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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. The DSi's pricing is identical to the US one when you convert and add on VAT
  2. I think its just Play.com's holding price...with the philosophy of "It's better to be over in the guess and have to lower than to be lower and have to follow through"
  3. http://www.play.com/Games/Wii/4-/6072250/Wii-MotionPlus/Product.html I so hope this price and RRP is wrong...
  4. Will spread the cost though :p That way it's not that much of a drain getting it
  5. Don't forget, IIRC Nintendo said they're planning to release Wii Motion Plus in a bundle replacing Wii Remotes alone
  6. Now will Wii Sports Resort be released without it meaning we can get 4 prior to it or what?
  7. Nor me, but then again I said that same when Chris Eccleston was going. I thought "I won't watch it once he goes" Then David Tennant came in and owned the role...maybe Matt Smith will do the same
  8. We need more of Desmond in it. He's probably one of my more favourite characters, yet he hadn't been in the last 6 episodes
  9. BiMonthly releases because Ninty hates Europe
  10. Yeah America will be doing it weekly, I believe someone said that in an interview Whats even more annoying is that they got more at launch
  11. I keep mine on the 2nd highest level and have noticed no "yellowish"
  12. We don't luckily We get one next week and then there's the week gap
  13. Eh? Of course you can. They're simple JPG files...
  14. There may be a contaminent on the card...wipe it off
  15. This is awesome. My friend always goes on about me at how Edge is great and I always read it when I'm round his and all that and to be featured in it is fantastic You think thats bad...most of it I don't have to reference/check. Sometimes in pubs, my friends give me a number and I can give the Pokémon, type etc. off the top of my head instantaneously. God bless and curse my encyclopedia memory
  16. Yeah, we're a mature handheld company so buy our Hannah Montana games...
  17. A friend of mine just used itunes to do it and it was successful
  18. If you simply press the off button quickly it'll return to the DSi Menu. You have to hold it to turn it off
  19. I'm surprised at how fun the camera is lol
  20. Mine has also been shipped
  21. Planet of the Dead trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-j0P6YzQ_nc) Also, report from The Sun, but with a picture confirming it
  22. Game still havent shipped mine. Curse them for getting my hopes up early lol
  23. Blergh, still "picking and packing". Was hoping they'd ship it today for delivery tomorrow :p
  24. Game are starting to process it
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