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Everything posted by Jon

  1. A good Whisky only gets better by the day. I some 40 year old bottle last month and it was amazing how it tasted. Even with all the technology around nowadays, that taste is only possible with some good old fashioned waiting.
  2. Ah memories. I don't even remember the year i joined cube-europe, although for some reason I can remember it was in September, for some reason 2002 sticks out. I think I joined up to ask something about importing Gamecube stuff, though I'm not entirely sure. I think the first person I ever spoke to was Offerman and went on to have some legendary times. *Sniff* *Sniff* I got into IRC shortly after that and used to live in the cube-europe room, met some pretty cool people there too. Schpickles, G9, Particle_Man and Ducky are all names that stick out, Dante was also there. I've not been a massive thread starter over the years, it's possibly gotten worst as i've become more lazy. I used to know almost everyone on here but I kinda left for a year and came back and it was all change. Some personal highlights for me. The original masturbation threads from back in the day A campaign that me and Dieter came up with to stop the spread of LOL, that failed miserably. There was a short period when I must of been on crack and gave away a heap of games and accessories for nothing. The attack on that lame ass skyone games show forum Rohked apparently realizing he was always destined to have boobs. I've met (not actually literally) some great people on here over the years. Blackbird, Blackfox, Schpickles, Dieter, Offerman, Coo, raining_again, Ford Prefect, The3rdChildren and Space just to name a few. Here's to another 111 Years!
  3. You're taking things a bit literally, Obviously not every Celtic fan is a shining beacon of holy light. I apologies sincerely if I made it look that way. The way I judge it, I've been to 4 old firm games at Ibrox and everytime i've seen a Rangers fan pissing from the balcony above onto the Celtic fans below. I've never encountered that at any other ground.
  4. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves 100% complete. Thank fuck.
  5. The fans weren't awarded anything. It's actually the club that gets that honour. kid.
  6. Celtic fans were awarded a fair play award in recent years, the only thing Rangers fans have been giving lately are ASBOS.
  7. I feel sorry for the city of Manchester, it's still recovering from the last time Rangers were there.
  8. Anyone playing now?
  9. Rez, Dwarf. Possible Coop on Saturday?
  10. Are you calling me a Fag?
  11. Micro_Cough likes this.
  12. Rezanald and Matthew, I couldn't help but notice you both require the hard coop trophy, whilst I require the crushing one. I just need Sanctuary, what hard ones do you require. Perhaps we could help each other out or come to a mutually beneficial arrangement.
  13. Today was just awesome. Rez and Matt are seriously epic and Maddog is really good for someone who is relatively new to the game. It's definitely worth getting a mic, You spend half the time laughing or in my case at the moment coughing. I was on for a couple of hours and I don't believe we got beat once in deathmatch. As Rez said about difficulties, not many games have made me want to play them over and over again but I just love this game.
  14. I can play.
  15. Jon

    Cheers M8, tbh i put on my chemical romance and stare at it and all my problems go away.

  16. Wait till you see Emma Watson and her boy cut. Oh Wait....
  17. Jon

    We can ply l8r, i r way for a cat nap.

  18. Harry Potter and the order of the Felix. I heard that was JK's next book.
  19. Dude, you seriously had reflexes like a cat. Maddog, you're kill stealing borrowing is epically well timed.
  20. I don't really spend much in shops because i'll always pick something up and end up thinking that I can get it much cheaper on the web. Now, when it comes to online shopping, that's a different matter.
  21. I've lost count of the amount of cats i've had that have died over the years, Rez you fucking insensitive prick IAMS not taking it as a personal insult against me.
  22. I'll be coming for some Uncharted lovin if your all gunnin.
  23. Because his voice is relatively high?
  24. I'm actually Micro_Cough for the next few days.
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