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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Funny that, Nintendo fans on a Nintendo message board.
  2. Are you sure you weren't just playing it at 50cc? MK8 is widely recognised as the best Mario Kart for a long time. Fantastic game and the DLC is pretty special too.
  3. Thank god for indies, adding some desperately needed variety to the other two consoles.
  4. That wasn't what I was doing either. I was taking the mick out of the thread in a jokey fashion. Then there's this... http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1741484&postcount=5
  5. What a stupid thing to say and typical of the immaturity of a large portion of the gamer culture. A great game is a great game, regardless of whether it's Shovel Knight or Destiny. I'd genuinely love to know why that is/was. Why were you totally against the idea of buying indie games?
  6. The "similar types of games that are continuously being pumped out these days" comment made me laugh. You're right of course, just surprised to hear you of all people say it. No Man's Sky will give the PS4 some much needed variety, even if it took yet another indie dev to manage it.
  7. Probably down to preconceptions. Those who've actually played it love it.
  8. I assumed NX is their next handheld. There was a job listing a year ago where they were looking for someone to work on their next portable. Makes sense really, the 3DS has been out for a while now, and it gives the new 3DS another year or two of sales before the new thing hits. The Wii U is just over 2 years old, no way will they replace it so soon.
  9. Seems it's alright for you and @Wii to make jokes about that but not me, eh @Ashley ?
  10. "a game that is bursting at the seams with ideas" sums it up. Every level like its own little fantasy world, what a gem of a game.
  11. *Surprised not suspended. Stupid auto-correct
  12. Suspended that a site that gives click-bait, controversial opinions tells you more about a game than the average consensus of 100 sites.
  13. What a great video, and fully shows off the imagination and genius of this game. The comparison to Mario Galaxy's more chaotic design was a bit of an eye opener!
  14. No it isn't. And no it shouldn't. It's there for all to see.
  15. No. As I said, all I've been arguing against has been the repetitive and iterative nature of AAA games. Shooters and action games, no variety, buggy and/or broken. Not once did I ever say "that game is s**t".
  16. You'd rather go through the hassle (and monetary hit) of buying, selling, buying, selling and buying again? The Wii U's pretty small, just put it in a cupboard when you're not using it or something.
  17. Not really. It shows that the vast majority adored the game. With a grand total of 2 reviews out of 90+ giving it an 8/10. You still fail to grasp that I never argued against the QUALITY of the grey mainstream, I haven't played most of them, so I'm in no position to judge that. My issue is with the same styles, genres and conventions being recycled over and over within the AAA landscape.
  18. Mario 3D World... it's not the next iteration of Galaxy... 8/10. I don't think that's the right way of going about it. Judge the game on its own merits. It's like saying "A Link Between Worlds could have been a Majora's Mask fully 3D sequel, but isn't, so 8/10".
  19. Wow all of those negatives and still a GOTY contender and 93% on metacritic. "2.5D" and "similar to what came before", there are worse crimes.
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