After watching the PS4 conference, and thinking about games over the last two generations, it really has come to mind that the vast majority of games nowadays are shooters.
Now, I used to love them. Goldeneye was fantastic, as was Perfect Dark, and I've always had a softspot for Halo, though mostly due to vehicles, and I often played CoD with friends. Recently, though, I've been getting so bored with them. Played some Halo last night with some friends, and it was just so boring. It's not fun to play anymore. These genres aren't putting a smile on my face, which is what gaming should do
However, I'm constantly seeing so many FPS games be released, often with very slight differences. They've mostly turned into corridors (even if disguised as "open") and it's just getting frustrating to me that people seem to consider it the best of gaming. Space-shooters especially. With the reveal of Destiny, I was hoping Bungie would try something new, but it's just another space shooter. Very little is changing with the genre, it's just getting prettier.
Thankfully, a lot of small developers have moved away from it, but I can't help but think that this is going to continue throughout the next generation.
Am I over-reacting/over-analysing or do you lot agree with me in regards to this?