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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. They're not tweaking courses, though, they're doing whole new ones
  2. The tweet Nintendo gave made no indication as to what console it was for
  3. Knowing how Sony has been of late, it wouldn't surprise me if it was the 4G Vita...
  4. The Third Party Wii U Direct was mentioned in the Japanese one for next week! May also include 3DS
  5. It may be Mario heavy, but they're all different kinds of games. Is that not what matters in the end?
  6. It's June in America too. Quit moaning :p
  7. New Mario VS DK game on eShop! Mario VS DK - Minis on the Move Sequel to Dillon's Rolling Western announced
  8. Yep, that and DKCR for 3DS America has Wii Street U now It won't be more than £10
  9. Japan announced Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D. A 3DS remake of the Wii game
  10. CoroCoro saying outright "This evolves from Eevee" wasn't enough? :p
  11. Agreed. I feel their Therian Formes are their TRUE forms Much better than
  12. Nintendo Direct lengths Japan: 20 minutes Europe: 35 minutes US: 37 minutes
  13. I have a tonne of work to do, usual Thursday stuff plus Nintendo Direct I have vodka for if I get depressed. I'll also be playing Scribblenauts and spawning dragons to devour all couples in love in it.
  14. I wouldn't be surprised if they showed the new Pokémon Ninfia in this
  15. If it doesn't get a release date, you won't have to :p
  16. Managed to get the PC working. It runs a treat
  17. Yeah I tested that, nothing at all
  18. Of course :p Checked with a multimetre and there is no power coming through it whatsoever
  19. Pretty sure it's the PSU. Getting no voltage from it and the paperclip test proved fruitless
  20. The one from the PC I'm trying to replace is not powerful enough. This new one is double that power. There's no reason I can see for this to be doing this
  21. The new PC isn't working. I'm certain I've hooked everything up completely. I got a new case and a new PSU, and everything seems to be plugged in right. However, the power button isn't working. The thing won't fucking turn on. So yeah, I have a £500 brick
  22. It's also in America, with Wii U stuff
  23. [shibata] Hi everyone! There will be a new #NintendoDirectEU at 3pm CET tomorrow. See it here: http://ow.ly/hG0n2 http://ow.ly/i/1w3I3
  24. Or it using the ribbons as propellers
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