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Everything posted by GothicPlague

  1. From that list I only went to see Pendulum and they were great.
  2. It just keeps getting better and better.
  3. Over the past few days I've bought these: plus some other clothing items.
  4. Nah black camp is where it's at. I saw another guy dressed as a bee but he was nowhere near as sunbunrt as me plus his actually fit him. Also another picture, this time of my friend next to the Enter Shikari poster we tore down:
  5. So just got back from download and here is me dressed as a bee(with a T-shirt on underneath that as I learnt from Saturday was a good idea): This is what happens to your body without a t-shirt underneath, notice the strap lines:
  6. Wrong Etienne Esajas is. God I miss Brunt
  7. Where does it say they're charging for it other than it being for gold members?
  8. Haha that video is hilarious at 32 seconds when the woman gets sent flying.
  9. OMG now you've pointed it out what the fuck have they done to that font? Although the numbers aren't in the right positions so hopefully it'll change
  10. What? Lost is fantastic.
  11. So from my one listen to the Passion Pit album the one stand out track for me was The Reeling which I do quite love. Perhaps when I give them a better listen some more tracks will catch my attention.
  12. The frame rate is what made this a day 1 purchase for me of course the online multiplayer just makes it even more needed.
  13. Got it last week or a couple of weeks ago not listened to it much but it's a pretty good album and better than Empire. Underdog is the first track on the album also used in the Sony Kaka adverts Audio
  14. http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=16798&page=47&highlight=halo Wasn't hard to find at all if you press the search button and search thread titles. Also why 360 in the title I think we all know it's a 360 game?
  15. So to bump an old topic Download is coming up some and I just found out today that I am in fact going. Kinda excited since I've never been to a festival before although I have 1 slight concern which is I would only want to see about 4 bands. Anyone else going? Anybody been before? Anyone suggest some bands that are playing that I should check out when I go?
  16. 10 songs from 8862? The Number Twelve Looks Like You - Jay Walking Backwards Muse - Citizen Erased Robots In Disguise - The Tears Los Campesinos! - You! Me! Dancing! Thursday - Understanding In A Car Crash Girls Aloud - Biology Fugazi - Waiting Room M.I.A. - Paper Planes Regina Spektor - Chemo Limo Justice - DVNO I like to think I have a varied music taste and there should be something for everyone in there. Also I'm currently checking out Passion Pit
  17. I thought that the moment I saw that screen glad I'm not the only one. Farsight + decent framerate = best (and probably worst considering I'll die so much) thing ever. This still has bots in it right?
  18. Me getting drunk and messing up my hair:
  19. They be here. Make the room man. On the other hand it's been 6 minutes since i posted that and i'm now very tireed.
  20. Can I suggest one album that you should listen to from this year. Grammatics self titled it is IMO a fantastic album and one you'll probably hear very little about although it has got some brilliant reviews.
  21. Have I ever told you I love you
  22. Well you're not the only one who thinks that. This is a must have for me.
  23. Yes finally page 144 is page 144
  24. Just purchased this nice t-shirt for £12 but stupidly forgot to change the delivery address on Paypal. Looks like I'll have to take a trip to Leeds sometime soon. I know, I just don't put much trust in my mum to get them (I'm such a brilliant son) and thanks I hope I get them too.
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