special on more weapons, I'm basically stuck using the underpowered Splattershot Jr just because of the bubbler!
  17. Same here, last year's Sony and Microsoft conferences nearly put me to sleep by the hour and a half mark. All the shooters and action rpgs started merging into one. But yes, it is great to have the diversity.
  18. Single player is awesome, and I'm only on level 5. Such a satisfying obstacle course type platformer. The first boss was brilliant too, such a Mario Galaxy vibe. The other big difference is Splatoon is a unique concept with a fresh perspective on shooters, and Destiny is... just another shooter, in a market saturated with shooters. If Splatoon had launched on other consoles it would have been criticised for lack of launch day content, absolutely, but it would still have been praised for its creative and fun gameplay. That's what gaming is supposed to be about, and that's why the majority of people love it. Sorry to hear you've gotten bored with it though.
  19. Yeah I'd give SS best story of the past three console games. Wind Waker's was a little vague and the storyline vanished half way through Twilight Princess.
  20. Personally I'm very very hyped for E3 this year. And not just for Nintendo stuff, hoping to see Inside (sequel to Limbo), Rime, No Man's Sky, Mass Effect 4 and fingers crossed a ME Trilogy remaster.
  21. I'd agree with that. To give it some credit, whilst I think the lack of a connected overworld was probably the game's biggest crime, exploring the various parts individually was quite good. Especially compared to Twilight Princess where geographically speaking it maybe wasn't quite as much fun? It had some nice locations, especially the forest, waterfall, volcano etc and the way it reconfigured each in future visits was quite cool Also visually the game could look quite stunning at times.
  22. Your second point is probably the biggest problem with the game. The world felt very empty and the sense of dread you had in games like OOT (adult link) and Majora's Mask was completely absent. Hyrule Castle Town in general was a big disappointment. Looked nice but there wasn't much to do there. Kakariko similarly was pretty soul-less although maybe that was the point. I also think they shoehorned in Ganon at the last minute. Sums up the three games perfectly, nice one. I'd add the poor soundtrack for SS, especially compared to WW and TP.
  23. ^ Great post. I was a huge critic of Twilight Princess as and after I played it, but looking back it did some things outstandingly well, dungeons and bosses especially. Also the ambiance and mood of the Hyrule Castle dungeon at the end of the game was so well done. It was just so eerie. Then four great boss fights to cap it off and a bittersweet ending. Really great stuff.
  24. Please let's not start this up again. Arguments have been done to death, seven times over.
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