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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. I still can't believe this is the third year in a row all we've gotten was a behind the scenes tease without any actual gameplay, no doubt it'll be its fourth E3 next year. I'm happy they're taking their time with it and what we did see was amazing, I just think it was revealed a couple of years too soon.
  2. You're absolutely right, exactly the same as the miniscule content locked to amiibo in various games, just ignore them. I guess the PS4 version won't look as good as that then
  3. Yeah I do wish his videos were a tad longer sometimes, but 8 minutes per Zelda game isn't so bad when you add it all together.
  4. Of course it looks immersive, it's a game about collecting things in big open spaces. If you want to live in a game world and be wowed by lots of foliage feel free to prefer Yooka, personally I think it looks dated, unoriginal and bland. The sort of graphical style you would see in an iOS game.
  5. Bland????? Each to their own but give me this... any day over 'more foliage' and 'interesting lighting'
  6. Ronnie


    Looks great, nice to see something truly original
  7. More than slightly gross. Anyway as for the game itself, I'm not a first person shooter guy but even I'm tempted by this. It looks absolutely gorgeous. I do wonder if that was PS4K footage we were watching though.
  8. Gamexplain suggested the stamina meter from Skyward Sword might be a good way of gating Hyrule off until you can get items to increase how far you can climb. The sail cloth they showed off in the Game Awards footage would be a safety net should you not be able to climb all the way Totally agree, the animation in Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword was pretty bad. Wind Waker's is better than both.
  9. Nintendo just released the full artwork, smart way of dealing with the leak... F-ing GLORIOUS.
  10. There's no way this game is coming out in Q1 next year. I'd be surprised if it's even out next year at all. Such a disappointing lack of content.
  11. How bad was that EA conference? Awful and sums up the real issue with the industry, revealing games waaaaay too early before they're ready to be shown. There's no way Mass Effect is out by the start of next year. It doesn't look anywhere near to being finished. The Star Wars games, apart from some concept art and a few seconds of footage, we didn't see anything. Visceral's game is two years away, and that's before the inevitable delay which seems to affect every AAA game these days. FIFA story mode looked cool, and I say that as someone who isn't into football. Titanfall 2 and Battlefield look amazing, but more shooters, meh. The most interesting part of that conference was Fe. That genuinely looked new and exciting. Terrible conference overall, such a disappointment, especially the lack of proper Mass Effect content. The least they could have done is finally hear the cry for a remastered trilogy on current gen, but we didn't even get that. Meh
  12. It looks like there's quite a few tall watch tower type structures in this game, seems like they're giving us any excuse to drool over the overworld. Could work similar to the towers in Assassin's Creed/Watchdogs
  13. kav, I know you meant it. Others who baited me about it were doing it as a joke. That's ignored though obviously, because it wasn't me doing the baiting. Only I get called out on that it seems. Apologise? I should have apologised because I thought the game was out in two weeks instead of a month and a bit? And that means I'm a liar? You make some good points, but in other instances such as this it's just nonsense. As for being part of the inconsistent problem, maybe deal with the rest of the problem instead of focusing on me for every little thing.
  14. Lovely! *waits for Gamexplain to do a 16 minute video analysing that image*
  15. If I'm being inconsistent and treating platforms differently then I guess I've picked up this board's habit. Why bring up Uncharted (I'd gotten the release date wrong and thought it was coming out sooner than it was) instead of the half dozen other examples of me showing indifference to a delayed game. Instead you pick a game where I wrote the scandalously confrontational "Two weeks before release they tell us they're delaying it, hmmmm" for that comment I get shit, but far worse quotes about Nintendo games being delayed are waved through, standard. As unsupported as calling me a liar, and then not apologising for doing so? I didn't "make a statement", I vented a frustration that Sony sent Tearaway out to die, twice. That's what message boards are for. You called me a liar because of my "Two weeks before release they tell us they're delaying it" comment. Seriously. Once, as others have done many times, for example, those who brought up 'voice chat' as bait/a joke to see the response.
  16. I never suggested you hated Nintendo. I'm not asking you to share blanket praise on everything they do. It would just be nice to see you argue their corner for once or say ANYTHING positive about any of their games this past decade, without the whole damning with faint praise thing. As I said that's just a personal wish, do what you like of course. I find plenty of things Sony do questionable, but you get an earful here for that kind of complaining.
  17. Another great video, looking forward to seeing the rest of the series. The way ALTTP played with 3D in the tower of Hera was brilliant, so clever at the time.
  18. Not sure you can just double the rumoured dungeon count but maybe. I think most of the mini dungeons are likely to just be a couple of rooms each. I think if done right it could work really well. Would certainly flesh out the overworld
  19. Argh, not more robots! Suppose the trailer kind of gave that impression anyway. The 4 main dungeons + 100 mini dungeons thing sounds good, and very plausible; something similar to the tombs in Tomb Raider maybe? It's certainly an interesting idea and would make a lot of sense given modern openworld games are usually populated with lots of mini objectives dotted across a big map. I don't usually put that much faith in these sort of pre-E3 rumours, but this one sounds quite plausible. Then again, it doesn't take a genius to invent that info given what we've seen/heard about the game so far.
  20. What do you expect?? Every one of their studios is focused on NX software! It's been a rough couple of years but they're clearly prioritising their next console, and rightly so. There were never going to be any huge announcements. As for this E3, a big Zelda reveal will be enough for me. Can't wait to see that game in action and I'm ten times more hyped about that than anything on rival consoles.
  21. I'm finding all these pre-E3 game announcements and reveals really annoying. Really starting to take the hype out of the show.
  22. It's gotten ridiculous how early games are revealed, not a fan at all. I appreciate it's hype building but it's just too much. Much prefer Nintendo's recent approach of revealing mostly games out soon with a couple of far off ones.
  23. And you chose to interpret it a different way. I think 3D World is a huge game, you don't. Time to move on.
  24. I'm glad to hear your opinion on how expansive the levels are. My original point was that Mario 64 is not a huge game, as it was described.
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