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Everything posted by Clownferret

  1. have completed my PS4 purchasing for christmas day for Ferret Jnr: White PS4 - Minecraft - COD AW - FIFA 15 - Alien Isolation - The Last of Us - Camo DS4 - Spurs & COD decals for DS4. Just looking forward to getting it set up and some FIFA on christmas evening
  2. you can hardly call them sequels. Nintendo as a rule make 1 game per console. The last Mario Kart, Smash & Pikmin are all over 5 years old on different hardware. The Mario 3D engine is new, Bayonetta is new to Nintendo hardware. Sequels are FIFA, COD, AC etc that bring out a new game every year on the same hardware, then try and charge you the cost of the game again in DLC and after a year it's worthless.
  3. I'm getting this for sure in the sales. Just started playing Zombie U to get me in the mood (only taken me 2 years) and I'm dissapointed with the graphics, looks like a Wii game, I'm glad this wasn't the first Wii U game i played.
  4. i read that Sony have changed the coating on the analogue sticks for newer models, I have a white PS4 will this be ok?
  5. Nintendo should turn the Wii U into their greatest hits console. Add N64 and GC emulation and then relaunch it with the top 3 games from each console/handheld pre-installed.
  6. i've been reading about the dualshock analogue stick problem and two things spring to mind: 1: This must be costing Sony a fortune in replacing controllers 2: What is happening with all the controllers that are sent back, surely they are not binning them. I can't believe the bloody price of them... £55 for the camo version. I'm assuming these will drop significantly in the sales as I can't bring myself to pay that much money for a controller
  7. Nintendo are advertising the Wii U. Just the other morning I saw a Smash Bros ad followed by a Mario Kart ad. These were both on one of the cartoon channels, which I guess if nothing else confirms who Nintendo's target audience is. Read a great article last week which concluded that you couldn't have a Wii U as your only console as you would miss out on so many AAA 3rd party titles, but likewise you couldn't just have a PS4 or XB1 as you miss out on some of the best games available. I think most of have already come to the conclusion that this gen, probably like the last few is a case of owning a Nintendo console and one of either Sony or Microsoft to tick all gaming boxes.
  8. OK Chaps, I have successfully unlinked my 3DS, however my profile remains and I can't seem to get rid of it. If i enter the eshop it's still asking me to sign in as Clownferret. How do I delete my profile? Will doing a system format work?
  9. i have another "Last of Us Remastered" download code for £10 if any takers.
  10. Thanks chaps, kind of bricking it a bit now!
  11. HELP! I'm trading in my 3DS and need to delete/unlink my NNID. I've seen a "how to" screen on the Nintendo website, which basically says all purchased games will be deleted. I'm a bit concerned that by doing this it is going to do something horrible and irreversable to my Wii U. Has anybody done this or can anybody confirm that this will only delete everything from the 3DS.
  12. where is the buying/selling thrread? Anybody interested in Little Big Planet 3 Extras Edition still in the wrapping.
  13. DAMN STRAIGHT BROTHER! Considering I play the Mario Kart league with my son, the split screen really kills it. Shame on Nintendo for not using one of the best features of the gamepad on their biggest game.
  14. @Phube loves Episode III so much it's made his list twice. Meanwhile Return of the Jedi Ep VI doesn't get a look in... poor Ewoks
  15. well i for one don't recall every playing 4 player local mario tennis and thinking this experience would be so much better if they'd sold a few more consoles, likewise I don't recall playing Resident Evil and every time I got a loading screen thinking, I'm so glad this on a CD.
  16. motion controls are not widely used, but it will be a sad day in the ferret house if EA drop it for PGA15. For games like Tennis, Golf, Baseball, Bowling motion controls were a revelation. This is what baffles me with Wii U, Nintendo create a control method perfectly matched to sports games, everybody loves it but wished it could be in HD, Nintendo release a HD console, that is backwards compatible with the motion controls and then don't release a single fucking sports game on the sytem. And don't ever put the words botched console and N64 in the same sentence.
  17. PS4 is officially a christmas present for Ferret Jnr, so no FIFA until 25th, but I can't wait to replicate last nights result against @dazzybee
  18. Well I'm now officially part of the PS4 family. Well currently I'm a double member as I have 2 of them until I send one back. Will be getting Fifa and Alien first up.
  19. I couldn't agree more. The lack of 3rd party is the end of Wii U. As I said earlier in the thread Zelda is probably the only other game I'll buy for Wii U going forward. With regard to the other games you mentioned, I just don't have the time. I've got so many Wii U games I haven't even opened. I spend most of my game time online so just never get around to story mode in games. FIFA & PGA are the only itch that Wii U can't scratch for me right now. I'll get Alien and may play through The Last of Us as I've been sent 2 download codes in error.
  20. Nintendo is a family console and as such the gamepad is priceless if for no other reason than off screen play. It also makes local multiplayer FPS games much better. Withi regard to the positives/negatives I would say that the only positives PS4/XB1 have are third party software and the graphics are a better, but that's it. I only bought a PS4 for FIFA, PGA and the odd other game like Battlefront. The fallout with EA has been more damaging to Wii U than anything else.
  21. it's all yours. PM me your address. My cousins name is George Mcfarlane and his nickname is GMac, thought I'd share that with you.
  22. It's a great console, I have no issues with the fact the graphics aren't quite up there with ps4 or xb1, for me it has far more pro's and far less cons than those, but Nintendo really funked up with the games. Far too many platformers and literally no sports games since launch
  23. I'll happily take £10 if anybody wants it.
  24. is the game that bad or are you being a scoundrel?
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