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Everything posted by Jon

  1. 8/10, its my brothers name and a very nice name it is.
  2. They've obviously havent learned from there mistakes. They did it with the game now there gonna do it with the rev.
  3. Typical english response. at least N Ireland dont play the worst football ever seen, that title is reserved for the english.
  4. You remember that? i barely remember saying that. Thats one good memory you got yourself gal.
  5. 7/10, decent name, though ive no idea what it means.
  6. I would post mine except.......well its crap.
  7. You dont really need a good grasp of english in scotland. As most people nowadays dont tendo to speak english here. Its normally some sort of glaswegian slang.
  8. Am i lucky, anyways i know every capital in the world as well, my specialist subject that is.
  9. Only 8 standard grades, i got 9 :P
  10. Resist the urge, you must.
  11. Id prolly put FF12 at the top, but with no random battles im not sure. I use to love building up my characters in battles.
  12. I like a good conspiracy theory, but even I sturggle to belive that. Although With the pentagon thats a different matter.
  13. ive got a higher (a level) in french, dont really know why, i never speak it anyways
  14. Damn straight, nothing more annoying when your teams down 1 and the opponents are holding it in the corner flag. Grrrrr
  15. Go to gamespot, they've got a whole thing about it, saying what it is and what you have to do.
  16. True, blair has introduced a lot of iniatives that have helped the more working class people, Wether he was forced to go to war or not is something we probably will never know, but imo he was right too.
  17. You should consult your doctor about that.
  18. Damn yanks, have to change everything, cant they just leave our sport as should be. Isnt outside centre a rugby postion in sure its where gavin henson plays for wales.
  19. I think stopper may be centre defence, though i could easily be wrong.
  20. What postion you play falco, I spent many years as centre back, before hanging up my boots.
  21. Good luck dude, i hope you FOOTBALL team does well, good to some americans that actually play the beautiful game.
  22. I defo agree with athriller, they never just answer the question, always some company bullshit about how great the product is and how they beileve not to rush it.
  23. I think some people hate blair just cause its fashonable too, most people dont have a clue why he's hated.
  24. They surely would have said by now if it was going to be delayed.
  25. I have none of your crazy english qualifications. Only standard grades and highers here.
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