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Everything posted by Goafer

  1. I think the confusion comes from the difference between strangulation and asphyxiation. There probably weren't any signs of strangulation, as the weight pinning him down was what prevented him from breathing, not strangulation in the technical sense. Unfortunately, people looking for any excuse not to blame the officer will see that as evidence that he didn't cause the death. Again, semantics really. Even if you believe they didn't cause George's death (which is a fucking stupid view in itself), there is absolutely no excuse for treating him the way they did. And I can't agree with additional training. This was caused by hatred and spite. No training can cure that. They should never have been allowed to become officers. Whilst I'm sure there are good police officers, any system that allows this and the events that have happened since is completely broken.
  2. There's a video somewhere that shows the event from multiple angles and has a running commentary with additional info. It seems to be pretty accurate and unbiased (slightly biased against the officer if anything). It mentions that the ambulance crew said he the ultimate cause of death was cardiac arrest in the ambulance. I'll see if I can find a link. Again, semantics really. Any fool can figure out that there was no need to drag him out of the car again and that then knee in his neck was what lead to his death, either directly or indirectly. It's just awful that people will try to use anything they can to wiggle out of responsibility. Edit: found the link. It's not an easy watch, but it's a good account of what happened.
  3. I heard that one of the accessibility modes removes all that pesky "woke agenda" content so that all the Twitter neckbeards can play it without getting their masculinity in a twist.
  4. Not that I want to defend the guy at all, but I imagine it could be said that if George Floyd could still speak, then it was reasonable to assume he could actually breathe. He also died of cardiac arrest in the ambulance, not on the street. Obviously as a result of what happened, but I imagine the courts will take that into account. The guy's still an absolutely vile human being, but I imagine that'll be part of his defence and as judges have to act on facts and evidence, not anger, they'll have to take it into account. Whether they chose to believe it is up to them. Although like I said, it's still a horrible way to treat a human being, regardless of circumstance. Once he was in the cop car, it was done. Everything else after that was spite and hatred.
  5. He's also been charged with third degree murder and second degree manslaughter.
  6. I could rant and get angry until the day I die, but I'll just quote my recent Facebook post, as it pretty much sums up my views on it: Maybe, just MAYBE George Floyd's death was as a result of poor health. But after complaining that he was struggling to breathe, he was thrown into a cop car, dragged out again (for no clear reason) and then pinned down with a knee on his neck for 8 minutes, with the knee only being removed after he was unresponsive and a medic instructed the officer to do so. At no point did he show any signs of violence or present any threat to the officers. The cause of death and any other factors that people will conjure up are irrelevant. This is not how you treat a human being.
  7. I took the same route that I normally take in the car and I discovered that there really isn't much shade on that route. Ended up having a break in a church doorway as there was a nice place to sit and it was nice and cool. Beyond that, I got to play the game of "Am I rested enough to get to the next shade-giving tree?". The thing I really like about cycling is that just the act of moving is enough to create a cooling breeze. Probably still get sunburnt to fuck eventually, but at least I don't overheat too badly.
  8. Seeing as it's the weekend and I had nothing much that needing doing, I thought I'd up my game and go on a longer bike ride. Ended up doing 14 miles to my nearest town. I think that may have been pushing it a bit, as I was pretty knackered on the way back and had to stop a few times. Could be to do with the heat too, as it's bloody hot today. Either way, I managed it.
  9. I've finally figured out why I love Iceland's Eurovision entry so much; it sounds like a cross between the music from Outrun and the Sonic series with lyrics over the top.
  10. Haven't cycled in just short of a week, so decided to go a bit further today. 10 miles instead of my usual 6. Managed to do it in about an hour, with 2 very short rests towards the end. I've also started drinking 2 meal replacement shakes a day (breakfast and lunch usually) to try and eat less. It's weird, they really don't seem like enough to replace a meal, but they do fill me up and I don't feel hungry at all until the next meal time. I've not noticed any weakness whilst cycling, so I'm guessing I'm not missing out on anything either. Edit: just weighed myself and I've lost half a stone. Noice.
