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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Whenever CoroCoro came out, they claimed we were "too fast" in posting the details and hate went from there. Plus, before I got the game and some person was pposting their findings (gym leaders etc) since they got the game early, they were hating on me as if I stole it when I didnt even take any of her pictures whereas a certain other site took every single one
  2. Are you sure? Where is it? I cant find it in encounter lists
  3. I think it'll be an event like Darkrai, Shaymin & Arceus were, to tie in with the movie, but it may end up WiFi too
  4. I'm having lots of fun, there's loads of extras including this gem...contains MAJOR spoilers though, not even the Japanese are meant to know about it until July http://www.serebii.net/heartgoldsoulsilver/celebi.shtml HGSS is also awesome because of this
  5. These are the best Pokémon games yet That's not the lack of sleep talking
  6. Holy crap, that's beautiful
  7. Yeah. Saturday in Japan, I expect to get hold of it on Wednesday

  8. The Japanese variety show; Pokémon Sunday has just aired and has revealed a variety of things about Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver. Specifically, it focused upon the details that were previously known about the game, but did provide some new details. First theyconfirmed the female trainer's default name, and the name used for her when you play as the male trainer is Kotone (コトネ). They also hint that the special Pikachu in the Yellow Forest PokéWalker course knows Fly. They also revealed new Pokéthlon events. The first is Catch Saucer and involves you controlling your Pokémon against your opponent to try and grab flying objects being shot across the screens. The second is called Steel Plug and features you controlling your Pokémon around a course trying to get as many pegs as possible.
  9. Covering HGSS for the world :)

  10. Would but don't really have the time to...especially with the stuff I have to do the next 2 weeks

  11. Is everyone getting excited yet? :p
  12. You're really getting into the style spirit. Nice
  13. True enough Plus for every hot girl, there's like 5 mega uggos...another downpoint of bournemouth :p
  14. Nonsense. Bournemouth has everything you need.
  15. Bournemouth Beach is awesome, when there are no chavs on it
  16. So it has been revealed that the GTS is near identical to the one in Platinum (compatibility reasons obviously), as unfortunately is the Battle Frontier
  17. Finally a DSiWare game thats fun
  18. I have all three, but even if Nintendo articles had retarded statements like that, I would have said as such
  19. What? You mean people are pre-ordering/buying things a company has revealed? You lie sir! That's not how business works Bloody media spin lol. That's the most obvious story ever. Well, except the one I saw the other day that said staring at the sun can damage your eyes
  20. I'm thinking Grass/Psychic...
  21. Yeah, but the amount of times is so much smaller when single :p
  22. There is a benefit to being single You don't lose every argument You don't lose your money You don't have to drop whatever you're doing wehn the girl wants something and best of all You don't get dragged around clothes shops acting as a carrier mule :P
  23. My problem is that when I meet someone, I tend to leave it too long before making a move. I'm incredibly shy. I'm still a little fat kid inside an attractive thin guy lol Things will turn around for everyone. Do not worry
  24. I'm so gonna get decent use out of PokéWalker. I go for runs a couple of times a day...just send a Pokémon over and boom...it's going to be great
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