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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. I'm not saying I completely agree with their stance, just suggesting that that's the reason for it.
  2. Parental controls that most parents don't bother with. All it takes is one dodgy incident in the news, brand tarnished forever.
  3. From Gamespot... As opposed to other shooters, you're constantly firing in Splatoon. The action is fast paced unlike the more precision based nature of the million other shooters out there. That's why I don't think team strategy will play that big a part.
  4. All I'm saying is the decision to shun voice chat could only be down to maintaining their family friendly image. People may not like it but it's unlikely to ever change. I find it funny how other sites and message boards barely give the lack of voice chat much mention but on here it's all anyone ever talks about.
  5. But Zelda doesn't have voice chat, why will you bother getting it? "Being a gamer is about chatting to your mates" after all. Apparently.
  6. Maybe they have data that only 5% of Wii U's have active parental controls. Sounds plausible.
  7. Will every single parent know enough to set parental controls? I'd say not even half would bother with them. It's a huge can of worms.
  8. It's a conscious choice. Has nothing to do with technical aspects. Nintendo is a family company that cares about its brand too much to allow the possibility of kids talking to strange men they don't know. They rather lose a handful of sales to voice chat obsessives like kav than taint their image with potential negative press that tarnishes their brand.
  9. Apologies I might have been mistaken about the 1080p, thought I saw it somewhere
  10. Don't get your hopes up! 1080p and locked 60fps is a nice bonus too. Looks glorious. I just hope the single player campaign is meaty enough.
  11. "Nintendo might be making the most exciting online shooter in years" - great headline from Eurogamer
  12. "Next to Mario, who else can give 3DS and Wii U a boost? ....DRAGON QUEST!!" Doesn't sound right to me.
  13. My first thought was Zelda. Sounds like they're going to have a lot of info to share about Zelda U.
  14. Regardless of whether or not the Wii remote was a gimmick, it's still a piece of tech I'm very glad Nintendo introduced last gen. Great times were had with it (and continue to be had). Plus smaller innovations like a speaker in the remote was inspired, and subsequently copied.
  15. Panorama Views are fun for about 3 minutes. Pikmin Short Movies are fun for 30 minutes.
  16. "I want to see new games announced for Wii U" Why would they announce new games for the Wii U when E3 is in three months, and Mario Maker, Splatoon, Yoshi, X and Zelda aren't out yet?
  17. Not sure how the 3DS backfired spectacularly. They've sold 50 million of them, and in an age that's all about 79p or freemium tablet and phone gaming, that's extraordinary.
  18. Now we're complaining that Iwata came up with the idea to start selling amiibo. Great.
  19. Hand-holding apart (which was a huge issue in the game), Fi's coldness throughout 99% of the game was a big turn-off, but it did make the final scene between her and Link pretty special
  20. Wii's in a bad mood. That explains his nonsensical complaining about nothing out of the ordinary. What are you so outraged by exactly??
  21. Not interested in Dragon Age but when Bioware announce a remastered Mass Effect trilogy that's when I'll buy a PS4/XBO
  22. He doesn't have me on ignore he reacts and responds to most of my posts. I'm not being abusive towards him I'm just stating my opinion re amiibo.
  23. Stop being so tight-arsed. Again, they are FIGURINES first. In-game content second, a bonus if you will. The quality is great.
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