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Everything posted by Goafer

  1. I'd have to disagree with this. The side quests feel a lot like filler to me. It almost switched to a single player MMORPG for a moment, with a "go here, kill X" vibe. That said, the game is indeed incredible. The side quests have been my only non-positive experience so far and the story mission, characters, graphics, music and everything else have been superb. Probably one of my favourite games of the generation so far.
  2. I also wondered if the issues were due to there being no patch yet. Fortunately nothing I've seen has ruined it for me yet, so it's still an absolutely brilliant game so far.
  3. I've just got back to the bar and whilst the game is pretty amazing overall, I have noticed a few rough edges. Nothing too bad and I think the fact that the rest of the game is so stunning makes them stand out a bit more than usual. The main thing I noticed was just after you meet Tifa. She takes you somewhere and her character model, whilst still looking good, looked slightly worse than all the others, plus her lip syncing was terrible. Her footsteps also were not synced with the ground properly. Only slightly off, but enough that it just didn't look right and made it seem like she was sliding a bit. Then, when we got to where we were going, the doors had very low resolution textures. They weren't exactly supposed to be high detail, but they did look a bit odd. Again, minor niggles really, but with the rest of the game looking incredible, they did stand out more than they would in most games. Overall though it's been amazing so far. I could never really get too far into the original, so I'm hoping I'll finally be able to finish FF7, albeit in a different way than I planned.
  4. The other side of the cover came so close, yet just missed. Is it so much to ask to make the logo a bit bigger and centre it? Would have looked much better.
  5. My copy just showed up as well. Good times.
  6. I don't know either, but she definitely took advantage of whatever happened and essentially stole all his money from whoever was supposed to inherit it. Also, that image is the perfect summary of the show. My personal favourite images to come from the whole thing:
  7. Anyone watched The Platform yet? It's a fairly simple film, but pretty interesting, especially with the recent/current panic buying that's going on. It centres around a sort of prison, where there are lots of rooms on top of each other, with a platform that works its way down with food on every day. The people at the top get first pick, then the next floor and so on. There's enough food for every level, but naturally the ones at the top eat lots and the lower levels go without. Every month, the prisoners are reassigned floors and the process begins again. It gets pretty interesting, exploring the motivations of people, which basically boils down to "I was on the lower floor before, now it's my turn to eat lots" or "If I don't eat lots now, I might end up on a lower floor next time and starve" (sound familiar?). The trailer is dubbed, but the original Spanish soundtrack is available with subtitles for those that want it.
  8. Its so good. And it just keeps getting better (and weirder)! I think it speaks volumes when something like this is said and I barely even acknowledge it anymore:
  9. Anyone watched Tiger King yet? It's batshit insane. Just when I think they've introduced a decent person, it's revealed that they're the leader of a sex cult or something. Utterly mental stuff. Oh, this guy's straight? Not any more he's not. Bam, he's now Joe's second husband. Here's their awkward 3 way wedding.
  10. Some of our staff have been furloughed. Mainly the ones who deliver training courses in person and can't do much remotely as far as I know. As my job was remote anyway, I doubt that I'll have to. I could afford to if needed though, so not a huge issue either way. Our company seem to have done a good job of switching to remote working. We're a training provider, delivering apprenticeships and traineeships, so all our tutors have just been having remote meetings with the students, rather than face to face. Seems to be working well so far and the employers seem pretty grateful for something for their staff to actually do. We also do a lot of training within the care and retail sector, so although we can't meet the staff face to face, we can still offer training and apprentice recruitment when they're presumably struggling and desperate for staff.
  11. He's one of those celebrities that has kind of done everything and knows everyone in the industry, but hasn't really made it big in anything. You'll probably have seen/heard him in something at some point.
  12. My Brother, My Brother and Me - A comedy advice show where they take Yahoo! Answers questions and answer them. It's probably my favourite podcast and reminds me a bit of MDWaP, in that a lot of time is just spent laughing at ridiculous situations, albeit not as sexual as MDWaP. They've just hit 500 episodes, so there's plenty to listen to if you end up liking it. The Adventure Zone - The same people as MBMBaM (plus their dad), but they're playing D&D. Same sort of humour, but with the structure of a story/campaign. Pretty funny at times, but gets surprisingly serious/emotional at times, especially as they get more comfortable with D&D. FRUK Unwrapped - @ReZourceman would probably not forgive me if I didn't plug this one. I thought it would be weird listening to a friend doing a podcast, especially as food isn't really a topic I'd be interested in listening to, but the 3 hosts (ReZ, Nate and Stuart) are bloody gold at times. Like, I've been in tears of laughter listening to it on multiple occasions. Plus, I've been on it (Episode 44 for those interested), so I'd say that was a huge bonus. The Adam Buxton Podcast - It's basically just Adam Buxton chatting to his celebrity mates (such as Louis Theroux, Simon Pegg, Billy Connolly, Chris Morris etc), so will hinge on if you like Adam Buxton or not really. Although I wouldn't say it was a comedy podcast, it's a good mixture of humour and interesting topics. I tend to give it a listen every time there's a guest I'm interested in and skip the rest. As for me, I've got quite the backlog of games to play. Currently FF8 Remaster, Division 2, Shadow of Mordor and Dragon's Dogma, plus FF7 Remake when it comes out/if it gets delivered. I've also taken up D&D, so I've got a Skype session of that planned for early April. The dog also helps keep me sane, as he needs walking twice a day. I try to limit it to the space out the back of our house, but if I feel like a bit of a longer walk, I'll take him to the park (avoiding other people, obviously). I'm trying to think if I could take my drone with me, but I'm fairly sure that's against the rules. Unfortunately, my house is too close to the neighbours to take off from within my property and I think hanging around outside whilst flying it would be a bit of a stretch to class it as my daily exercise. In terms of keeping my distance from people, I would have no problem as the area round my house is basically empty countryside. When I walk the dog, I almost never see anyone else, but the rules are the rules I suppose.
