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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Give him Starfox, that may as well have been a new announcement. Not Hyrule Warriors though.
  2. It's not the conference that's the problem, it's the direction Nintendo are going.
  3. Nintendo are usually king of art design, that's why this is such a WTF moment. Still, it looks fun and that's obviously the important thing.
  4. I was worried Retro were the ones behind the new "Metroid", but it seems not. Still not all bad from a personal POV, this E3 has convinced me to buy a PS4 as the Uncharted games look fun, so too No Man's Sky and Firewatch and probably an Xbox One as well for Mass Effect 4, Recore, Tacoma, Cuphead and Tomb Raider.
  5. I suppose why waste resources on a proper Mario or Metroid game when your console is getting shelved in a year or two. May as well leave them for the first year or two of the next one. They've teased us with Zelda U for so many years they kind of have to release it on Wii U at this point.
  6. Ok fair enough, these parts just look very familiar
  7. If the game is an exploration based traditional Zelda title it'll be fine. If it's a linear, level-based room by room dungeon crawler, not for me. Seems like the latter.
  8. I think you're the one who needs to relax, in no way am I jumping ship. The presentation was just a disaster from start to finish. The fans have been begging them for a Metroid game so they give us... a visually terrible looking, mulitplayer co-op mode. Anything to soften the Zelda U delay? A childish dress-up mulitplayer game Their potentially awesome Skylanders-like amiibo game is... Skylanders! A first console Starfox game in a decade and it looks.... worse than the one ten years ago. Sorry I know I give Sony and Microsoft shit for having an endless stream of samey games, which they do... but compare headline titles Uncharted 4 or the Last Guardian with Starfox. Nintendo have some outstanding games on the Wii U, and they've had some brilliant Directs and E3's in the last couple of years. This was their worst showing in a very very long time and actually convinced me that Wii was right, the Wii U is dead in their eyes. What's most upsetting is that for a company that prides itself on polish and quality, games like Metroid: Federation Force, Starfox and Mario Tennis look anything but top quality.
  9. I thought the gamepad controls look fine in this, pretty nifty use of it as an extra viewpoint. I wonder if having to render two separate views limited the graphical fidelity.
  10. Fair enough, glad to hear it. I must be in the minority then
  11. Starfox Assault, a 10 year old game on a console two gens old looks better, with more flavour, than "Zero" does (great title guys). We can only hope the visuals get a serious upgrade in the next few months. Tbh, I don't really associate Platinum with nice looking visuals. They always seem to look a little rough and dated.
  12. I really hope the single player is a meaty campaign but if it's just a series of puzzle rooms with a boss at the end, I probably won't even bother getting it. And that's coming from a massive Zelda fanboy. Ok fine I'll probably still get it, but you get my point.
  13. If this played like Super Paper Mario or Sticker Star, ie. mostly a platformer with RPG elements I would be all over it. Sadly, it's just another Mario & Luigi game which I just can't seem to get into.
  14. Ok now that we've got that cleared up, I'll say the same point
  15. Exaaaaactly Then look at a game like Cuphead and go and do something stunningly creative and replicate the Thunderbirds look properly. Not an art style that would have been at home on the N64. Personally give me Nintendo games over anything else, that won't ever change, but that embarrassing presentation has convinced me they really need to wake up, and fast.
  16. But unlike when he does it to genuine quality games like Captain Toad and 3D World, Zelda, AC and especially Metroid actually deserve the bashing, at least based on their reveal. Starfox I'm sure will be fun, the visuals are so bad it's actually pretty shocking, especially given how good Nintendo usually are at art style.
  17. I'm starting to wonder whether they went a little too far with this. Dunno, the levels are starting to look like a mess with so many options and the amiibo integration is a little silly and unpolished looking. It looked amazing at the NWC but since then I've been having second thoughts. I suppose it's all down to the creator.
  18. Them re-using the same Corneria level from Lylat Wars doesn't fill me with much confidence either. Especially as it basically looks like the same game just in HD.
  19. So what? What point are you trying to make in relation to my post? The fact that there have been other multiplayer games changes nothing. And regardless, Spirit Tracks isn't a multiplayer Zelda game, it's a Zelda game with a mulitplayer bonus mode in it.
  20. Fourth instance of what? Also btw, small point but worth mentioning the title is actually Tri Force Heroes, just to rub salt in the wound.
  21. 2013: Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros, Donkey Kong, Pokemon, Link Between Worlds, X, Bayonetta 2, Wind Waker HD 2014: Yoshi, Kirby, Splatoon, Mario Maker, Zelda U, Captain Toad, Hyrule Warriors 2015: Unpolished mulitplayer garbage of Zelda and Metroid, a terrible looking Starfox, a party game Animal Crossing F-in dire.
  22. Seriously, who asked for a multiplayer Zelda game, especially one that sinks the series to a new childish low? Ok I'm sure some people are keen to play 3 player Zelda but surely they're in the vast vast minority? Why not give us a sequel to ALBW? The single player version better be half decent, but I'm sure it'll just be another throwaway title like the Four Swords games.
  23. That explains the horribly unpolished art style and visuals then. As Daemon on IGN said, in terms of looks, this did not look like a game that should be coming in the modern day. Absolute garbage art style. Starfox Assault had 10x the polish and visual flair that this rubbish does.
  24. I'm a massive Nintendo fanboy and even I thought that was inexcusably bad. Metroid and Zelda in particular just look like absolute garbage. Ditto Animal Crossing, and Starfox looked like it was playing on an upgraded N64. So disappointed, I can't quite believe how dire that was. And not just quality wise, the fact that they're dragging two of their biggest franchises through the mud like that is pretty upsetting.
  25. Looks amazing and different. Gotta love indies
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