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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. The next generation isn't going to blow my mind
  2. Na, when you get into NSMBU outside of a demo, you can see the gameplay is sound, levels are well designed and so forth. Yeah, GamePad utilisation is poor, but it's a great game. Gets bloody difficult too
  3. http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/47035/f-zero-coming-to-the-wii-u-eshop-this-week/ ONM posted it
  4. According to Matt Castle, from ONM, the UK Wii U F-Zero is 60hz!
  5. Yeah, but would the masses really be willing to get something that on a glance is not that much better than the console they already own and/or can get at less than half the price?
  6. I do feel people need to scale down their expectations a bit. Yeah, it has higher specs, but look at how PC games are with even higher specs, they aren't that much of a jump from the 360 and PS3 The PS4 and new Xbox will be a hard sell outside of the very core gamer, and that's coming from someone who has all the consoles atm. I really am intrigued about how this conference will go, but the stuff on Kotaku has me worried with price, subscription requirements etc. I just hope Sony manage to impress with something cool
  7. You have to install it in Download Management first
  8. It's not the last 3 months not having been great (they have been good overall, not amazing but good). It's just January which has been bad, and the UK, but the UK is down the drain anyway
  9. As of Black & White, those are actually the case 1 - The frequency of wild encounters varies in each area 2 - There's a special method, we call them shaking spots, where wild Pokémon appear. These Pokémon are from a different encounter table to the normal ones and are the only way to get some Pokémon
  10. Well with Black 2 & White 2, there's a "Free Space" part of the bag that you can place your commonly used items within. Also in Generation V, you can map loads of things to a shortcut accessed via the Select button. This includes Key Items, part of the Pokédex, areas in the bag and more so it's already been dealt with. It WILL have random battles though. That will never change
  11. What's wrong with the game mechanics?? They're so in-depth and complex... We'll probably see more next month
  12. Don't know if it'll come here, but Ubisoft are doing an odd deal on the Wii U eShop. 30% off all their retail games for a week http://www.nintendo.com/wiiu/ubisoft-promo
  13. To be fair, all evidence is pointing towards Watch Dogs being on Wii U and the South Park game only became Ubisoft last month...
  14. Rather than you attacking with weapons, you send out Pokémon and the battles will be akin to PokéPark's battles. It'd be amazing and Japan would love it But, I digress, this is off-topic
  15. You're a bad person.
  16. I'm waiting for the surprise crossover Pocket Monsters Hunter Tamed down a bit, but dear lord...that'd cause the Wii U to own Japan
  17. I'm getting this over Monster Hunter, for sure! This game just oozes awesome
  18. Nintendo threw some funding into it, and it has heavy GamePad use
  19. From first looks, it just seems to be "just another space shooter", which is a bit sad. I was saying to a friend before the reveal that I really hope it isn't one. There's some interesting teases that could make it stand out, and I hope it does Fun fact, in the source code of the Destiny site, it DOES have a Platform handler Wouldn't take it as a guarantee though
  20. Crap, if they try to pull that crap on a Pokémon game, I'll be sad
  21. I'm considering it. Need to do something with the Japanese Wii U before Rumble comes out
  22. The details that have been released say that it's coming for 360, PS3, next Xbox and PS4...no sign of Wii U unfortunately
  23. I dunno, Dragon Quest is one of the big 3 in Japan. It is one of the only franchises that is guaranteed to sell consoles. The other two being Pokémon and Monster Hunter.
  24. Easy, because they don't sell well. Look at Nintendo's new IPs out of the Wii series of late. They never sell well. Starfox, F-Zero, Metroid etc. have been on a downwards slope, sales wise, as well. Hell, even Skyward Sword underperformed
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