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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. "Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Fortissimo Edition" - catchy title
  2. I don't think there was anything wrong with first party releases on Wii U, it's just there were no big third party releases to plug the gaps. 2014 for instance had Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros, Bayonetta 2, Hyrule Warriors, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze and Captain Toad, not sure you can really ask for much more first party games in one year than that.
  3. Good chat from IGN. They raise a great point about future game trailers and how confusing it'll be from a graphics POV, ie. which version of the game will we be looking at, original PS4 or PS4K. "The general response seems to be anger" - Marty should check out this message board, the opposite seems to be true.
  4. Great header as always
  5. Whether it's a new gen or not really doesn't matter. With a new XBox around the corner as well it's clear both new consoles are a paradigm shift and traditional console cycles are no more. I find this very sad.
  6. Interesting how different the views are on gaf, a lot of people talking about giving up on console gaming and moving to PC if the PS4K is a thing. And why not, this basically removes the convenience of console gaming. Personally (and annoyingly) I know I'll feel compelled to get it, but then again how long will this one last? Maybe I should wait until the PS4-8K in 2018...
  7. Right, tech is moving faster now that during the PS3/360 gen. Even if that's true I don't see how that justifies calling my post stupid. A much shorter console cycle is thanks to the PS4K.
  8. The new 3DS was released four years after the original and only added a few minor alterations. The games still looked the same. No one felt like they were being screwed. The DS lite was the same console as the DS just in a different shell and the Gameboy Colour was released a decade after the original. If the PS4K simply output visuals in 4K, was slimmer, made less noise, had more storage etc, I wouldn't care less, but it's likely to be a major hardware revision that'll make every game look far more impressive. This isn't the same as throwing in an analog nub and NFC.
  9. I didn't mean the NX specifically, have a read through the toxic Wii U thread and you'll see plenty of examples though. If that's true then it makes the PS4K even more dodgy, almost as if this is exactly what Playstation planned for. Make an underpowered console at launch, then release a new one three years later.
  10. Baiting by Sheikah and bashing by everyone else is fine of course, as long as it's in Nintendo's direction, but DEFINITELY NOT towards Playstation. God forbid. It's pretty sad, especially as in a lot of cases, it's at the expense of gameplay. Great post and good call as it being a way of selling 4K tvs. As Altano at IGN said, it's a completely unnecessary hardware revision, that will ultimately screw consumers into spending another 300 quid for a spec bump. I seriously doubt developers are asking for the PS4K, when they're having trouble making a profit on AAA games as it is.
  11. What does "every aspect of technology" have to do with video game console cycles? You said console generations don't last as long as the last one did, the only evidence that points to that is the PS4K, hence my reply. Ok the NX as well, but that's an exception based on poor sales.
  12. The reactions to the NX controller "leak" were just as extreme, if not more so, but of course no one minded because it's fashionable to hate on Nintendo for the slightest thing. I have no agenda, I would just like balance, not one rule for Nintendo, one rule for Playstation, which it so clearly is on here.
  13. Cheers. What, (apart from the PS4K) is evidence that console generations don't last 7 years like the previous one then? Sony has high hopes that PS4 will have a longer life cycle than PS3
  14. Speak for yourself, I've adored the likes of Pikmin, 3D World, Luidi U, Captain Toad, Mario Kart, Smash, Yoshi, Wonderful 101, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Hyrule Warriors, Splatoon, Mario Maker, Bayonetta 2 etc. To me that has indeed 'got started'. They're abandoning it four years after release. Apparently console generations don't work like the usual any more and we shouldn't expect them to last 5+ years. I never said I expected it to last 5 years after I bought it, I expected it to last 5 years from release, not two and a bit.
  15. You're right it's not how it works any more, thanks exclusively to the PS4K.
  16. Ok let's bring it back to NX. Hopefully this middle finger from Playstation will make people opt to spend their 300 quid on a shiny new NX than a spec-boosted PS4.
  17. I bought my PS4 nine months ago, and it's already going to be considered old tech. When you buy a new console there's a certain expectation that it'll last you 5+ years. I can't imagine I'll be able to resist upgrading if I know there's a far superior PS4 out there, and that makes me angry. This Playstation gen will have ended up costing me double. As for Zelda likely being on NX, NX is a new console, PS4K is an upgraded PS4. Nice. He wasn't happy on a recent Game Scoop, and rightly so. I don't think any of them were that thrilled about it.
  18. I do understand what a rumour is, thank you. Do you honestly believe the PS4K is a myth or that it won't have upgraded internals? There comes a point where it stops being a rumour and starts being called a leak. This thing is obviously happening.
  19. Specs are out, and are surprise surprise, what they were reported to be previously. Are my complaints acceptable to you now or do we have to wait for the fine print that'll make no difference?
  20. Sad news. Playstation can f off. At least reports say there won't be exclusive games, we'll see if that turns out to be true. I'm not going to be happy playing games on the original PS4 knowing this could look much better on the Neo. They better have a decent trade in program.
  21. Come on, I didn't expect it to last 7-8 years, but I was expecting slightly longer than 3! If 5 is what's expected then why are Nintendo considered to be abandoning the Wii U early, four years after release? As I said I wasn't expecting this gen to last quite as long as the last one, but I bought my PS4 expecting to get a good 4 years out of it, now it seems I'll have gotten one year out of it, before it's already out of date. If Playstation start pulling exclusive PS4K games in the first couple of years they can GTFO.
  22. I suppose the PS4K could end up helping the NX if it does cut the console generation in half, the latter could end up far more appealing as a 300 quid purchase than an upgraded PS4, no matter how much Sony spin the enhanced graphics and cpu.
  23. You'll be waiting a while longer then cause this is hardly a traditional 3D platformer. The worlds are mostly flat open terrains that you run through shooting everything in sight. I'd say it's more of a third person shooter than a platformer.
  24. The PS4K just makes me sad. I'm staggered the industry isn't outraged by it and how console generation cycles have basically been cut in half. I bought my PS4 a year ago and it'll soon be old tech, thanks a lot Playstation.
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