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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. The music scenes in Spirit Tracks were excellent, particularly that one. Probably my second favourite after OOT. MM, WW, TP and especially SS nowhere near as good. This one is really nice too, love the timing Great game. Find it amazing that some people somehow prefer Phantom Hourglass to this.
  2. That sounds like the best plan. One hybrid device would be disastrous for Nintendo if it didn't sell.
  3. Grow up Wii. An episodic format actually sounds like a great idea for this game. Without the longer on-foot sections Starfox games can be finished in an hour, so spreading the story out to four or five episodes makes a lot of sense. Release a new one every month for 8 quid or whatever, throw in a few cliffhangers, keep the hype going.... sounds great to me.
  4. Armogohma wasn't great, fair enough but still quite a good action setpiece. I personally found the Sandship boring. Then we had two poor fire dungeons for some reason and a forgettable forest one. The Mines and the Ancient Cistern were probably the strongest ones in the game.
  5. Who said anything about there only being a cockpit view? The tv screen is the usual third person view, and you can look down at the gamepad to see cockpit view. That way you can be flying in direction while looking in another for instance.
  6. The dungeons were very boring, apart from the Ancient Cistern, nothing else was in any way remarkable. Compare them to Arbiter's Grounds, Snowpeak Mansion, Temple of Time, City in the Sky.... - Now think back to the bosses of those four dungeons Skyward Sword is great but it has huge problems. No proper overworld, forgettable music, incredibly hand-holdy, annoying companion, poor dungeons, poor bosses. Every Zelda game has negatives but those are quite big ones IMO.
  7. I don't understand what the problem is. If you don't like cockpit view, don't look at the gamepad!
  8. I loved Skyward Sword but the disconnected overworld was a disaster. It completely stripped the sense of adventure out of the game. Also to go from the incredible organic dungeons in TP to the mostly boring ones in SS was disappointing. Oh and the sky had about a tenth of the personality of the Great Sea. The boss fights were pretty forgettable for the most part too. Also the soundtrack was horrible. Fi was a poor sidekick, and I really could have done without robots in a Zelda game. ...Hmmm, I think I loved Skyward Sword?
  9. What would you rather be displayed on the Gamepad? It sounds great anyway, potentially you could be flying in one direction and using cockpit view to look to your left and right.
  10. Played Eve Valkyrie with Oculus at EGX. Soul-less and boring, relying on spectacle instead of gameplay
  11. Miyamoto isn't talking about broken games that can be patched (an alien concept to Nintendo, unlike on other platforms), he's talking about a BAD game that no amount of patching can fix.
  12. Well said, especially the part about Nintendo respecting the industry enough to not rush a broken release out. Unlike what happens on other platforms There's only so much fixing patches can do. Yes they can make the game not crash every five minutes and yes DLC can cellotape more content on top, but a badly implemented game from the start in order to satisfy a release date, will always be bad. Nintendo want to make a great Zelda game from the ground up.
  13. From January, Miyamoto teases unannounced 2015 Wii U games You mean the year where it had four GOTY nominees? Mario Kart, Bayonetta 2, Smash and Shovel Knight. Yeah what a shit year
  14. Alright I'll take the DLC off, that just leaves Starfox Xenoblade Kirby Yoshi Splatoon Mario Maker Project Giant Robot Devil's Third Direct/E3 announcements which is a hell of a lot more than last year.
  15. If you're going to bring it up in this thread for the millionth time, maybe try and add something to the discussion, with something that hasn't been said a hundred times before.
  16. So MK8 DLC Starfox Xenoblade Kirby Yoshi Splatoon Mario Maker Project Giant Robot Devil's Third Direct/E3 announcements
  17. So why bring it up again?
  18. I think it certainly does. DLC and patches can't fix a bad game.
  19. Wii U is more than capable and deserves a great Zelda. Sounds like Nintendo are holding back on a 3D Mario for their next console launch anyway.
  20. Let me get this straight, you actually think a new Mario, Zelda, F-Zero, Donkey Kong, Pikmin, Starfox and Metroid game released every month is realistic and/or feasible? Think things through before you start spouting nonsense. I'm going to hazard a guess that EAD Tokyo knows a tad more than you about game development.
  21. Let them take all the time they need obviously, it's just a shame they must not have been very far along with it. A lot of people were expecting it at E3 2013, but then they said they needed more time and gave us Wind Waker HD instead, then they revealed it 2014, and now it's not even ready for E3 2015. They must have changed direction, or realised the work that needs to go into making modern day giant openworld games. At least this means we might get new animations and finally move on from the stiff TP/SS ones. Playing Wind Waker HD shows what building one from the ground up can achieve.
  22. Given that MM apart, every 3D console Zelda has been delayed it wasn't exactly the boldest prediction to say this one would be as well. It does seem like a Xmas 2016 release now, FIVE years after Skyward Sword, seems a crazy amount of time tbh.
  23. Mario 3D World was announced at E3 and released 6 months later. Same with Donkey Kong although they delayed it a month or two to give it some breathing room.
  24. The game looked so rough in the Game Awards footage that this really is no surprise. I was dreading it a little that they were rushing out some huge empty half-arsed game, so the idea that they're working on it properly is a bit of a relief.
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