  11. Well I for one am shocked that GT7 exists and could not possibly have predicted that a game that already has 6 main titles in the series would receive a 7th had they not posted that image. A truly revolutionary leak. I'm taking the rest of the day off to recover.
  12. The Tory government still trying to keep up the "Good ol' British buffoonery" image that Boris loves so much:
  13. Pretty ironic that if you switch the companies around, you have your general outlook. Remember: When Sony does something bad, it's awful. When Nintendo does, it's internet hyperbole.
  14. I'm quite amazed by how quickly my fitness has come back after not cycling for about 8 years. I've only been cycling for about a week, but I've gone from getting exhausted within about 10-15 minutes, to being able to go for the best part of an hour. Today I even managed to sprint (by my standards) a large portion of the return journey. Slight uphill sections were also draining to begin with, but I barely notice them now. Steeper hills are still a bit of a pain, but I put that down to me weighing about 6 or 7 stone more than when I cycled before. I've settled on a route for now, which is about 6.5 miles. I used to do 10, but the roads round here are a bit thinner, so finding a good route is a bit harder. I'm aiming to do this route every other day, as I found daily riding wore my knees out. That said, if I feel like doing it consecutive days, I probably will. Now that I've settled on this route, I'm trying to improve a little bit every day. A rough diary: First attempt: Multiple stops for a rest both on the way there and the return journey. Second attempt: No stops on the way there. Rest on a bench at my destination. No stops, but I did walk a bit on the return journey to have a break and look at the scenery. Third Attempt (today): No stops on the way there. Rest on the bench at the destination (I didn't really need it, but it's a natural break as it's where I turn around) and no stops on the way back, with a decent sprint most of the way back. And have a picture of a different route I did before settling on my current one, just because it's pretty.
  15. For anyone wanting to learn British Sign Language, they're doing a "Pay what you can" offer at the moment. It's normally £25, so not exactly expensive to begin with, but might be of use to some. https://www.british-sign.co.uk/shop/product/introducing-british-sign-language-enrolment-2020/
  16. Got ol' Trusty Rusty out of storage and went for a cycle. Some of the muscle memory is there, but I'm no where near as good as I used to be. In my prime, I could cycle a 50 mile/4-5 hour route no problem. Now I can barely make it to the nearest village. I'm hoping I'll get back to my previous levels quicker than it took me to get there originally. I've still got a decent amount of muscle in my legs, I just have a lot of extra weight on other parts! And I had to snap a photo, because I'm actually a child:
  17. I hate you all. (I may but it once I'm done with FF7)
  18. "Hey Sephiross, I heard Aerith ate your sandwich."
  19. Fairly sure I'm coming to the end now. I'm basically at the point where the game tells you that there's no turning back after the next main story marker. There's one thing that I think they could have made clearer and something I think everyone at chapter 14 should know:
  20. All I've seen is people analysing the actual data and being excited about the potential for decreased load times. Guess our own little echo chambers don't align on this one.
  21. The more I see it, the more I like it. Looks really modern, but it'll all come down to how the buttons feel. They look a little "clicky" at the moment, with very little movement. Hopefully they'll be just as good as the DS4 ones though.
  22. So no one is going to acknowledge that it looks like something from Mass Effect, making it cool by default*? Ok then. *Andromeda doesn't exist. Shut up, that's why.
  23. Probably shake my fist at the sky (during my government dictated 1 hour exercise session of course), curse China and then remain indoors. Most of my local Facebook groups have turned into witch hunts. Kicked off in my village one when a person who had been doing their exercise in a dinosaur costume to entertain local kids had the audacity to sit on the local playset for a photo. Sure, they probably shouldn't have, but I could practically hear people in the village giving the ol' lynching rope a few test tugs. Remember, we're all in this together, unless you're assumed to be doing something non-essential, then you'll be lynched like the plague rat you are.
  24. We're quite fortunate, as we have this within walking distance of our house, which we've been using as our daily exercise. It's about 20 minutes each way, which leaves us 20 minutes to have a walk around. Normally the place is really busy, but we pretty much have the place to ourselves now that people aren't allowed to drive places.
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