seems to go on and on forever. Until you get to the end and the monkey starts throwing barrels at you
Space has always been my first love...I'm even saving up for a Virgin Galactic flight (Ridiculous I know), it's the infinite wonder, the infinite possibilities...I just wanna get off this godforesaken rock before we blow ourselves off of it
The new Tardis is too blue and the windows look just doesn't look right. I guess I'm used to the one 9 & 10 used but still...the repaint was a bad idea lol
Not so bad in this one but
It just doesn't look right
In the community I run, we went through this thing ourselves several years ago and there was massive outrage. Unfortunately, once they make the decision, they wont go back on it
This kinda kills the revival for me
Sorry but I have to step in here and disagree. The term waggle has come in to be used for any motion control nowadays and its constantly expanding that soon 1:1 motion will completely be called wagglefests.
From what I have seen, the sword fighting is all 1:1 and while yes it can be done with "waggle", that isnt the point. The angle and everything of your slices in those modes still matter and therefore the 1:1 works and it is not a waggle fest if you play the game properly.
Have always enjoyed watching Torchwood and each season has it getting better
That was one hell of an episode. Brilliant cliffhanger even though you know they won't kill Jack in the first episode.
That said, maybe this is how he goes from Human to Head in a Jar
Oh well if IGN say it then it must be terrible...
...seriously though, IGN are among the gaming journalists who review games like this on the same level as ultra hardcore games like Gears of War. Of course it's going to be lower because they're not reviewing it properly.
They're moaning that Nintendo didn't add "depth" to many of the sports which goes against the whole policy of this game. It's pick up and play for all. Adding depth as they call it would obviously be involving many button presses and goes completely against that. The whole point of Wii Sports is you're playing it as you would with 1:1 motion...what more do you need