  13. One thing I'm a bit unclear on is what counts as medical supplies? I've had some contact lenses delivered to my parents. Can I go get them? I could argue that I can't see very well without them, but are they essential? I could get by without them, but my quality of life would be severely reduced. I definitely couldn't drive.
  14. Interesting fact I just looked up: When Italy introduced a country-wide lockdown, their death toll was 463 and their total cases were 9,172. The UK's current death toll (on the day of our lockdown) is 336 and our total cases are 6,650. Although the UK is much later in terms of calendar date, we're actually ahead of Italy in terms of virus progression. Hopefully that proves to be beneficial. Obviously this isn't a criticism of Italy, as they had less time to prepare and we've had the advantage of being able to learn from other coutries' actions. It's mean more as a piece of good news with regards to the potential outcome for the UK.
  15. I can imagine that would cause queues/gatherings at the entrance. Better to have people trying to keep their distance inside than bunching up outside I guess. The only alternative would be sending people all the way back home, but then people wouldn't know when was a good time to come back so would presumably have to make more trips than necessary, especially if they had to check back multiple times.
  16. That's fair enough. I personally have bought an extra bag of dog food as the shelves have been barren the last few times I've been and we bought toilet roll slightly earlier than usual, but only bought a single 4 pack, rather than the 2 pack limit. Other than that, we've just done our usual shop, making substitutions where necessary due to shortages.
  17. Everyone? That's a hell of an assumption to make. I assume you're done the appropriate research to back that up. I've not seen any mad scenes at my local supermarkets, but maybe I'm mistaken. Sure, the shelves are pretty bare in places, but based on the photos I've seen of other countries (from people who actually live there btw), this is a worldwide problem. No, you haven't bought a month's supply of food, but you've still stocked up more than you usually would. Again, obviously not as bad as some, but you've still contributed to shortages, albeit on a smaller scale. I'm really not judging. I'm just using your actions to try and explain how these other people are feeling, but to a more extreme extent.
  18. Like Germany's Corona parties? Like the people still going to spring break? I'm willing to bet that every country has had, and will continue to have its own issues. Out of curiosity, can anyone here honestly say they've not bought something just in case you can't get it next time? Sure, buying an extra bag of dog food is different from 20 bottles of Pepsi, but it's still the same mentality and it all contributes to the shortages. That extra bag of dog food is one less for everyone else and is prioritising your future need over someone else's current need.
  19. Or maybe, people are just scared. No one is enduring that sort of crowding to buy a Snickers and a Fanta. They're there to get something that they think they need. With all the panic and fear that's being served up on social media and in the news, is there any wonder some people are panicking? Panic buying stops when the panic stops, not because someone has called them idiots. It's not the mass panic that bothers me, it's the self-righteousness and judgement coming from everywhere when they don't know the circumstances. A prime example is that I went to Halfords to buy a car bulb yesterday. It was a side bulb, so wasn't safety related at all. Now to the common observer, that's a pretty non-essential item and would be judged quite harshly. But I have an MOT tomorrow. No bulb=No pass. No pass=no car. No car=me not able to take food to my parents and nan (and possibly a fine for having a non-MOTed car parked on the road). Admittedly, I'm lucky enough to have access to another car, so it's not quite as essential as that, but it's still a prime example of how something that may at first appear trivial is in fact quite important in the right circumstances.
  20. I wouldn't say it was overly long, but not super short either. I haven't played it in a while, but I'd say maybe 6-8 hours or so. I think you'll know in an hour or two if you want to carry on though if you wanted to give it a try.
  21. I work from home anyway, so not a lot has changed. The only difference now is that all meetings need to be remote and we're essentially banished from head office. Not sure what the office staff are doing, but I think most have been sent home and a few are going in in shifts to keep an eye on the office. As our business relies a lot on remote working, we're pretty well prepared for the changes.
  22. Has their actually been any evidence of this, or has their been one incidence and the news has sensationalised it as usual?
  23. Good timing on the thread bump, as I've just started watching season 1. Never watched it before, but I've always had a background interest in it. I've watched 5 episodes so far and I'm quite enjoying it. I think it requires some suspension of disbelief, but overall I think it's a pretty interesting concept. It's actually got me thinking about how games are getting more and more AI based and the ethics of it all. Obviously there's a huge chasm between current gen games and Westworld, but still, it's an interesting topic.
  24. But surely you don't need 1 months worth of milk either? I'm not meaning to have a go, but surely you can see where they're coming from when they're just doing what you're doing?
  25. You do realise that this is why there's shortages right? It's not just people clearing shelves in a blind panic, it's the "Just in case" buying that's just as harmful. I've bought what I need. No more, no less. If something's sold out, I'll get something else. I'm vegetarian, but If I have to, I'll eat meat. Fortunately, meat free stuff is pretty much immune from panic buying where I am. It was funny to see the meat aisle empty, but the meat free section fuller than I've never seen it.
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