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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Everything has arrived except the case. Typical lol
  2. It'd have to have been released before the port began
  3. They do unfortunately
  4. That arrived today Looks huge, will definitely need this new case...putting it together concerns me due to the "cooling paste"
  5. Following on from last night's reveal of Ninfia, a new Wii U game has been announced in CoroCoro. This game, Pokémon Scramble U, is due for release this Spring and will contain all 649 current Pokémon. Like the original, it is 4 Player and can feature up to 100 pokémon at a time. It's a download only game
  6. Introducing Ninfia, the newest evolution of Eevee. It's type is unknown. It will be part of X & Y, naturally, as well as the movie short: Pikachu & Eevee Friends
  7. Google it. It came with a picture :p
  8. Oops, I meant a mouse :p
  9. Try eating Hovis. There was a report about a squished rat being at the bottom of a loaf once It may have been a house
  10. People typically have a view that it's wrong to eat horse because they have often been viewed as domesticated, majestic creatures and people don't tend to like to eat domesticatable animals
  11. Well I've had various Tesco, Asda burgers, lasagne etc. so I'll go out on a limb and say it tastes good
  12. I read that you couldn't with 8. You can do a clean install over an operating system, but you can't do a fresh install on a new HDD
  13. They really don't make it easy for people building new computers. Ordered the OEM edition from Amazon for a clean install on my new SSD since the only option you'll find elsewhere is an upgrade
  14. Bought this now :p I may as well keep my old PC in backup since I'm replacing everything except HDD and graphics card lol Going to try and install in my current case first. If that works, I'll send it back
  15. Damn, cases are expensive. So much for doing this on the cheap :/ http://www.amazon.co.uk/CiT-Vantage-Gaming-Audio-Reader/dp/B0071KZNUY/ This one seems to be the same dimensions as the one you listed so I think I'll go with it
  16. I figured that may be an issue. Will hold off til I get it, just to make sure. My case is a bit small though
  17. Waiting for a Yveltal one. Man that is going to be sexy
  18. Ahaha god no. That's just the case fan. The CPU Fan is the Coolermaster Hyper TX3 EVO CPU Cooler & Heatsink
  19. Yeah it is the i5-3470. When I ordered it, I also got a Coolermaster Hyper TX3 EVO CPU Cooler & Heatsink. Was going to go with a Liquid Cooler but it's overkilll I also got this fan from Amazon: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B000FDE0CQ/ref=oh_details_o00_s01_i01 It got good reviews in that it is very quiet and has decent airflow
  20. Had a splurge last night due to some money from my nan's estate With a quadcore i5 3.2GHz Processor & 16GB of RAM Also got Plus Windows 8
  21. Usually it's just being idle while I wait for someone to wake me with news However, for the times when it's not and news comes, with someone waking me through my phone, I need it to boot up and be done asap, not in the four minutes it takes now. This does beg the question. I have IRC running a lot and it usually logs everything...would logging the channels I'm in be a bad idea? I'll happily change it to just log PMs if so
  22. I'm essentially starting anew as I'm getting a new processor etc and so my current OS won't function as well and Windows 8 apparently detects it and automatically disables things like that so it's all good
  23. Thanks, just hesitating on the size. I don't know if I should get one to actually replace my HDD or not. My HDD is 250GB (it's an old PC) and I usually have over 100GB spare...I just don't know. Replacing the HDD entirely would be nice (albeit risky since I've read about SSDs failing quickly), but it's very costly as an equivilant SSD is like £200 Edit: Put in an order. Gone for a 128GB one and will have the HDD as secondary for the forseeable future. At a later point, I'll get another, bigger, SSD when they're cheaper...copy all the stuff over and so forth Thanks all for your help
  24. Well, I need to do it sooner rather than later. My PC is getting louder and slower. A couple of weeks ago it told me my fan had failed. I need my PC to stay online overnight for a few days every month and it is starting to interrupt my sleep patterns so I'd rather do it soon. Been looking at all the specs...for a decent mobo, processor, 16GB of RAM, a 128GB SSD and a copy of Windows would set me back £500 which is a very good price, but I don't know how long that'll last Yeah, I was thinking of keeping my current primary as my secondary (maybe keeping the OS in case the SSD dies), having my site data on that but all the programmes I use on the new one (bar the one I can't get working)
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