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Everything posted by Goafer

  1. Sam and Max: Freelance Police Only watched episodes 1-3 so far. Still love that show. I just love the high speed, random slapstickness of it all.
  2. Well no, I just think it's a good way to learn morals. I think any religion (within reason), practiced correctly, can be one of the best ways to learn morals. Just my oppinion of course.
  3. In all fairness, God created man in his image so it's safe to assume God's a person type thing. Depends how literally you take the Bible I guess. I prefer to take it the same as I would Easops Fables. More about the message behind the stories, rather than a historical document. For the record, I'm agnostic. Although I'm glad I was raised Christian. It taught me some gosh darn morals.
  4. The problem with racing games on the Saturn is that they were all based on arcade games. Unfortunately arcade games at the time (especially Sega ones) only featured 3 or so tracks. I love Sega Rally though. It's a classic.
  5. Yeah, that's what I got using Google. Glad someone got it without using Google, kind of spoils the fun really.
  6. My oppinion on God is that you can never prove or disprove his existance. You can't prove he doesn't exist because it's impossible to prove that something doesn't exist (you might just not have found it yet), and people who do believe in God don't want to prove his existance. You get into heaven based on faith, if you prove God exists, it's no longer faith. That's just for Christianity, but I'm sure a lot of religions are based on faith and would be "ruined" if they no longer became about faith. Anyway, isn't this the sexuallity thread? I'm here, in not queer, but I support the homosexual lifestyle, get used to it. That is all.
  7. As the killer removed her blindfold, she realised it was stockholm syndrome at first sight.
  8. I know! But alas, I used my mad Google skills to find the answer instead of knowledge. So I shall refrain from posting the answer. I am a dirty cheater...
  9. Watership Down I liked it. Proper old skool animation that actually looks like it was painted by an artist instead of an animator. Plus the story was pretty heavy for a kids film. 8/10
  10. "Oh Jesus! How the hell did you manage to get skid marks in the front?!"
  11. Is the first game your referring to Miner 2049er? I don't know what the sequel is though. Manic Miner?
  12. I think the main reason I don't like it that much is because it feels kind of lazy on my part. All I had to do was photoshop the black out of the photo and slap it on RedBubble. I made it when I was new to the site so I'll always consider it my "early, amatuerish days", not that I'm pro yet
  13. This one Not one of my favourites to be honest, but meh, it's a sale! At least it was one of the shirts that was entirely my own stuff. It was taken from an old photo I took, not much photoshop needed either. Same as the heart one.
  14. I figured it might take a while due to printing. It's good to know the material is quite thick, I don't like shirts that feel thin. I always wonder if people can see through them! And I just sold my first shirt on RedBubble! Wahoo! People have probably sold loads, but I don't care, 1 whole shirt for me!
  15. I don't think I'd go that big, just about big enough that you could see through it I guess. Maybe the width of a pencil. I dunno, haven't put much thought into it to be honest. I think I just want another piercing but a tunnel is the only one that even remotely appeals to me. That or a lip ring, but I already had one of those but took it out since it didn't go with my labret IMO
  16. Me neither, but only because no one ever sees my ears anyway. That's the main reason I haven't started on a tunnel yet. That and the fact that it's not like you can take a tunnel out and have a normal looking ear for interviews and stuff.
  17. Where did all the posts go? Well anyway, yeah, my scaffold was a real pain in the arse. I had heard that they can take up to a year to heal, but mine took about 3 years to heal properly. It used to heal up all fine, then go a bit funny and it had to start all over again. I'm fairly certain it's fine now though. It hasn't played up for a long time now. I think having hair that covers it could be a big cause of it. I went to the barbers once and they said that even if you wash your hair normally and have clean looking hair, it's still quite dirty in terms of natural grease and stuff.
  18. That's exactly why I don't really listen to new music on the internet. I don't really go out of my way to listen to it. That's why I prefer radio or TV, it picks the set list for you and it doesn't require much effort on my part. Not bad. My only complaint is that the singing is a bit repetitive. Not the lyrics, but the rythm/tune of it. Not the type of music I'd listen to over and over again, but pretty good none the less.
  19. Yeah, but I need stuff I can put on in the background otherwise I don't really listen to much. I only have a laptop and my speakers are terrible so it's not like I can put that on whilst I do something else. Radio would be pretty much perfect. Not my cup of tea to be honest. I think it's ok, but it's not really my type of song. I tend to prefer harder rock. I'm a proper greabo/emo/goth/whatever. Or at least that's probably what the unwashed masses probably think . Although I've been told I fit the "skater" lifestyle quite well, despite the fact that I can't skate for shit. I'm quite odd with music, I like most genres but I don't know why I like half of the music I do. And sometimes I like one song, but dislike another song that has all the same things as the one I like. That video is a good example. It probably has a lot of things that I said I've liked in this thread, but for some reason I only consider it "meh".
  20. Has anyone ordered any shirts from RedBubble yet? What's the quality like? And new half arsed design. I may add some more to it at a later date. I prefer using my own photos for my designs, but It's not like I could just ring her up and ask her to come round. And anyway, the thought of doing a photoshoot like that just seems seedy. At least I used my own photo of flowers for it I guess.
  21. Yeah, I feel the same about all the songs on the list. Apart from Lostprophets and The Ataris, they were more of a personal choice. The list wasn't in any order, but I would consider "What a wonderful world" to be number 1 on it. I don't think I could do a 2009 list. I can't remember the last song I listened to that was released this year. I don't really listen to new music that much. I don't have sky so the only method of hearing music is the radio. I need to get a DAB radio so I can get some more rock based options.
  22. I was thinking today of what I would consider to be the best 10 songs ever.
  23. I've been proper productive and everything. I washed one of the cars today. Look how shiny it is! Oooh! Aaaah!
  24. Yay! I'm helping! Can you feel the love?
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