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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Someone hung themselves in my school toilets a few years ago.
  2. EyeTV and iWork cost, the rest are free.
  3. Now Kimi will rule the F1 would.
  4. Thanks for the introduction, Having used windows for most of my life previously, I was suprised just how quickly I took to OSX, no where near as difficult as some had made out, especially about no right clicking. How quickly it boots up is awesome and it's just so fast and secure, not to mention how feature packed it is.
  5. Having had my Macbook for 2 months now, you need the following programs at least Adium Acquisisition Cyberduck Skype eyeTV iWork I've got the top spec model and have been very impressed with it, my first mac.
  6. It is possible, only with crossfire compatible cards, which your cards are not.
  7. To sum it up very quickly, no.
  8. Yep, i see absolutely no idea why. Polyphonic Digital just seem to take the piss sometimes.
  9. In no way does it say or hint at the PS3 title being GT5, it is almost certainly GT4 HD.
  10. I'm sure Sony will have gotten over it by the time they have passed wii sales.
  11. Do yourself a favour, use another messenger.
  12. Never tasted it before, im hoping to soon however.
  13. The only reason to go Intel would be if your a hardcore video encoding, everything else go AMD.
  14. Happy birthday oh legendary show. Here's to another great 40 years.
  15. Jon


    I'll stick with my MacBook 2ghz core duo 120 gig hdd 1 gig ram.
  16. Jon


    Mac Mini's already have Core Duo's :p
  17. Happy Day of Birth James.
  18. Great stuff, looking forward to seeing the finished product.
  19. That just rumour about it being before tax.
  20. where are you getting £500 from, its £425. If all you car about is games, get the cheaper model. Problem solved.
  21. Yep, thats the one.
  22. Thats the one, just pick up a cheap pci firewire card and slot it in.
  23. Never listen to Amazon, they constantly like to list actors/actresses/directors that have absolutely nothing to do with the listing.
  24. Fact of the matter is, if you think the 360 is value for money you are a ****. Although the PS3 seems expensive at first, if you consider its specs it is an absolute bargain.
  25. Havent heard from old Hank boy for an eternity.
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