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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Lack of HD didn't stop them selling 100 million Wii's. Maybe, just maybe, they know a thing or two more than you Wii.
  2. The Wii U's sales are a separate issue. It's failing not because of a quality issue, Nintendo games are well loved. If it was a graphical powerhouse filled to the brim with grey and gritty shooters then I'm sure it's do quite well. Sadly that's what gaming is about these days. Splatoon with voice chat would have made barely a dent in sales.
  3. The next time Nintendo release more information about this game I guarantee you the threads will be filled with "This game looks great but it really needs voice chat". You yourself will be responsible for about 9 of said posts. Going in circles, always saying the same thing.
  4. It's a pretty good representation of the gaming community, being the online gaming message board. Doesn't include all the kids who buy PS4s for COD and the like but that's definitely a good thing.
  5. You expect them to reply properly to the hundreds of emails they must get every day by whiney immature entitled fanboys?
  6. I agree. I think we need a fourth topic on the subject. Maybe we could call it "Splatoon needs voice chat!"
  7. Judging by the reaction on GAF, everyone's really excited for this game. This site just seems to exist in a voice chat bubble. Voice chat voice chat voice chat. It's all about voice chat. That's what gaming is about. Talking to your mates. Just in case three threads hasn't made it clear yet, THIS GAME NEEDS VOICE CHAT!!!! it's nothing without it.
  8. Facepalm. You want to play COD, Playstation has a million samey shooters for you. I'll refer back to Eurogamer's headline: "Nintendo might be making the most exciting online shooter in years" Huge credit to Nintendo for doing something different in a sea of sameness. As for the COD for kids comment, no need to dignify that with a response.
  9. Tipping Stars is great, really enjoying it. Didn't it get better reviews than The Order? A rare PS4 exclusive that took how many years and how much money to make?
  10. gaf going crazy with excitement over the NX, speculating on dozens of pages. Our NX thread? More moaning about anything Nintendo did and does, as if there isn't enough of that on every single other topic.
  11. This game is lacking voice chat? Let's bring it up again, the message might stick.
  12. I'm not suggesting they don't know how to do it, I'm suggesting they just don't bother doing it.
  13. Not really a great indicator. If you searched for anything on google you'd think the world was talking about it. Gaf is obviously the gaming message board, and the vast majority of chat on there about this game is about... well, the actual game, funnily enough. Write ups on gaming sites mention no voice chat, say it is disappointing, which it is, but don't focus on it like people on here seem to. It'll get a mention in the "Negatives" of reviews no doubt, but I still expect the game itself to shine through.
  14. The Wii U is irrelevant in the current gaming industry because indie scene apart, the current gaming industry is all about shooters and ultra realistic action games. Only an idiot would argue that Nintendo games quality control isn't top notch and their games set the standard for polish in the industry.
  15. You said "they refuse to provide gamers with what they want". I argue that what gamers want is quality games. A brawler, a racer, a platformer, an action adventure, a strategy game. Not samey in the slightest. If you're talking about how they're similar to their previous games in their series, those are once in a generation titles, occasionally two a gen. Not annualised COD or Creed.
  16. 1. How many parents actually bother using parental controls or realise they exist. A minority I would imagine. 2. Miiverse is filled with people saying "Add me as a friend!" to randomers. It's hardly the biggest hurdle. 3. Not worth answering
  17. Quality, polished 9+/10 games in a sea of buggy, broken freemium ad-filled sameyware?
  18. Journalists, reporters and the rest of the games industry don't seem that bothered by it and/or have accepted it a long time ago. That's why I'm so surprised by the outrage on here. There's a handful of half-hearted mentions on gaf, that's about it.
  19. It's because of the whole "kids speaking with dodgy adult strangers" potential they want no part of, nothing to do with tech.
  20. Meh. I don't think the very loud minority of people complaining about no voice chat impacts their bottom line. Their brand is far too important to them and that's fair enough IMO. Obviously I'd rather more people were happy but I can understand their reasoning.
  21. I'm not offering an opinion on the voice chat experience itself, just people's obsession with it. When they talk about MK8 and Smash cheating them out of their money because of no voice chat, it just gets a little sad and ridiculous. That's what I find mind-boggling. This constant, never-ending fixation with it.
  22. Says the man who prioritises voice chat over actual gameplay?
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