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Everything posted by Jon

  1. The more direct comparison would be when Ozil was around Eriksen's age and moved to Madrid, costing roughly £12 Million. I'm not after starting another debate but in my view, Arsenal player or not, there is a distinct gulf in class between the players. Ozil's stats are unrivalled anyone other player in the world. But value is a tricky object to quantify. Ozil cost so much because he's a proven player leaving a massive club, going to a club not exactly quiet about how much they have to spend. Eriksen is an elite prospect whose unproven at the highest level leaving a club that routinely sells it's best players.
  2. Wasn't much in it and Neymar obviously made it look like an assassination but it was a kick and you can't get away with that nowadays, especially right in front of the referee. He's the captain, he should know better than reverting to the stupid shit he used to do. Before the sending off Barca had their usual 180% of possession in the centre of the pitch with Forster having nothing to do. Game got stretched as we looked for an equaliser but Forster played a blinder. We've played quite well in the first 2 games and have nothing to show for it.
  3. Ah. Ignore my previous post. I'm sure most will anyway.
  4. Not bad for a team with the 2nd best midfield in the league :wink:
  5. Not sure if that's just a typo but 28kg (62lbs) dumbbells are pretty hefty, especially for someone new to lifting. Very doubtful they'd manage to get anywhere near them unless they're well built already.
  6. Are we talking just this season or including last season
  7. And Patriots :wink: Never forget the Patriots. We've not fired yet this season but to be 3-0 and just come off beating the Falcons in Atlanta, very impressive. Definitely hard to look past the Broncos but Manning for as absolutely great as he is, doesn't have the post season resume to match his regular season. Still they're definitely going to be in the mix. I'm glad to see the Chiefs winning, I've always liked Alex Smith and after the way he was treated by the 49'ers, great to see him having success. I'm sure he's torn that they're sucking a fair bit Not many people talking about New Orleans. Their defence has improved greatly and Drew Brees is Drew Brees. I think it could be their year again.
  8. I haven't twisted anything. I'm simply trying to understand what the fuck you're talking about. What are all these things that I did last season? Stating how many goals I thought Podolski would get and saying I'd take Vermaelen over Vertonghen. Brazil are one of the better teams in the world yes, Paulinho has 20 caps. One of their most important players? very debatable. For as many criticised Ramsey, many stood by him. I was simply stating that he's got a body of work as opposed to a player like Paulinho who wasn't on your radar until you signed him. Personally I got Ramsey on my home shirt at the start of last season, always been been a big fan. So enlighten me Dazzy, if it wasn't for playing time why did Eriksen turn down Man City for Spurs? I'm sure many teams would have loved to have signed Ozil, not many clubs have a spare £45 Million kicking about though. I'm not bothered about Ozil, i'm glad he wanted out of Madrid, we've got him as a result.
  9. To say he's Brazilian makes him great is a bit of reach. Plenty of duds have played for Brazil. Hello Jo. Do I think Ajax are a big club? well it depends on how you define a big club. Why do you think Eriksen didn't go to Man City? i'm thinking lack of consistent playing time perhaps? I don't only rate players in the Premier League. I watch many leagues around the world, I've known about Eriksen for example for many years. It's fair enough to slate people for creaming over Ramsey on the basis of 6 games but most Arsenal fans are aware of how good he was becoming before he got butchered by Shawcross, it's just taken him a long time to get back to that level. So Chelsea weren't in for him because Dazzy said so? I don't usually believe paper stories but i'm sure their more accurate than a bitter spud who claims to know the truth. Your logic is even more awesome than mine. You say Eriksen turned down Man City to go to Spurs, yet according to you there's no possibility Ozil would turn down Chelsea to go to Arsenal. Hmmm.
