Ah memories. I don't even remember the year i joined cube-europe, although for some reason I can remember it was in September, for some reason 2002 sticks out. I think I joined up to ask something about importing Gamecube stuff, though I'm not entirely sure. I think the first person I ever spoke to was Offerman and went on to have some legendary times. *Sniff* *Sniff*
I got into IRC shortly after that and used to live in the cube-europe room, met some pretty cool people there too. Schpickles, G9, Particle_Man and Ducky are all names that stick out, Dante was also there.
I've not been a massive thread starter over the years, it's possibly gotten worst as i've become more lazy. I used to know almost everyone on here but I kinda left for a year and came back and it was all change.
Some personal highlights for me.
The original masturbation threads from back in the day
A campaign that me and Dieter came up with to stop the spread of LOL, that failed miserably.
There was a short period when I must of been on crack and gave away a heap of games and accessories for nothing.
The attack on that lame ass skyone games show forum
Rohked apparently realizing he was always destined to have boobs.
I've met (not actually literally) some great people on here over the years. Blackbird, Blackfox, Schpickles, Dieter, Offerman, Coo, raining_again, Ford Prefect, The3rdChildren and Space just to name a few. Here's to another 111 Years!