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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Finished the Atlas quest. The world building, style, visuals and sound are all fantastic and it's a huge achievement for such a small team. That said, the actual game is as shallow as a puddle, quite disappointing but not unexpected. I knew 18 quintilian stars meant f all in the grand scheme of things.
  2. The game is exactly what was shown at E3, and £20 for a game like this, shallow or not, is an insult.
  3. I'd rather the Zelda franchise didn't go down the annual COD, FIFA, Creed formula thanks. It's why the series is still so well thought of, 16 games later.
  4. Can we get something straight please... The PS4 was announced in Feb 2013 but only properly shown in June. Time between reveal and release: 9 months or (5 months). The Xbox One was revealed in May 2013 and released in November: a 6 month gap. The NX is releasing in March. A September reveal also means 6 months. The same as Xbox and similar to PS4. There's nothing strange, surprising, or maddening about Nintendo being tight-lipped. If they don't reveal it in September, then feel free to moan.
  5. Speaking of utter stupidity.. Great contribution @Happenstance. If you're going to call out someone else for having an opinion at least get your facts right. For now. Also, I'm sure devs are thrilled they now have to make two versions of every game.
  6. If I can play a better version of Breath of the Wild and all the better-than-WiiU software Nintendo have been keeping under wraps, on the go and on my big screen tv, I couldn't care less about dpi. It'll be a fantastic device regardless. Why not quote the next thing I said as well? The Scorpio is being advertised as a brand new console while Nintendo's cheaper handhelds were always iteratively updated, mostly for newcomers. There's no comparison.
  7. Unless it doubles the battery life. If NX is half way between a Wii U and PS4 as Tegra X1/X2 rumours suggest, that's a lot of power to natively output to a 720p handheld screen, let alone anything better. Yes I love the idea of spending £600 on two PS4s this gen because they didn't make the original powerful enough. The 3DS upgrade was minor and iterative and wasn't supposed to be a brand new console like the Scorpio is being marketed as, and presumably the Neo will be too.
  8. Judging how the rest of the gaming industry is going, I wouldn't worry, they'll just release a radically upgraded model 3 years into its lifecycle.
  9. Samsung are about to release a phone with a 4K screen; the specs war, it's all bullshit. High DPI isn't the be all and end all and it's simply a case of a tech company running out of ideas. Battery life and price are what's important, as the Gameboy proved back in the day. The 3DS outsold the high-tech Vita by five times with a piss poor screen. The Wii won last gen with standard def gaming.
  10. Just because controllers have motion sensing doesn't mean they're going to base their entire philosophy on it. I would hope that in 2016 game controllers from a major player like Nintendo has some form of gyroscope in them.
  11. I know what you mean, I had to use one of these the other day before playing Severed on Vita
  12. Shuhei Yoshida has two Wii Us
  13. The Vita was a laughing stock on gaf a couple of years ago, the butt of all jokes. Had the Wii U been called a laughing stock on here, no one would have batted an eyelid, of that I'm 100% certain. It really doesn't matter, it's a failure, let's leave it at that. Its failure should ensure that the NX has the dedicated gaming handheld market to itself. And no, we weren't just posting random sales figures. @somme asked what innovation and bringing something new to the market place brought Nintendo, I replied that it brought them three very popular pieces of hardware.
  14. And people call Nintendo irrelevant. Mario segment starts at 2:55 but don't miss the highlight at 9:35 (turn the sound up)
  15. What does this have to do with anything? The reaction to me suggesting Nintendo have the handheld market to themselves because of Vita's failure really is astounding. I have no idea what point you're trying to make. Innovation and trying something different has gotten them huge sales and huge recognition.
  16. 100 million Wiis sold, 150 million DSs sold, 60 million 3DSs sold and one dud with fantastic games
  17. I'm sure the Wii U was never called anything quite so insulting on here
  18. You mean like others here seem to be taking umbrage at me stating the obvious that the Vita is a failure? Nintendo know how to innovate and bring something new to the table. Hence, NX (and 3DS, Wii, DS, Wii U etc)
  19. And? The relevance to this discussion? You're right, the Vita is as big a failure as the Wii U. I'll replace "great piece of kit" for Vita with "actually has brilliant first party games" for Wii U. They're both failures, that was my point. It's why I'd be amazed if Sony tried another handheld, their market just doesn't want it.
  20. The fact that the Vita is a laughing stock that's barely sold? Technically a great piece of kit though, and good for indie games but first party wise Sony abandoned it 2-3 years ago, it just wasn't selling. No decent versions of COD, FIFA or GTA to shift units probably didn't help. Sony would be insane to try again, they virtually ignore it these days.
  21. And given Sony wouldn't dare release another handheld, the NX should have the market all to itself, in terms of dedicated gaming devices
  22. What are you basing this on ? Pure guesswork? Reaction to the Eurogamer leak seems very positive in general.
  23. I'm not convinced they're going to sell a huge amount to be honest, certainly not enough to fly off the shelves. The majority of fans want that nostalgic hit and would have already paid and Kickstarted it. I still don't think this looks particularly fun, and certainly not very polished (eg: the way the rings just vanish when you go through them)
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