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Everything posted by Jon

  1. I actually think you warned me back on CE for Final Fantasy spoilers or something.
  2. Its good for the price, but even overclocked it isnt amazing, plus it uses a shit load of power, you need at least a 600 watt to have it stable.
  3. I was more interested in Jurassic Park.
  4. An algamation of my first and second name first few letters.
  5. http://darkzero.co.uk/index2.php?articleid=504
  6. Great signing Duffers was! I suppose he will probably end up injuring himself in some obscure way though.
  7. It was hardly 'short', they only shortened it by 4 episodes from the first season. It would be a travesty if that Abrahams **** gets damon, Star Trek has always had a great record of recruiting 'un-famous' actors. We dont need some hollywood know it all.
  8. I see your point definantly, but the way I look at it is that it wasn't just the end of Enterprise it was the culmination of the past 18 years of Trek being controlled by Berman and Braga. I've know doubt it will return to TV, but not for a while. At the end of the day Enterprise was lucky to get a fourth season, even then it was allowed to finish it, remeber quantam leap being cancelled immediately? It was a vitim of the network changing, the guys that loved the franchise left and they started buying crap. They even canceled smackdown. The fact that enterprise had over 90% syndication showed it was a popular show.
  9. In order of Greatness. ENTERPRISE Voyager Next Generation Deep Space Nine That is all.
  10. Where's the fun in that.
  11. Something you said in your statement about Locky.
  12. How ill informed you really are.
  13. I'll stick to OSX thanks.
  14. Are you fuck *hums Archers theme*
  15. Jon


    No, that would be Gamestation [/joke]
  16. What is this 180 thing you refer to, I belive it was actualy called Xbox, nothing more,
  17. Why all hating, it isnt even that much bigger than the original DS, especially when you consider the ability of the xbox over the DS.
  18. Jon


    Take your pick.
  19. Erm, if your referring to the Pentium d 805, you should really do a bit more research, it is one of, if not the most overclockable chip ever. It can easily be overclocked to 4Ghz most of the time. If you aren't referring to this, accept my apologies. They actually launched it to be the cheapest duel core and try to steal the market from AMD.
  20. It is, they do the food.
  21. Can't beat the 70's rock.
  22. Yea, go with the AMD. The intel system is duel core, but unless your massively overclock the cpu, it isnt that impressive. Get a 7600GT
  23. Don't be silly, we all know Shetland is an independant country. I like both of you two, infact I actually think i have seen you in the flesh (Sarka that is, on teh street of Union.)
  24. I sort of work in Retail, but John Lewis are like no other companies, awesome to their employees.
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