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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. It's seriously awkward when you go for a bath and ask for some "help". I won't be doing that again. Conversations around camp do open up and get a bit more interesting as things happen etc. I read a fair bit of criticism for Arthur's characterisation last week, but I have to say, I love him. Love his dry humour and whole personality. The plains near the first camp location where you hunt bison, jaw dropping scenery. Think I'm nearing the end of chapter 2 but I'm absolutely loving it. Even the controls and gunplay are starting to feel a bit more natural. A bit. I'm still not sure when it's safe to loot and when it isn't. I finished a mission near Blackwater and once it was over Arthur said he would stick around the see what he could find in the enemy camp. He picked up some money off a table and all of a sudden was Wanted, police arrived and I was shot dead a few seconds later. Can't imagine anyone was around to see me steal the money. Also not entirely sure what the different symbols are for completed missions. I have to say the bit that I find really, really jarring is the KKK run ins. The "humour" really doesn't fit the tone of the game and it feels like something more appropriate to a GTA game.
  2. I assumed it was because they were still sorting out licenses for some of the other 15 but maybe you're right, probably made more of a splash than if they'd released the full 20 from the start.
  3. I might cancel too, actually I don't have that fond memories of the PS1 anyway, apart from the Fade to Black, the Die Hard Trilogy and Wipeout 2097. Oh and Shockwave Assault. Now that was a game!
  4. My other big problem is not knowing when to steal enemies weapons. The option comes up to swap my gun for another on the floor, but I have no idea if it's any better. For that I need to check the stat of my current one, do the swap, then check the stat on the dropped one. Too much hassle tbh
  5. But that's just it, you don't seem to need to select targets with R1, just rolling over them with the crosshair is enough. But then he starts firing? Maybe I've run out of dead eye and that's the reason. Really weird
  6. I kept the HUD to a button press as well but I'm pretty much pressing it every 10 seconds when riding, so will probably just leave it on, or try the app and prop my ipad up next to the tv. I'm probably just bad at the game but I'm finding combat really tough, not so much in missions where there's a big shoot out and cover everywhere but in the open. It doesn't help that I'm struggling with dead eye. I have no idea how that works, it seems to fire when I don't want it to and locks onto the same target about three times. I know you have to drag the cursor through enemies but it seems really sensitive and aiming with the analog stick isn't great to begin with. The inventory management isn't the clearest either. Guess I'll wrap my head around it all eventually. I find that I wander around and don't accomplish a massive amount. Like I was going to continue a side missin with a photographer, saw a bear near him along the way, killed it skinned it. Then the sidequest vanished off the radar. I assume it had to do with the bear, but who knows? Lots of little fuck ups like that seem to happen a lot.
  7. It's a crazy good looking game, I'm constantly pausing to drool over the visuals. Not just the outdoors, I spent ages in the Valentine store for that reason alone lol It's great to have another systems-led openworld game after BOTW, it's a little different but easily just as compelling. It's just a shame there are so many small issues hampering my experience at least, but once everything flows, what an experience!
  8. Still blown away by the production values of this. I'm really enjoying it. I wouldn't say the moment to moment gameplay is particular "fun" but the immersion, world and all the mini adventures you go on make it enjoyable.
  9. I got it too, haven't opened yet. Hope it's good
  10. Brings back some great memories of this great game...
  11. Yeah I totally agree about these big tentpole releases getting marked up because of the studio or hype, I've never seen such a huge disconnect between the review itself and the score though. Be interesting to track the reaction to the game over the next week or so. Anyway sunk a couple of hours into it and it's living up to the hype for me at least. The whole thing just feels impressive, the production values are incredible even though gameplay wise I didn't really do a massive amount lol. I do feel like I'm wrestling with the controller sometimes, the controls are a bit all over the place, and Arthur moves like a tank, but otherwise enjoying it a lot!
  12. It looks like the kind of thing designed by committee, a million opinions on what to do. I can't believe how bad it is. I found the 360 controller quite ugly design-wise, but this is just lovely. Fits in your hands so perfectly and seems really high quality too. Anyway, after a couple of hours I'm now at 99% install for Red Dead... here goes...
  13. Hooked up my brand new X, my first Xbox. Positives The controller is stupidly comfortable. Maybe not as much as the Switch Pro, but waaaaay better than the DS4. Unlike the Switch Pro it actually looks lovely too, really beautiful design. Not sure why the D-pad needs to make such a loud clicking sound though The hardware design itself is stunning, especially in white. Looks lovely. Easily the best looking "traditional" console this gen. Negatives I'll never complain about the PS4 interface ever again. Xbox One has probably the worst UI I've ever seen. It's a total mess, and really unpolished as well. Horrible. Maybe I've been spoilt by the snappy, clean Switch OS.
  14. Certainly helps that Marvel/superheroes in general have never been more “in” at the moment.
  15. How f-ing ridiculous. Not @dazzybee‘s decision to stop posting, but the bizarre, overzealous bullying by one mod in particular that chased him away. Can’t say I blame him for packing this place in after that tedious exchange.
  16. Of course I'll be playing tonight to see for myself, I only meant it as a random observation really. I couldn't understand why so many criticisms in the written reviews somehow ammounted to a 97 on Metacritic. But as you say we shall see, the thread on ResetEra (hardly my favourite place ever) is a bit of an eye opener, a lot of people saying Rockstar made an amazing world, but the gameplay is a bit lacking. I guess it depends what kind of game you want out of it. After just finishing Spider-Man I'm up for a slower paced game now
  17. Yeah it'll get better the more I put into it for sure. Got some freeze bombs last night in one run that were so useful
  18. The ResetEra thread on this game is a little worrying. It isn't exactly complimentary from a good chunk of posters. Gun play and character movement apparently awful and the game is "boring". I knew all those high scores didn't match up with the reviews' words.
  19. Hard to say, just wasn't enjoying it as much as I thought I would. Played some last night though and had a much better time, will definitely stick with it now
  20. Spooky, I'm watching a Let's Play of it right now. Played about 30 minutes a while back but it didn't really click for me, but this let's play is making me want to pick up my Switch right now and give it another go.
  21. For a game that's at 97 on Metacritic there's a ton of criticisms in the various reviews, it's really weird. Eurogamer, Kotaku, Gamespot etc have big problems with it. Moving the character, gun play, a few even question just how "fun" most of the game actually is. Really weird. If nothing else they seem to have nailed the openworld and all the small details. Still massively hyped, my first Rockstar game, and on my new X.
  22. Speaking of this place getting quieter, what's happened to @dazzybee? Not seen him for ages. Last I remember he was getting bizarrelly attacked by another for no good reason. Hope he hasn't been driven off the forum because of that
  23. Looking through my Wish List on the eShop there's tons of games on sale. Cave Story for 50% off is really tempting but there's so much else to play atm...
  24. smh. Anywaaaay... I know many people were asking for it, but if it's that difficult to do, why bother? Just seems like a headache. You would hope they would iron out the bugs by the time the name change service officially rolls out. Otherwise they'll get far more grief than they had before, can't see a name change being worth losing your save game data. Or it could just affect really old games like on PS3 or something.
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