  10. Mourinho said he didn't rate him when he signed him? what? You seem to be basing your conclusion on Mourinho not liking Ozil because he wen't to Arsenal and not Chelsea. There's been stories lately about Mourinho in fact trying to sign him but he was too late. Madrid haven't said anything about Ozil, that's pure speculation in press as to why they'd sell such a player. Bale did play for Tottenham at 21, he wasn't considered one of the top players in the world 3 years ago. Considering how cheap Eriksen was to sign, if he was that highly rated he'd be at a better club, pure and simple. I do think he'll go on to be a very good player but again, on the basis of a hand full of games you've basically said he's better than Ozil because he's younger. I never said I wouldn't take any Spurs players, so you're talking out your arse there. I'm simply trying to establish how you can rate players so highly like Paulinho when you know nothing about him, you've seen what's he's done on the basis of 6 games and immediately said he's better than half our midfield. Apparently it's crazy that we could consider a midfielder who has scored more goals and had more tackles than him a better player. Basically the point i've been trying to make is with the exception of about 3 players, the midfield you've got are price tags. Their potential is not in question but they haven't proven anything. You've seen them play as much as we have, how you can proclaim them to be the best in the league after 6 games is nothing but fanboy love.
  11. Objectivity from Dazzy. How can you be so sure about your new players being that you've seen them play 6 games. Let me guess you've followed Paulinho since he played in Brazil yes? Eriksen aside you knew very little about any of them before they came to Spuds and now after 6 games you've got the best midfield in the league. BANTER. I don't quite get where you're going with the Ozil/Eriksen point. Eriksen is 21 yes, Ozil is 24. Mourinho called him the best no 10 in the game, so you're misinformed with Mourinho not thinking he was good enough. Ozil was playing for Real Madrid at 21, Eriksen is playing for Tottenham.... Frankly, Trying to compare Eriksen and Cazorla is laughable, then alone Ozil. I don't think i've ever witnessed you saying a bad word about Spurs, but then you only really venture in here during happy times at the lane. I'm sure most people who frequent this thread would say both myself and @Ramar and other Arsenal fans have often voiced displeasure/concerns/disappointments with the club. We'll bring this up again in a few months when you're battling for 6th :wink:
  12. Dazzy, at least make an effort. Ignoring the fact that Flamini was a free transfer because he rejected a new deal at Milan. Why are you so stunned someone would have Flamini over Sandro. Flamini has played a key role for two of the bigger clubs in the world. Regularly playing in massive games. He's shown in the few games since he came back what a player he is. Sandro is obviously a good player who was playing well before he got injured, he's got a relatively small sample size. The way you reject immediately out of hand is embarrassing. That football knowledge coming from cBeebies?
  13. I think the Europa league spots will be more interesting this year. Will Moyes be able to overcome his former club and secure a spot for Man Utd or perhaps Michael Laudrup will prevail.
  14. Roffles. And you cry like a bitch when I insult you. Oh dear. I said i'd take Vermaelen as his best over Vertonghen, never did I mention he wasn't a good player. Being that you base match performances on how many corners a team gets, I think it's pretty clear where your football knowledge comes from. I'm sorry if I wasn't clear, it's not that your players aren't proven premiership players, more the fact they just aren't good enough. If Eriksen was really that good, he wouldn't be playing for a mid table premiership outfit
  15. It's like flogging a dead horse but whatev. Ours are like glass? Lennon is never off the treatment table, Sandro just back from missing the whole season, Capoue lasted how many games? The only proven Premiership midfielder you have is Dembele. The rest are potential only. Not one of yours will be in the team of the year.
  16. And so Clean. You could even say it was so Fresh and so Clean. If you will.
  18. Happy Birthday!
  19. This should be good.
  20. That's the good thing, we're continuing to win even though we're missing so many players. What was Vertonghen playing at today? Always thought he was a fair player, the shirt has obviously changed him
  21. Most likely 13 to start with the back 9 being ordered down the line. Judging by it's debut, it would have to tank unbelievably not to get a full season run.
  22. Aaron Ramsey.
  23. Not really, the question i'd be asking how long are you lifting weights for? Personally I always almost run out of time because I've still got lifts to do.
  24. I think most people have got it covered with their suggestions. I'd have to include Happy Gilmore, especially if it's aimed at students. Don't think i've met a person who didn't like it.
  25. The Avengers Soundtrack is decent, some great bands on it like Bush. I quite liked the show, a lot to fit in for the 45 minutes. I did think it was a bit of a jump to have Coulson as the sort of leader who knew so much when he was mainly comedy relief in the films but i'm sure they'll go into more detail as the series progresses.
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