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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Their reasoning makes sense in this case though. Why buy the game if you can just watch all these great levels on YouTube?
  2. They don't owe us anything. They released a console and supported it for at least four years with some excellent games. Giving away free games for no reason would just be bizarre and seem very very desperate.
  3. That was very very different, that was as an apology for lowering the price of the system so soon after launch. New owners got the lower price, old owners got free games. We're talking about giving Nintendo owners free money for games as an apology for... what? I still can't figure that part out. I don't remember that at all? It was about 4 months ago the new 3DS launched.
  4. But why only to Wii U owners? People will say as an apology, but why would they need to apologise? The Wii U has great games, they don't owe us a Metroid Prime. Not to mention the dodgy PR it would generate offering former owners free games, it would just look desperate and would also put off people who didn't own a Wii U who were considering buying NX.
  5. The Wii barely had a game of note released in it's final year or two, and that console sold 100 million, compared to the Wii U's 10 mil, so let's be reasonable here.
  6. Totally. Gutted. The demand for one is huge. :(
  7. Entitled gamers thinking they're owed the world for pennies? Surely not.
  8. The production cost of a HD Prime game in the modern day would probably be triple what it was for on of the trilogy games, not to mention a far longer development time. Sales wise it'd sell a third of what the Prime games sold (which weren't very much in the first place).
  9. I don't understand why they should give vouchers or free games away? The Wii U has a great library of first party games. 2D Mario, 3D Mario, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Pikmin, Donkey Kong, Wind Waker HD, Zelda U, Captain Toad, Bayonetta, Xenoblade, Yoshi, Kirby, Splatoon, Mario Maker, and loads more I'm forgetting. Sorry but they owe us nothing apart from better third party support.
  10. No. You don't need all 8. Reaction to the Animal Crossing amiibo has been overwhelmingly positive, that's what we all want to have, not the game itself.
  11. It's true that Metroid games don't sell very well, but these kind of games are important to keep your core fanbase invested in the company long term. It's the reason why they're making all these Wii U games on a dead console that won't even make 15 million sales.
  12. They said there's more to the game than the board game content, which of course they can't reveal atm. I agree the FTP nature of the game should have been in the Direct.
  13. Well they reiterated there's a single player campaign, I hope they show that off at some point. Hopefully without Audrey (blonde, ex IGN). I genuinely think their c0ck-ups were just to prolong the segment and up the "fun", it got to the point where they were just walking into pits.
  14. I'm finding the Treehouse guys playing this atm impossible to watch. I think they've been told to drag one level that should take a few minutes out to 15. Constant talking over each other, constantly making stupid mistakes, falling into pits, being killed, general buffoonery. Audrey is as annoying as ever and it's as if they have it in their contract to say "Niiice" once every twenty seconds.
  15. Those amiibo's are almost as amazing as the yarn Yoshi ones. Just wish the warp pipe didn't have any text on it.
  16. Incredible delusion in that last paragraph. Nice kick in the balls for Monolith Soft too. Great work Shigsy!
  17. I'd be amazed if Morpheus actually comes out, they clearly half-arsed it at the conference.
  18. I'd love another Starfox Adventures, I thought it was fantastic. The visuals from that and Assault have 10x more charm than Zero has at the moment. The latter just feels empty and soulless. I do like the Starfox 2 vibe I get from it but otherwise it needs tons of work to look acceptable as a modern day game.
  19. Whilst I obviously wouldn't be immature enough to thumbs down the video, I'm pretty disappointed in Steamworld Heist. I'm sure the game will be good but I'd have much rather seen another Metroidvania from them.
  20. Those Animal Crossing amiibo look fantastic! Shame there isn't a new Villager though.
  21. Hyrule Warriors Legends? That title makes no sense. Not sure what's up with Nintendo's naming attempts lately. Tri Force Heroes, Metroid Prime: Federation Force, Starfox Zero.... ?!
  22. At least it's a bit different to the usual AC. Need to see more but it doesn't look for me on first glance. I wonder if their next proper Animal Crossing game will be on mobile. Free to play with in-app purchases. It would be a phenomenon and they'd make a fortune from it.
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